Delusions of Leo

Evan was sitting dazed in her room.

"Have you already done it?"

"What made you think that I will share my and my fiance's personal life with you?" the words echoed in her brain like an alarm bell. She was not able to get rid of the sound no matter what!

She slumped on her bed and closed her eyes, "no! It was all because he wanted to get rid of Aurora and wanted to teach a lesson to his aunt too!" she muttered but still she was not able to control the funny feeling in her body.

She could feel her erratic heartbeat and his regal face was flashing in front of her eyes like crazies!

She sat up in an instant when she felt herself swooning over his figure. Was the antidote not effective? Leo had promised that she would be normal once she would wake up then was it that she was still feeling his smell on her body and he was still teasing her with that devilish smile of his?