
"Silver. How do you know that boy?"

The S ranks were now sitting outside in the courtyard. The Fire King brought up a question that they were all thinking.

"Its Ms. Silver to people like you Charles."

Her words surprised him as she put her hands out. She then made an ice cube and started sucking on it.

"Im sorry Ms. Silver. But my question still stands. Who is that boy? Why are two so close?"

"Hey, Charles. Why are you so intrested? Oh, don't tell me? Your not...your not in love with Silver and your jealous because shes hitting on another man are you?!?!?!?!"

The white-haired man put his hands on his face while looking around in a playful tone. This caused the other 3 to laugh at him with the fiery man becoming more irritated.

"No, infinity. I'm just surprised that she allowed someone to speak to her in such a manner without being frosted. I'm just going to assume hes someone of a high background."

Being frosted means that when a civilian says weird things around her or tries to touch her in odd ways when she's doing meet and greets and stuff, she would freeze their body up until their neck and wait for them to apologize. They would instantly apologize as the frostbite was serious. She hasn't frosted anyone in over two weeks. A new record.

"That boy is my Master's child. I used to babysit him that's all."

The fire king's flames slightly went down. That was noticed by everyone there, but he didn't seem to notice it himself.

"What's his magic? If hes your masters child then it must be something good right?"

Aquatic knight. Or Jermy Fields. Age, 40. Height, 6'1. Weight, 161lbs. Magic, Water Breather. Jermy Fields is a man who was born on an island in the middle of the sea. He has black hair and black eyes. His parents are unidentified, meaning that he was alone on that island. While he was alone on that island, he slipped into the water and floated into the sea where he was claimed to be saved by mermaids who brought him ashore, leaving him in the hands of an orphanage. Like his magic states, he can breathe underwater. That allows him to be someone like Aquaman. He is like Aquaman as he wears an emerald green bodysuit that stops at his neck and a trident to boot. He trained by the sea and didn't become S rank until his 30's. Among the 20 S ranks in America, he is placed at 20 as his strength isn't much, more than a human. His achievements are good enough to place him in S rank though. He's what you would call, 'Hardwork instead of Talent'.

"He has Regeneration Magic. Pretty cool huh?"

"Eh? Regeneration Magic? If you become a hunter then you'll have that too."

A hunter isn't something that any person could become. It puts your life at risk so a person must go through a difficult process to become one.

"Yeah, but can a hunter rip his heart out, throw it into a sea, and by then another heart will already be in place of the old one?"

That shocked them all. Hunters have the basics of regeneration. Meaning if you get wounded by something slightly scratching your skin, it'll regenerate in like 2 hours. That's fast for normal humans but slow for hunters. Waiting two hours for a wound like that to heal in a dungeon is very bad in their eyes.

"That's actually impressive. A-And the goverment hasn't tried experimenting on the boy?"

Dark cloak. Or, Henry clive. Age, 30. Height, 5'11. Weight, 142lbs. Magic, Picture magic. Henry clive was an artist. A dark artist. He grew up in a tower, painting away while he stared out into the ocean. He had short blue hair and tan eyes. His magic allows him to create things from his imagination. His imagination though is that of suicidal thoughts, making his pictures seem like demons and stuff. He sort of got over his suicidal faze when he became an S rank at the age of 28, but not completely. He wore nothing but black and had a massive black cloak around himself like a vampire, giving him the name 'Dark cloak'.

"Smh. Do you know who his parents are? They would never, in a million years, allow the government to take their child."

Phantom. Or Jerome Bush. Age, 30. Height, 6'0. Weight, 154. Magic, Phantom. Jerome Bush is an African American man with a huge figure like Fire King. He grew up being a robber, but when another hunter found him, beat him up, and showed him the way of life, he switched over to a good guy. He became a good guy and went to America along with the hunter. He then rose to be Rank 10 in America. His Phantom magic allows him to have ghost-like powers. That being said, he has a major weakness. Light.

"Well then.."

Infinity said in a quiet voice with a slight sly.

"I can't wait to properly meet him. I feel like we'll be good friends."

He smirked and got up, stretching in the process. Hearing what he said, Sylvia scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Good luck. He hates people with your kind of personality."

"Eh?! But im a fun guy though. How could he?..."

"Good luck is all im saying. Good luck.."

It was now almost time for the teachers to leave and go to the testing areas. They talked a little more before fully leaving.


"You may now begin your test."

Daemon was now in a room with about 29 other people. Before they could start measuring their magic power and prowess in general, they needed to take a writing test to see how much they know about the general knowledge of the world.

The classroom was like that of a college and Daemon sat on the top row, to the left, and by the window. Next to him was his bus buddy. 'Alright.'

{1. Who are you?}


'What in the hell type of test is this?'

Even though Daemon thought that, he still answer the question by saying, 'A human being. Nothing more, and nothing less.'

{2. What kind of Magic do you have?}


Daemon then looked over and saw that his bus buddy was already on the last question which was 200. 'How in the hell? Wait, his magic...what is his magic..'

A slight breeze filled the room, making his bus buddy's paper flip back to the first page. What was on his second question was..'Photographic Memory Magic'.

'Oh, that's cool. Pretty useful actually. If he develops it like the way that I'm thinking that he could, then he could probably copy other people's magic in the future. Also, this must be the same type of test from last year or something and he just putting down the same answers from then. Wait, is he magic really that good? Anyone could have photographic memory. Unless he really could copy abilites then his magic is pretty useless.'

"Wind? You have wind magic?"

He looked at Daemon while taking his earphones out. Not only did he look feminine, but he also sounded it too kind of.

"Nah. I think the wind blew in.."

Daemon put his head back and he saw that the window was slightly open.

"I see..."

He stared at Daemon while slowly putting his earphones back in. 'Man, hes good. With photographic memory, he could remeber anything he sees. He probablys very good at fighting, but that probaly wasn't enough for him, so he probably trains his senses too. But I still didn't do anything to reveal myself. Lucky guess I guess.'

Daemon then continued to answer the questions. Some asked about religion while others asked if you were the strongest person in the world, what would be the first thing you'd do. This test was more of a personal information type test and less of a history test.

"Okay. Please put the test in the provide space below."

On the desks that the students sat at, there was white tap that formed a rectangle. It seemed to be the perfect size for their packet. The students then put the paper in the space and it disappeared, only to appear on the instructor's desk.

"Good. You may now exit and got to the Magic power room."

Everyone got up and started walking away. 'He said it like we all know where it is. Maybe its unuaal to enroll at this school during your second year.' Daemon got up as well and just followed after his bus buddy. After a while, they found themselves in this room. There was a shiny, silver ball on a pedestal in the middle of the room with curtains beside it.

"Why don't you all line up for me. We'll test your magic power and you can go onto the next one."

Infinity walked out from behind the curtain and smiled. The girls in the room squealed out at his presence as he only waved at them. 'He even has his voice. Maybe this is the real guy.' He sounded exactly and looked exactly like that one guy from...Sorcery Fight? It's pretty scary and cool at the same time.

"Just place you hand on the ball like this and plant some magic into it. If you didn't know, the ball will glow a certain color. We will take that color into consideration when we evaluate you."

On the white curtain, a diagram appeared. It showed:


Green=Advanced Beginner.




"Now. Most of you should be atthe novice through Advanced beginner stage. If you're lower than that, meaning if the ball stays silver, then you will be kicked out. That shouldn't happen though."

He sounded cocky now, scarring some children. We all then lined up per his instructions and the testing began. I saw mostly green with a few whites. This school is known for producing high-ranking hunters so seeing white was kind of rare. After a couple of seconds, my bus buddy was next.

"Please. Don't be shy."

Bus buddy stared blankly at the man for a moment, then put his hand onto the ball. After a couple of seconds, the ball grew deep green, shocking students and infinity.

"Oh? Deep green eh? Just a little more practice and you should be able to reach Competence."

The deeper the color, the closer you are to the next level.

"You are free to go to the next testing area."

Bus buddy nodded and began walking away. 'Wait. Don't leave. I need you.'

"Hey. Can you..wait for me?"

Daemon's question made everyone look at him. Bus buddy then turned back and stared. The two had an intense battle with bus buddy eventually losing, bringing a slight smile to his face.


That was all he said before going to the corner of the room, sitting down, and putting his earphones back in. 'Nice..' Daemon then stepped up and infinity stared at him with a huge grin.

"Don't be shy."

Daemon then put his hand on the ball and sighed. 'If this was another world, which it kind of is, then the ball would explode into millions of pieces. Lukily...' After he said that, the ball glowed and everyone stared.


One person sounded out.


Another quietly said.


The room went up in an uproar of laughter. The silver ball only got a glimpse of the white in it, meaning that he was just barely above Novice. Everyone else who got white was at least about to advance to green.

"And he dares to speak with the quite prince like he was on the same level as him?! Hes a fool!"

People laughed and laughed at Daemon. 'Quiet Prince? Whos a prince? I only spoke to my Bus buddy. Surely a prince wouldn't ride the bus to school would he?'

"Nice. I look forward to seeing you again."

Infinity still had a massive smile on his face. 'Silver must've spoke to him about me. Damn it woman..' Daemon then left and went over to his bus buddy who was getting up.

"Hey. I never got your name."

Daemon wanted to find out who he was now. Bus buddy however only stared then pointed to the exit. Daemon could only sigh. 'He talks when it's just us listening. I guess he does suit his title if he is who the crowd claims him to be.'

The two then walked out and waited for them to be in the clear. When they were alone, bus buddy finally told Daemon who he was.