

Mom and Dad looked over towards where the door would be if no walls blocked them and stared.

"Are we expecting anyone else to come?"

Lily then got up and ran towards the door.

"Ah, yeah. I..made a friend at school today and invited them over."


They said at the same time.

"You made...a friend?"


Daemon was kind of shocked that his parents had a reaction like this.

"Like a real friend. Not an imaginary one?"

"Yes, like a real friend. One you can touch and feel."

"Baby....that's wonderful! Mommy is so proud of you.."

She gripped his cheeks and pulled on them. 'This is a nice feeling...' Daemon sighed from relief at his mother's touch. 'Its been so long..' Daemons placed his hand on hers and smiled.

"How long..will you guys be staying?.."

Footsteps then entered, making his parents look at who it was. They then saw Lucifer with bags in his hand and earphones in as well. Lily had her armed intertwined with his while smiling.


His father looked at Daemon with a smug expression.

"A girl huh? And a beautiful one at that. I guess taste runs in the family.."

His father patted his head while nodding at Lucifer. He was examining him, making out all his features. 'She seems quiet and dead. A perfect match for Daemon.'

"Lucifer. Glad you could make it."

Daemon got up and went over to him.

"Welcome to my home. Pleade make yourself at comfortable."

He took the bags from his hand, surprising him slightly.


Lucifer took his earphones out then noticed the two adults waving at him from the table. 'His parents? I didn't know...that they were coming too.'

"So your a friend of Daemon eh?"

Lucifer nodded and Lily finally spoke out.

"No, not friends. They are dating!"

Lucifer and Daemon looked at the small girl. 'What...are you doing?' They both thought as they stared at the devilish child.

"Eh?! But...but you guys have only known each other for one day, right?! Isn't that kind!"

"Yeah! I asked I Mother out when we talked for a second time! It's not fair for you to do it in one!"

While his mother was actually surprised, his father was just mad that his son was a better player than he was.

"Uhm...we actually aren't-"

"Come on Lucifer! The food will get cold!"

She dragged him away, stopping him from what he was saying. Daemon kept starring however as his lip slowly curled. 'How long?..'

They all sat down in their arranged seats. Daemon at the head, his mother to his left, his father to his right with his sister next to him and Lucifer on the opposite end.

"Thank you for bringing the drinks Lucifer. I would have bought them on my own, but I'm not really good at picking out the best drinks.."

"Its fine. I..happened to have spare drinks around.."

They both smiled at each other, making his family make Ewhing noises.

"Lucifer. This will be the best food you'll taste in your life. Trust me."

His father spoke to Lucifer while nodding. 'It does look...appealing..' Lucifer stared at all the food on the table. 'How did he cook it and..' He stared at Daemon.

"With that, let's dig in!"

Lily said outloud and everyone listened. They all then dug in and immediately groaned out.

"So good..."

"It melts in my mouth.."

"Better than your food sweety.."

"Yeah, I know.."

His family spoke out, but he was still waiting for a certain person to react. As Lucifer chewed on the food, his face was becoming redder, causing him to put his arm over his face.


Upon hearing those words, Daemon felt like some sort of mission was complete.

"But...somethings bothering me.."

He put his hand down and stared at Daemon.

"Why is your hair white now? Did you bleach it in the past hour?"

Hearing this, everyone sat their forks and knives down in Harmony. They then stared at Lucifer with serious expressions.

"What..did you say sweety?"

Mother asked him with her eyes closed and a forced smile plastered on her face.

"This morning on the bus, his hair was peached color. Now its...white? And his eyes are black too instead of brown."

His family members then looked at Lucifer who put his head down and started eating once again.

"Yeah, I dyed it. Thought I needed a change since my parents were coming to see me."

Only 5 people could see him with white hair and black eyes. The old man, Sylvia, Lily, and his mother and father. The reason for that is because of his trust with them. All his other hair colors meant nothing, but this...this meant something.

"Oh, I see. It..brings out your looks even more. It's cute."

Lucifer slighly laughed and continued eating. His family kept starring at him however as huge grins appeared on their faces.

"We can...tell him right?"

Lily said something that confused Lucifer, but was noted by everyone else.

"What? No. Just because I trust him, that doesn't mean he should know. It's not that easy."

Daemon retaliated back.

"Eh, why not? Shes your girlfriend right? I feel like you should be able to trust her."

"Mom. Hes not a she. Lucifer does look like a woman, but hes actually a guy.."


They both looked at him. Lucifer kept eating however like he didn't hear anything.

"Well...that just makes it better to be honest."

"Hm? What did you say?"

"No, I know it's good for assassins and stuff to be able to do the role of both genders right? Why don't you take him to the old man and have him take a job."


Daemon looked at her while setting his fork down. 'Old man? Assassin? Job? And trust? What are these people talking about?' While Lucifer was confused, they kept talking.

"Your forcing me to tell him mom."

"No I'm not. And besides, I remember you telling Sylvia about it when you trusted her."

"What? She always knew about me."

Daemon then face palmed and looked at his sister. 'You started this all..' She was happily eating while listening in too.

"Uh Daemon. I there's a huge secret in play here. I'm not going to ask what it is, so please don't worry.."

Lucifer slighly smiled at Daemon. Daemon's father was still in shock that this was a young man. 'Well...he could still do it. Not rare these days..'

"No Lucifer. Daemon will tell you. He likes and trusts you.."

"Mom, your even worse than Sylvia."

"Ha. Who'd ya think taught her?"

"If I tell him such a huge secret then it could affect things."

"You and me both know that it won't. You could easily change things if you wanted."

'Shes right. I could make it so the dungeons never even existed..'

"Lucifer. Can you keep a secret?"

Daemon didn't like what he was about to do. He was going to tell someone he just met his biggest secret. It's not like things could go wrong, but if they do, he could just start over from this morning or something like that.

"So your going to tell me your true magic power? That's....nice.."

"Yes, that's true.."

Daemon then got up and coughed. 'Okay Daemon. After this, no one else okay? Hes only getting this treatment because I personally trust him which is quite rare for yourself, no?'

"Regeneration is only a small part of my magic.."

His dad then joined in with his family and started eating.

"I have a weird unique magic called, God Magic."

"Oh. Thats..understandable.."

Lucifer then went back to eating, surprising the hell out of Daemon. 'No reaction?! You could have least looked interested!'

"I'm not saying it gave it away, but your name gave it away."

'My name? Anyone could have this regular name.'

"Good. Now that wasn't so hard.."

Mother sighed out while drinking grape juice from a bottle of wine.

"Lucifer. Do you want to make extra money like Daemon here?"

Lucifer looked up with slight interest.

"Daemon here is a seller of information. Pretty handy when you know everyones true nature."

" information broker? And he does it for money? Can't you make money Daemon?"

"Well yes, but...that's not fun."

"That is true."

"So? Are you interested?"

"Sure. But how can I be an information broker?"

"Oh sweety. With your looks, a spy or assassin will work in your interest. They both pay good."

She then looked at Daemon.

"Is his skill good?"


"Then its settled! Daemon will show you to the old man after this party! He still hiring right?"


Daemon sighed as everything was moving too quickly for him. 'Mom sure does like profit..'

"Lucifer. Please keep my secret. I shouldn't have to ask that of you, but.."

"I understand. You..have my word okay?"

He smiled at Daemon once more. 'Damnit. This feeling..' Daemon held his chest with his other hand shaking.

'What the hell is this? Do not tell me...!'

A bad thought came to Daemons mind. 'No, that can't be. He just has a nice smile and you appreciate that. Maybe you appreciate it too much..'

"Son. I'm proud of you for pulling such a person. You definitely came from my nut sack."

He gave his son a noogie as the others laughed. 'She said something about being an assassin. Can I really do that?' Lucifer wasn't entirely sure about everything, but he still accepted because of one thought.

'It means...that we'll spend more time together.'
