
"Are you reedy?"

Daemon was standing at the door as he watched his sister struggle to put her backpack and shoes on.

"W-What does is look like idiot?! No, im not ready!"

She hopped over to Daemon, trying to put her shoes on in the process. He kept holding the door for her as she came out into the bright sun. The date was August 6, 2121. Everything was futuristic as we even had flying cars and robots in stores.

Actually, our school rested in the sky. It was controlled by gravity stones which were made By Albert Einstein with his gravity magic.

"Let's go Lily."

Daemon grabbed her hand as she was ready now. They both then walked down the stone path that led to the sidewalk. When they got to the sidewalk, he remembered that he forgot to check the mail yesterday so he reached for the small handle and pulled it down.

He noticed that he had a single letter and pulled it out.

"Is it from mom?! Dad?! Who?!"

"Its from..."

Deamon checked and frowned when he saw who.

"Ms. Silver. Her ass is persistant."

Deamon accidentally cursed while ripping up the mail. Ms. Silver was a woman with silver hair and white eyes. She had ice magic that could probably freeze over hell.

That was an exaggeration, but her ice was no joke. She was Rank S and was highly respected. She donated millions to orphanages and hospitals, things like that.

Anyways, she's been trying to recruit Daemon into her Guild as she is one of the people that knows his true prowess. Daemon however doesn't want to be in some big guild like that where he gets all that attention.

He just wants a normal life with his little sister.

"Oh. Daemon, maybe you should take up her offer. It'll bring in good money and..."

A yellow bus pulled up in front of us, causing her to stop talking.

"I'll...consider it. But right now, we don't need the money, okay?"

He placed his hand on her head and smiled. The bus doors then opened up and Lily walked up first. Deamon followed behind her while holding the straps on his bookbag. Both of their schools didn't require uniforms so they could wear casual clothes.

"Good morning. Are you guys on your way to Magic High? Of course you are, haha! Anyways, please show your I.Ds."

The bus driver spoke to Lily and me. He was a fat man that wore a trucker hat and outfit.


Lily slowly turned around and stared at him.

"What is he talking about?"

Damon smiled and put his hand out.

"Don't worry. I grabbed it for us."

The man then pointed to a tablet-like device and motioned his hand like he wanted me to swipe it. I did, and a small beep went off.

"Okay. You may take your seats. Your the last stop so it should be clear sailing until the school."

Daemon nodded and pushed his dazed sister. The people on the bus were either starring at them, listening to music, or just looking out the window.

Only a few talked to each other.

Lily and Daemon traveled down the Aisle. There was no open seat for them both to sit in so they had to sit by random people.

When they did, the bus driver finally started driving off. Daemon then moved his bookbag to his lap and looked over at his seat buddy.

He was a male with short blond hair and feminine-like features. He had blue eyes and long eyelashes. A small nose with small ears to boot. In each ear, he had earphones plugged in while he looked out the window.

"Hm? Isn't this rapper dead?"

He took the earphone out of his ear and listened. It was Lil uzi vert. The man with the infinity stone in his head.

He went down in history as a famous rapper. His magic was...laughing gas magic? Something like that?

"His music is fire still to this day though..."

Daemon started bopping his head, unaware of the person staring at him. 'Who is this guy? Why did he just take my earphones like that?' He kept starring at the peach-haired boy.

Daemon doesn't have a specific look. To his family, he has white hair and black eyes. To others, his hair might be green and his eyes may be orange.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself."

Daemon took the earphone out and put it back in his.

"You have nice taste in music. Pretty rare nowadays.."

You know when a Youtuber becomes famous and they start dropping music that ends up being horrendous? Well, it's like that with some Hunters. They could be F rank and move up to E rank and still drop music.

"Yeah, Thanks."

The blonded haired boy raised his voice slightly then looked away. After that, they rode in silence, each one of them thinking about the other. The bus soon got on a highway.

They drove for 5 minutes before turning into a right lane that had constructions signs. No one seemed to be fazed by this though besides me and Lily.

The bus kept getting closer and closer to what appeared to be the end of the road. Past the road was nothing but air.

The bus driver then pressed a button and flew off the road. 'Wait. Why am I'm worried? This bus can obvisoly fly if our school is in the sky..'

Wings emerged from the side of the bust and 4 rocket boosters emerged from under the bus and onto the back of it. The bus blasted off into the sky leaving a white trail behind.

There was no force pulling us back into the seats. It was like we were still driving on the roads.

"First time?"

I looked over and saw him starring at me.

"Yeah. I'm new to this school."

"Hm? New? You weren't here last year?"

"Nope. I was homeschooled last year."

"Smh. Lucky. All we did freshmen year was go over the rules and history of the world."

"That doesn't seem too bad."

"Trust me. It is. Thankfully this year, we'll be able to go into dungeons and stuff. Thats what im most excited for."

He didn't sound excited. Just relived.


The two then went back to silence. The bus then flew through clouds, causing some shaking, but it soon stopped after we escaped them. What we saw next was a sea of blue sky. In that blue sky, there sat a large structure.

'So this is our new school?'

The bus flew in the sky and soon arrived at what seemed to be a runway. There were people all over the ground with other busses on the runway too.

"Okay guys..."

The bus driver spoke as we landed on the ground. We then pulled up behind another bus and he opened the door.

"Have a nice day. Don't start any fights."

People started to get up. 'I would like to see one actually. Liven things up.' Deamon got up and put his book bag on.

"Hey. I never got your name."

The short-haired blonde boy got up and smiled. He then scooted past Daemon and walked down the aisle, leaving only me and Lily left. 'That guy is werid.'

"You ready Lily?"

She sat behind me the whole ride. She would sometimes squeal out during the ride and even held onto my shirt from the side, most of the ride.

"Y-Yes! I can do this!"

This school was for all grades. That makes it easier as too many floating objects in the sky could cause problems for air traffic.

Lily then walked down the aisle and Daemon followed behind her. They said goodbye to the bus driver and finally made it off the bus.


Lily stared out in amazement. Daemon was surprised by the school as well. It was nothing more than your average high school, but it amazed them both as this was Lily's future and this was Daemon's first time at a Highschool.

"Your part of the school is over there im pretty sure.."

Daemon pointed to another section that was near the ledge of the island. There was a huge 'Middle School' sign on a long piece of white paper that only enforced his idea.

"This is so cool Daemon! I can't wait!"

She cheered out while running away with her hands out like she was in a certain anime. Daemon smiled at that and started walking himself.

Some people were showing off their powers while others were in their own groups. Daemon then saw the person that he was sitting next to on the bus walking towards a huge sign. On it read, 'Classes".

Classes were divided into 7 ranks. S, A, B, C, D, E, and F. To get into that rank of class, you will have to show that kind of power. What that means is that if you have earth magic, but can't use it that well then you might end up in a low class.

That is not the only factor for choosing your class, however. Magic power is also a factor. If you can't use your magic that good, but your magic power is high, you can expect to be a higher class. I plan on showing F-tier abilities to lay low.

Just then, a huge blimp appeared out of a flash. Everyone looked up as the shadow brought darkness over half the school. 'Something intresting huh?' A chair appeared behind Daemon and he sat down in it.

A loud voice spoke out from the blimp.

A smoke screen went off a bit away from Daemon and 6 shadowy figures appeared. 'Should have known..'







People fanboyed at the 6 S rank hunters. Daemon was slightly surprised to see them too, but his surprise meant went down when he saw a certain person. 'Yep. She would be here. Just my luck.'

"Hello citizens of Magic high! As you all know, I am FIRE KING!!! Nice to meet you all!"

His voice was deep and he always had a smile on. His suit was blueish and black with red veins flowing throughout it. His face was that of a man in his forties even though he was so young.

'How can he go around like that, knowing what he does?'

"Its a pleasure to me you all~My name is Silver Ice. I hope we can get along~"

Her soft and angelic voice that spoke directly to your soul immediately captures the hearts of every male present. Some women too.

"Hello people. Infinity hereeeee. Its lovely to meet you all. Lets have a fun time."

Infinity had white hair and wore some sort of mask that only went over his eyes. His voice was that of playful and he always wore a smile.

'Likes to cosplay huh? Well hes certainly been pulling it off..'

The others said some encouraging words too, with Silver saying..

"Now. Please go to the testing room. You should have gotten your room number on your scedule~.."

After that, they signed a lot of autographs, as nobody was just going to leave like that. The S ranks happily obliged to it and the students soon went into their respected buildings. Daemon was now the only one left outside.

'Maybe I should just walk around. I'll eventually find it anyways..'

Daemon got up and touched the chair. It then disappeared and he started walking away. It wasn't long however until someone stopped him.

"Young Man. YOUNG MAN! What are you still doing here?!"

The flame king appeared in front of Daemon while flexing his muscles. His veins were popping out when he did. 'Poor wife. She really couldn't do anything. Maybe I should just pass judgement over this guy once and for all...'

"I'm going now Mr. Flame Prince."


He screamed at Daemon while grabbing at him almost like he wanted to choke Daemon, but was stopping himself. Daemon then started walking again, making the enraged man even more pissed.

'This damn kid. Maybe a flame would..'

"My~Is that you Daemon? You look as handsome as ever~"

Daemon groaned from hearing the voice as he stopped and looked back. There he saw a dark-skinned woman with silver hair and white eyes. She had perfect proportions and a beautiful face.

"Ms. Silver. Hows your morning? Your looking as flattering as usual."

The woman came up to Daemon with a huge smile. The fire king seeing this go down started to bawl his fist for some reason. 'That kid..hes speaking with Silver so causally?! How?1...'

Sylvia Silver. Age,25. Height, 6'2. Weight, 132lbs. Measurements, B92(H)-W55-H87. Magic, Ice. Sylvia Silver is a dark-skinned woman who has silver hair and white eye and was born from a poor family. Her use in Ice magic however changed that as she quickly worked her way up to the top, earning the title, 'Ice Queen' at the same time. By age 15, she was already the youngest female S rank hunter. By 17, she was able to establish her guild, and that quickly rose to the top 10 guilds in the world. Her personality is that of 'Cold' but she is very nice to civilians. That being said, she still doesn't allow citizens to speak so freely to her. She always likes to have her arms crossed and rest them right under her huge breast.

"Oh, your being considerate huh?~ How 'bout you treat me like you usualy do in pri~vate..."

The other S ranks turned towards the two people. They noticed that one had a disgusted look on their face while the other had a teasing look on their face.

"Oh, really? Alright."

Daemon then placed his hand on her boob. That shocked the others, but they continued to watch.

"Leave my sister and I alone! I've turned you down a million time, meaty. Why do you keep on insisting?! It gets annyoing!"

"oh, yes! I love the way you speak down on me! It excites me so much!"

She had red hearts in her eyes as she looked at the boy who had disgust in his.

""What the hell?""

The S ranks stared with confusion. If anyone were to talk to her like that then they would never see the light of day again. Seeing how that boy was able to talk to her with ease like that, they all had a single question in mind.

'Who is that kid?'

"So? You actually became a teacher here? Did my mom ask you?"

Daemon's mom was a mentor for Sylvia. Even though my mom was a mentor to her, Sylvia treated her like a second mom. So to me, Sylvia would be like a big sister. She also took care of me as a baby as mom and dad weren't around that much.

"No, actually. I was proposed with such an opportunity and I decided to take it. Us meeting like this is a coincidence."

Daemon stared at the woman for a moment then nodded. 'Coincidence huh? You knew I was starting here. That probably influenced you more to want this job.'

"Sylvia. I never got my scedule. Can I ask you to guide me to my testing room?"

Although she was annoying, Daemon still relied on her for some things. Like asking her to send out secret agents to watch over his sister at school. She of course did this for him.

Much to Daemon's surprise though, she didn't ask for anything in return. 'I'll do anything for my little sister' is what she said with a huge smile.

"I knew you would forget something like that, so I asked for yours and..."

Sylvia reached into her breast and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Here. Good Luck~"

She patted Daemon's forehead and walked away. 'Breast of inventory. A skill that only her and other females could master.' Daemon wasn't joking. Women have a gender-only skill that allows them to pull out things from their breasts.

Must be at least a D cup to do it.

Daemon then started walking towards the entrance of the high school.

'I hope I'm not late on my first day in Highschool..' He walked in with a huge smile with the rank S's staring at his back.