[Bonus chapter]

"Wait! What are you doing?"

Evan gritted her teeth when she realized that she could still see him. She had thought that she would not see him if she would take a cold bath, but he was still there. She needed to go and see the physician urgently before she turned completely crazy.


She opened the closet with all the frustration she had and its door hit the wall and jerked to their original place. 

Taking out the dress she was about to let go of her towel when she heard a frosty but panicked voice behind her.

"What are you doing?" she blinked and turned only to find him still standing there. No! He was taking cold steps towards her now.

She blinked again to get rid of the delusion. And then sneezed.

"Achhoo!!" but his frosty aura only increased with time as he kept looking at her as if she had gone crazy.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked with a glum look when she did not reply to him the first time.