One Gone, How Many Left?


"My father. Are you talking about your highness. If so, I did not want to hear it anymore." 

The man panicked when she stood up with a frown on her face.

"No! No, my lady. I am talking about lord Edward. I was in the basement when he was brought there. He is being harshly treated by my lady.

The maids are lying to you and all the orders are given by the young lord. He is still planning to use you by manipulating you, my lady!" her eyes turned colder as the man treated her like a fool!

Did they think she would really lose her sense of judgment if they kept repeating their lies. 

"Why will I believe you then? What if you are one of them!" The man panicked and raised his head to finally look at her when he noticed she was looking at him with a cold gaze while her hands were folded in front of her chest.