A peace treaty?

"My lady, his highness, had asked you not to attend any guests. Staying in the summer palace for next two months is your punishment.'' The maid could not understand what in the world was happening!

Aren't they all alleging that their lady had tried to kidnap Lady Evangeline from her marriage. And it was the very reason that the marriage was postponed.

Then why in the world that Evangeline was coming to visit their lady.

Though others look at Olivia as if she was a villain, they knew that she was a kind woman. 

It is just that she was nurtured as a proud noble and ranks mattered for her. If not, she had helped them whenever they faced any problem. She was worried that she would be scolded again.

The last slap she had received from her father was already enough for them to bear. Her cheek was still red and swollen, yet she was meeting Thawne again.