The Discrimination

When they all looked at Evan roaming alone in the hallway, they all felt sympathy for the poor soul and felt anger towards their master who had always been cold but respectful towards them. Who would have thought that he would treat his future wife with such negligence.

When she arrived at the training ground, there was target practice going on and the place was filled with a lot of knights and all of them were male with only two or three females in between.

She felt a bit awkward while walking there and decided to turn and go somewhere else but when she heard the sound of cheering and shouting, she could not resist the temptation to see what they all were doing.

A few knights who had seen her coming felt sympathy when they looked at her hesitating face.

"Ah, Lady Evangeline. Come here, I have a good seat for you to get the best view!" a knight offered.