
Kazuma Suzuki. Age, 40. Height, 5''10. Weight, 154lbs. Magic, Limiter Magic. Kazuma Suzuki was born in 2081 on November 2nd. From a young age, Kazuma was always interested in the dungeons. Ever since he learned about their sudden appearance, he became fascinated. While growing up, he was considered to be a guiness. With his limiter magic, Magic that allows him to half anything by placing talisman on it, he rose quickly in the world. He invented many things that developed the future of earth like candles that never ran out. He basically ended world pollution with his invention of 'Disposable'. Since hes able to half anything by half, he was able to place a talisman on a simple net which could cover a great amount of the ocean. Once the net has covered the water, you would only need to press a simple button to get rid of half of it, easily becoming one if the best inventions of the century. Kazuma did more too which led him to having connections with major people around the world, earning him a fearsome backing that no one dares to top.

Lucy suzuki. Age, 39. Height 5'10. Weight, 131lbs. Measurements, you'll never know. Magic, Beauty magic. Lucy Suzuki, much like her husband Kazuma Suzuki, was born in a regular home and interested in dungeons. Ever since she learned about them, all she wanted to do was invest in them. Lucy is a charming woman on her own, but with her magic, shes able to sway anyone. This lead her to becoming a top ranking hunter as even monster would fall in love with her, allowing her to kill them easily. Not known to the public, but she has used her magic to gain connections. She doesn't see a problem with this as she has contributed a lot to society. Shes improved the hunter system. Came up with the ideas of the floating schools. Caught high ranking criminals and so on. She just thinks that this much is fair.

If each parent had one thing in common though, which they do, but this is something that they had in common for 16 years, it's that they neglect the hell out of their children. It's like they were never born in the first place.

"What...are you people doing here?"

Daemon got up and stared at his parents. Noticing his cold tone towards them, the parents sighed.

"I know that this wasn't plan son, but come on. We can't miss our daughters first day can we?"

His father spoke in an apologetic tone.

"Ah, I see. So you can miss 9 years worth of birthdays, but make it to her first day of middle school. That makes sense."

Daemon nodded as the mood changed throughout the entire room.

"Daemon, honey. You know that we would love to be here more, but..we can't. We are important people. You...know that right?"

Daemon shrugged his shoulders as Lily came back over to him. She realized that he was right and was now taking his side. Noticing that, they could only put their heads down.

"Listen guys. I know your busy people, but you can't just show up like this without warning. All I'm saying is that you should have atleast warned us. Your sudden arrival put me on edge."

If Daemon was noticed about their arrival, he would have take his anger out that day. He would be over it by the time they actually got here.

"We're sorry. We just wanted to surprised you both that's all.."

They put their heads back up with a smile. Daemon lightly smiled as well. No matter how much he disliked the way his parents did things, he knew how hard they worked for them. For that, he respects them highly.

"Did you cook son?! Awesome!"

They still remembered the last time they ate here. Even though it was 5 years ago, it left a heavy expression on them.


Lily was no longer frustrated and jumped into her arms. A child who hasn't seen their parents in forever could never stay mad at them. That sort of applied to Daemon too.

"Dad. What's up with the suitcase? Business?"

His mom and dad each brought in white suitcases with dark green lines all over it. There was a huge S for Suzuki on it.

"Well, I heard you'll be going in the dungeon this year. I thought we could.."

He picked the suitcase up and put it on the table. The table had all sorts of different foods, ranging from Greek, Indian, French, English, you name it.

"You didn't.."

"Oh, I did.."

Mom gather around with Lily in her arms as Dad opened the suitcase. A puff of steam then came out and dad sad...

"A suit for the dungeon!"

Inside were black spandex with white veins throughout it. To the side, white armor laid. There was also a sword holster at the top.

"Wow dad. You went all out huh?"

Daemon checked out everything with a smile.

"Well, think of it as a big present for us missing your birthdays and stuff."

He said that like it was going to get a thank you. Daemon then realized that there was another suitcase, meaning...

"You got Lily a suit too?"

Like he was waiting for him to notice, he immediately said..

"Yep! She's gonna go in the Dungeon too since Sylvua chose her as a student!"

Daemon frowned when he heard that. 'Like hell she will. I will not allow her to go in any form of dungeon until shes 16!' Die in a dungeon and its game over. There is no respawn. Well for other people as Daemon is being that is not bound by life or death.

Even though he had God like abilites and could easily bring his sister back to life if she died, he doesn't plan too. As much as it sounds weird, Daemon thinks that when humans die, they should die for good as it's their time.

"Really daddy?! You got me one too?!"

Lily immediately pulled away from mom and opened the suitcase up.

"Yep! Arent I awesome?!"

"You sure are!"

In her suitcase, she had dark blue spandex with pink lines throughout it. She had pink armor to the side with a small sheath that was for daggers at the top.

"No. I won't allow her to go into any dungeon."

Daemon said his peace, causing his parents to sigh. 'I knew it..' Lily stared at her brother with her smile fading away.

"Why Daemon?.."

She said with her voice becoming quieter.

"Because you could get hurt. And I don't want that."

"But...but...but I'm not! Sylvia will be there to help me!"

"What if shes not?"

"She will be!"

"There is no guarantee.."


She started pouting, making a cute but angry face.

"Daemon is stupid and mean! He doesn't think I can take care of myself!"

She pulled a chair back and sat down in it aggressively. She turned towards the t.v and went silent.

"Daemon. Don't you think?.."

"You two have no say in this."

Daemon shut his dad up and sat down.

"Sorry. Do you think it's fine for your 12 year old daughter to go inside of a dungeon? A place of life and death?"

"Well..if Sylvia is there, then there should be no problems."

"Sylvia. Isn't. Invincible. Dad. What do you not get?! She CAN be defeated."


His father sat down in chair beside him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Your worrying too much. Your sister...will be fine. You would he the first person there if she isn't."

His mother then sat down and placed her hand in his head.

"You can do what we can't, and that's protecting your sister. Our daughter. You must know that by now right?"

Daemon went silent, causing his parents to sigh. 'They're...right though..' Daemon placed his hands upon his face. 'You guys are bad parents. I'll be there if something happens..'

Daemon thought long and hard about the situation, and he finally came to a decision.

"Lily. All you have to do is eat 3 plates of food and I'll forget about it okay?"

Daemon couldn't see it, but a small smile was forming on her face.


She turned back to Daemon who smiled.

