
"Wow. You guys are impressive.."

The white haired man looked around the room. On the right wall, there was a promethean board with a white boards on each side of it. In the middle of the room, there was a square, metal table with 2 chairs with their backs towards the promethean board and 2 chairs facing the promethean board on the other side. On the left wall, there were computers and bookshelves. The rest of the room had simple things like garbage cans or lockers around.

"Its all thanks to Sarah's leadership."

Daemon praised her with Lucifer and Acier nodding. Sarah only shook her head like she was disagreeing.

"We all put in the effort."

"Well no matter who lead or not, you all put in the effort. That's what counts."

He slowly clapped while going next to the promethean board. A promethean board in this era was glass like, much like the tablets.

"And how did you guys get all of this? The buses already left to drop the students off and won't be back for atleast another hour."

Like a tutoring bus basically.

Daemon and Lucifer looked at each other with a smirk. They couldn't say that they jumped off and glided down towards the nearest hardware store could they?

"Sarah helped with that. She used her wind and flew us down."

Daemon winked at her and she winked back. 'Hm...' Lucifer stared at the two out of the corner of his eyes.

"Oh really? Doesn't that take a lot of magic??"

He said in a playful, yet confused tone.

"Since my magic is basic regeneration, I have an absurd amount of magic power. I just gave her some of mine."

To give others your magic, all you would have to do is place some form of body part on the person, and implant your magic into them like you would into weapon.

"Thats...a very hard thing to do. How did you learn that?"

Infinity was getting on his case, causing Daemon to back up slightly. 'Persistant much?..'

"To many questions."

"You feel that pressure huh?"

"Pressure? Nah, your just persistant as hell."

"Haha. Your funny."

He laughed out while walking towards the window. 'Hes a weird one..' We all then sat down and watched him. He seemed to be in thought about something.

"Well, this was all I had planned for today. Guess I should explain in depth why we really chose you all as disciples."

He chuckled while shaking his head. 'Real reason? Is it not for training future hunters?'

"What do you mean."

Sarah asked with her hands rested under her breast. She was just confused as all of us.

"You see..."

He pulld up an extra chair and turned it backwards. He then sat down and rested his arms.

"In 3 years, there will be a massive outbreaks of dungeon monsters across the world."

The room filled with silence as they heard his words. 'What? A massive outbreak? In 3 years?..' The face of Lily came to his mind as he thought.

'Hes...joking right?'

Thought Sarah.

'Outbreak? Those rarely happen though. And how would he even know?'

Thought Lucifer.

'Thats...are crazy thing to say...'

Thought Acier.

"Sensei...what are you talking about?"

Sarah spoke for everyone. Hearing her question, he sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"We have a fortune teller. You know her as 'The Seeker'. As you know, she has a unique magic to see into the future. word that she saw the death and destruction of the human race, via dungeon monsters."

The room went back in silence as we all had our own personal thoughts on the matter. 'The seeker huh? Why didn't she mention this on our play date?'

The seeker is one of the few people who knows about Daemon. And by play date, hes talking about when they met last year. During his year off, he met a lot of famous people. Nobody but him and the people he met knows about their meeting.

'I...can't believe something like that is going to happen..' Lucifer was starring at the metal table in thought. The Seeker was someone who was never wrong. Their power has been passed down through generations and generations, ever since the first dungeon appeared.

'The Seeker? Since this news has been made 'Public', it must be bad..' Sarah stared at her sensei. They only announce the important things to people.

'I'm...afraid..' Acier was shaking. The last time they predicted something, 10,000 people died. Among those 10,000 people, her grandma was among them. While she is usually hard headed, Acier knows when to be afraid.

"So that's why..."

Sarah spoke, grabbing their attention.

"So that's why you chose us? You want to train us and mold us into some sort of soldiers to fight off what's going to happen in 3 years?"

He nodded slowly.

"When you get home, you should see that some other S ranks have chosen disciples. At our school, we have 19 people who became disciples. There will be 200 people by tomorrow. That..should be enough."

Sarah placed her hands on her head while sighing. They all did and went even deeper into thought.

"After we all explain this, we can give you the right to refuse and back away from this. Just say the word and we'll accept."

He then looked at Acier who had her head down.

"Will you stay to fight for your world?"

She heard his voice being directed at her and flinched. They all then looked at her and waited. 'I know my answer..' Daemon knew what he was going to do.

"You said we can decline right?"

She slowly sat up.

"Yes. You have every right to refuse this."

We all stared at her as she whipped away her tears. 'I..want to do this for grandma..' Acier thought back to her grandmother's last words as she was on her deathbed at a hospital.

"My dear, strong for your granny okay? Don't be afraid to back down from things. You...have a tendency to fight those who are stronger.."

Those words stick with her to this day.

"Sense. I..want to stay. I want to stay because if I can save people from the pain of losing a loved one, then...I'll do it."

She made a resolute expression, surprising everyone, especially Sarah. 'I've...never seen her this serious before.'

"Thank you...for complying to such an abusrb request..."

She nodded and he looked at Sarah. Sarah seemed to already have an answer.

"I'll do it."

They were surprised by her quick answer, but she didn't stop there.

"If Acier is going into battle, then that means she'll need back up. I'll provide that for her.."

Aciers face became red at those words, brings a small smile to our faces.


Lucifer jumped slightly from his sudden shift of focus. He calmed himself down however and thought 'I don't seems dangerous. Our lives are at risk here, but..' He looked at Daemon who was smiling at him.

'Knowing him, he would do it for his sister. And if hes doing it then..'

"I' it..."

Infinity heard the hesitance in his voice, but still said words of thanks.

"And Daemon. Wha-"

"I'm doing it."

He cut off Infinity, surprising him. By now, Acier and Sarah knew he had a little sister. Heck, everyone knew who he was and that he had a smaller sister. From that, they could infer that he would surely try to stop those monsters from hurting his sister, who also happened to be chosen.

'I'll do it, but...'

An image of Sylvia came to his mind.

'What the hell was she thinking?!'

He bawled his fist and gritted his teeth. 'Why would she...'

"Good. I will inform my higher ups of all your brave decision."

Infinity then got up and stretched.

"You all are our futures. Now get out of here and enjoy yourself. Training starts tommorow!"

He then disappeared with a huge grin. 'I need to go find her now..' Daemon got up and pushed his chair in.

"Where..are you going?"

Lucifer spoke for them as Daemon drew nearer to the door.

"I'm going.."

He opened the door, making the strings of hair on his face flap.

"To go have a word with someone."
