
"I'll do protect Daemon!"

Lily screamed out at Sylvia with slight tears. She and two other little girls were just told about the events that were going to take place in 3 years. No matter how young they were, the S ranks were to still tell them.

"I'm glad you have that resolve young lady. You'll need that in battle."

Sylvia spoke like a general of sorts. She could never keep her appearance up with Daemon around, but with his little sister, Lily, she could manage.


Lily sat back down in her chair while sighing. 'Daemon and I will be fighting against monsters in 3 years. He...could easily take care of it, but I know he won't. Its bound to happen, so he'll let fate decide the outcome..'

Just then, the door of ice busted open. The 4 women covered their faces from the degree. The dust soon cleared up and they saw a man. He had white hair and black eyes for two people with pink hair and purple eyes to the other people.


The figure started walking. His voice was low, but you could clearly hear it. 'Damn it! I didn't know that he was being told today too!' She cursed infinity in her head as sweat ran down her face.


His sister stared at him as he walked past her. The room was made of ice with ice tables, chairs, curtains, everything but the promethean board.

"Lily. Cover your eyes.."

She was confused. but she still complied. The other two girls forcefully put their hands up and couldn't take them down. There ears folded in on themselves to, taking away their hearing.

"H-Hey you....what's wrong?.."

Sylvia slighly laughed out while baking up. 'Damn it. I already can't-'

"Why would you do this?"

A gush of wind blew behind her as Daemon put his hand up. She was then forced into his hand and they both stood there. Daemon had his hand on her neck while her body was being dragged from the height difference.

"You knew what was going to happen, and yet you still chose my sister?"

The seal on Daemons neck was slowly coming off. That made his grip even tighter on her as she held onto his arms. Ice then started to run up his arms but fell off onto the floor a second later.

"Why the fuck would you do that?! Huh?! You put Lily in danger like this when you know damn well that her life is at risk!"

Sylvia flew out his hand and crashed into the back wall. She kept flying back until she stopped at the edge of the floating island.


Her breath came back and she started panting. 'He...he was going to kill me!' A figure appeared in front of her. Her vision was blurry as she was seeing multiple versions of him going in and out of each other.

"I-Im sorry.."

She put her hand out to stop him while looking away.

"I know...that you won't forgive me, but I had to chose her. Your sister is very adept in magic at her age. Surely you can understand that."

Lily was able to swiftly use her water magic for a 12 year old. She was always at the top of her class in grades and magic. An actual prodigy, just like her Farther and Mother.


She instantly shot her head over and stared. 'No..way...' She saw that he had tears running down his face. She saw his light pink eyes filled sadness and sorrow behind them.

"Please~ Lily means so much to me, and...and...I...can't let you take her away from me like that~ So please...."

He fell back onto his butt and wrapped his arms around his legs.

"Please don't let her do this~..."

Daemon Suzuki. Age, 16. Height, 5'9. Weight, 136lbs. Magic, God Magic. Daemon Suzuki is the son of Kazuma and Lucy Suzuki. He has a little sister named, Lily Suzuki. Daemon has a pretty unstable relationship with his parents. Its not bad, but its not the best. Daemon grew up with him and his sister alone. They did everything together from bathing to even sleeping together. As they grew older, he realized that he'd do anything to protect his sister. He promised himself to always be there and back her up even if he had the whole word against them.


The last time she saw Daemon cry like this was when Lily was born. On that day in the labor room, he shed many tears while holding baby Lily in his embrace.

'I..messed up. I should have never chosen her, purely based on my own greed. Why...would I do such a thing to his sister? The person he loves most in the world?'

Sylvia truly felt bad. As she was, small footsteps sounded out. She slightly looked over and saw Lily running towards them.


Lilu went onto her knees and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Please don't cry! Its okay...I'll be okay.."

She rubbed his head with tears of her own. It was odd seeing her brother cry, especially for her, since hes never cried for anything else before.

"Sylvia gave me the option of backing out and...and I declined it! I wanted to do this to protect you Daemon!"

Daemon slowly put his head up and turned slightly turned back. He saw his sister starring at him with bubble like tears in her eyes. 'Damn it. I..made her cry.'

Daemon rubbed his face and got up. This surprised Lily as she was being picked up too.


Daemon lips curled as he mustered up some words.

"Lily. Your an idiot!"

He playfully hit her head, causing her to groan out from pain.


He then sat her down and kneeled. He placed his hand upon her head and smiled.

"Your my idiot. And don't ever change, okay? If you want to do it for my sake, then do it. Just know that I'll be doing the same."

He was 100% against what his sister did, but lately hes been realizing that his sister's growing up. From the girl that never left his side, to the girl that was willing to put her life on the line for others and fight monsters.


She hugged her brother, slightly surprising him. 'I promise to protect you Lily..' Daemon hugged her back while seeing teachers run out from the commotion.

'Even if the world is against us.'


"Okay guys. For your first lesson, hand-to-hand combat without the use of powers. Who's good at it?"

It was the the next day after school. Acier, Daemon, Lucifer, and Sarah were standing outside in a track and field. They each wore black tracksuits that were sleeveless and had hoods on the back.

The other S ranks were outside training their students as well, but since the field was so big, they all had their own space.

"I can't."

Sarah said while stretching with Acier. They seemed closer now which kind of surprised Daemon.

"Yeah, me neither teach. I never understood the point."

Acier said to infinity. Infinity only nodded and looked at the other two who were sitting down on a bench. They were sharing a phone while scrolling through some app.

"Hey. I thought I said no phones."

Infinity bent down in front of them while touching their screen. The two hit his hand away and got up, making infinity bend back up as well.

He easily towered over them with his long build. 'Hes a stick figure..' He didn't have muscles, but Daemon still knew that in the end, he was amoung the top 5 hunters in America.

"I'm good.."

Lucifer then went into an odd position. 'W-What are you doing in that position?' Lucifer was in the Downward dog position. Well anyone could do it, but that's not what Daemon was surprised about.

It was the fact that he was doing it right in front of him.

"Yeah I can box. Since my magic is only regeneration, I can't do much but learn combat."

Infinity nodded at his words.

"Do you...think you could be me?"

'Do I think I can beat someone who's known for throwing hands?'

"Absolutely. You...aren't on my level infinity."

"Eh? I'm not on YOUR level? Don't you think it's the opposite?"

"What? No. I've never lost."

"That's because you never went against someone as strong as me."

Daemons sighed and reached for some bandages. 'Imma mess you up in front of all these people..' There was a reason that Daemon was acting like this.

One is because he actually wants to see how it's like fighting Infinity and two, because there's someone here with photographic memory who can remember all the moves seen in battle and use it for his own.

"Lucifer. Stop doing your weird stretching and watch."

Lucifer looked back at him, making sweat fling off of his forehead. 'That's not fair...' Daemon looked away while scratching his face. There's only one thing that was keeping Lucifer from being a woman. One, small thing.


He got up and eyed me down. He kept doing this as he sat down. 'N-Not this closely..' Daemon chuckled slightly while slapping his hands together. White power flew up into the air, causing him to smile.

"Alright. Let's go!"

Acier sat down with Sarah and the fight began. Not even 10 seconds later, Daemon was kneeling down in front of infinity.


Hes quick with that infinity he has. Not only does he look like the guy, he has his powers. And apparently he could infinity activate spells under certain conditions.

"Was there any doubt?"

He helped Daemon up, who only snickered at his words. Daemon the looked over to Lucifer who was still eye raping him. 'Maybe I should..'

In the next moment, Infinity kneeled down on one knee, shocking himself. 'Hm?! I didn't even see him move!' He was now looking up at Daemon who had a sly smile on his face.

"Yes. There was no doubt that I would win. You let your guard down infinity. You should know not to do that."

Daemon shrugged while walking away. 'Is this his true speed? Is that what he never showed during the tests?' He looked down at his leg.

Daemon didn't actually kick him, but the force of him stopping right before his leg made him knee.

'I got myself a lucky one.'

Daemon sat down next to Lucifer and crossed his legs. Lucifer stared him down until he sat down and when he did, he blinked. That caused him to shake his head and go back to normal.

"So? What did you see?"

Sarah and Acier knew of his magic, so they decided to listen in as well.

"What I saw was..."

He smirked and closed his eyes with a smile.

"This not coming off."

He flicked his finger at the black cap on Daemon's head, making it fall of to the side. They laughed at that and Daemon slightly laughed as well.

"But in all seriousness, I saw a lot. Like how you jumped back enough to he able to kick him. But you didn't actaully kick him. You just used the wind pressure to kick him back. When you kneeled to infinity, I noticed that you weren't trying, meaning that you were holding back from the start?"

Daemon pondered on his explanation. 'I never held back actually. Well in the sense of me holding back all my power and some techniques to be like a normal person with some skills then yeah. But with the techiques I kept, I never held back. Infiinity is just that strong to not be affected by them.'

"Yep. I sure was.."

Daemon however still agreed to his false claim. Infinity then came up while nodding. He seemed to have found out something in his head.

"Daemon, your good. But I still need to test all of you. So come on!"

The 3 looked at the man then looked back at Daemon who looked away into a whistle. 'Can't help you guys. Sorry.' Daemon wanted to see their skills himself too.

Noticing that he won't help them, they all sighed and got up. Infinity laughed at that and they soon began. This time he held back, making the match longer than ours.

Like Acier and Sarah said, they were novices. Lucifer however was putting up a good fight. Good enough at least.

'When we register our real occupation at an hunters agency, he should stick to assassin.'

Registering to be an Assassin would be the same as applying for a job. Just show the necessary requirements and you get the occupation. There's more to it but that's the basics.

After 10 minutes of testing, Infinity finally put them out of their misery by defeating them with a strike to the neck. He then sat them up next to Daemon on the bench and they soon woke up with slight pains.

"From what I've learned, you can all use improvements.."

He crouched down in front of them like he was some sort of coach lecturing his football team.

"Acier. You don't put enough 'Oomph' into your strikes. Sarah. You don't think about your next course of action after you strike. Lucifer. You can memorize the moves, but you can't put them into play. Daemon. Your having too much fun. Take it serious next time."

'I'm having too much fun? You were laughing during the whole bout.'

The 4 nodded at his words, already thinking about how they can change their mistakes.

"And with that, we'll pick up on monday. For that lesson plan, it will be language's. You'll be fighting with people from across the world in a few years. Months even. Basically, its mandatory."

Hearing those words, they groaned.

"Isn't there tech that helps with that? Your just making things harder on us now."

The all agreed with Acier. Daemon could already speak the languages of everything in the world, but he still found it a hassle that he would have to forcefully learn it with them.

"And what happens if a monster has an ability to disarm technology? It happened before."

'Hes..right. You gotta hate gremlins..'

"Smh. Fine! I still don't agree with this!"

Acier pouted while picking up her bag.

"I'm going to go to the showers! Daemon, follow if you want!"

She said something that made Daemon and Lucifer cock their heads back. She also said something that made Sarah smirk without realizing it.

She then walked away while playing with her nails. Sarah said some words and followed behind her sneakily.

'Back at it again..'

Daemon and Lucifer then got up. It was 5:30 PM on the dot and they were going to head to the mall for shopping.

"I need to take a shower Daemon. Can I?"

'Hm? Why is he asking me for permission?'

Daemon slowly shook his head while in confusion.

"Thanks. I'm sticky in all the wrong places. Aren't you too?"

He picked his workout bag up and stared at Daemon. 'I guess...I should huh? Don't wanna walk around with sweat on me too.'

"Yeah, let's go."

Daemon picked up his bag and they both left, leaving Infinity to stand alone. 'Great. They didn't even say bye to me. No respect....' He sniffled while dropping his head.

'I'll have it one day.'
