Abandoning his wife

After all, the girl had come with their master and she would be their mistress later. He could not afford to offend her when he was just a small knight.

"There is nothing like that, my lady. I just bought a letter from the house of Grasitias. Lady Olivia is coming to meet his highness."

"........" she had heard once that enemies meet at the narrow road! Was this true in her case too? From Olivia to Aurora, the man was always surrounded by beautiful but vile women. 

She pity the woman who was really going to marry him! Being handsome was a problem too! His face was enough to create havoc in the noble society!

Leo's eyes turned cold as he read the paper and then a cold and merciless smirk formed on his face like a beast who was going to kill his enemy and shred him into pieces.

"Since she wants to help the knights and support the weaker section of the society then we should welcome her.