
It's been two weeks now since that day. Acier, Daemon, Lucifer, and Sarah continued to train with infinity each day after school. They each have accumulated some fighting experience and even their magic power increased as well.

"Sarah. I'm..sorry for what I said. I know I'm late to apologize with words, but please understand. I didn't mean to cause conflict between you two.."

Right now they, with infinity as well, were in a bus with the other chosen disciples and S ranks. They were all heading to a Hunters Agency so they could register as Hunters and get their careers on.

"Daemon. I forgave you."

They were sitting in the same seat with Daemon at the window seat. Behind them were Lucifer, who was listening to music, and Acier, who was listening in on their conversation.

"T-Thats not enough Sarah. Please yell at me or something. My words influenced Acier to say some harsh words to you..."

Daemon truly felt bad. Acier and Sarah did manage to resolve the conflict but it still felt off to him. The reason he was apologizing two weeks later is because of the fact that hes never really apologized for something.

"Daemon. I'm not going to yell at you. Haven't you've seen that I forgave you? I accepted all the food you gave as an apology and said it was fine.

"Yeah, but-"

"It's...fine. I know you didn't mean too. We were..intruding that day and I guess we went a little far ourselves. In a way, we did this to ourself."

The two stared at each other in silence after she said that. 'Just don't do it again Daemon. You almost ruined a friendship because of your own selfish desire to be alone. What if that happened to you and Lucifer?..'

"Thank you...for your forgiveness Sarah.."

Sarah smiled and nodded.


Daemon smiled and went into his own world. The city of Revolution. The city of Revolution is the most advanced place in America. The buildings were white in color with glowing lights to give it THAT look.

There are cars with inverted wheels, making driving easier and levitation easier. Yes, there are flying and self driving cars here.

With the help of Elon Musk's self driving car technology, and his personality, we have that feature in almost every vehicle.

Robots also worked in some stores. As in, they would help stock food and do janitor work. They weren't capable of human speech and use Command Stones to help keep them in check.

Commands stones are grey stone that are implanted in their head that gives them certain actions that cannot not be overruled by other commanda.

"Brother! I'm so excited!"

His sister sat in front of him. She was peeking over the seat with a huge smile.


She couldn't see his face because of the cap he wore, making her pout. 'Hm..' She reached out and took the cap off of his head. She put it on herself and smiled.

"Hm? Lily? What's wrong?"

His hat that she was wearing was too big for her head as it fell limp over her face, making her blind.

"N-Nothing. I was just happy that's all."

Daemon slightly smiled and took his hat back.

"Lily. Always keep your smile, okay? It brings smiles to everyone else around and that's good."

The laugh of a child is said to be the best noise someone could hear. Well, it is to Daemon atleast.

"H-Huh? Why are you bring that up?"

Lily became confused at her brothers words. 'Oh no. Is he..worried again?..'

"No reason. Just do it for me.."

Daemon placed his hand on her head and smiled. 'Always show people your smile. It...makes them feel at ease...' When they were younger, it was her smile that made the thoughts of how bad his parents were at being parents go away.

As soon as she would laugh, his worries would fade.

The bus soon pulled up in front of a huge, white building with infinite windows. The building easily rivaled 200 stories.

"Get off in an orderly fashion."

Sylvia stood up and ordered them. They complied and got off the bus one seat at a time. Daemon and Sarah then got up and started walking down the aisle too.

(I need a word with you.)

Daemon slightly nodded and got off the bus. The front of the building was no different from the entrance of a regular business building. There were holograms of famous people outside the doors however.

Like statues, they stood there with golden plates under them, describing their achievements. The bus was now void of students and everyone stood outside. Daemon then looked over his shoulder and saw Sylvia motioning him to come over. He did and they stood behind the bus.

"What is it?"

Daemon asked with his head down.

"I...just wanted to say sorry one last time."

"Hm? Sylvia...I forgave you. Why are you bringing this up now?"

"Well...your parents were just informed of what's happening in the next couple of years.."

"Oh, I get it. So tell me. How did they react? Did they seem concerned for Lily?"


She took a deep breathe and said..

"They were surprised that I was alive. But yeah. They were concerned. They yelled at me too and said butt hurt words as well.."

Daemon slighly chuckled and started walking away. 'It was..tempting to say in the least. But...I saw her view point. If she trains Lily correctly, she could be as strong as Sadie...'

Sadie was someone who could mess with the very water in a person's body and manipulate it. From a young age, she was very good in water magic like Lily. In fact, Lily is already showing greater potential than she.

"Let's go. They don't like to see us together.."

"W-Wait! I like to see us together!"

Daemon shook his head as he walked back over to his group. Infinity then looked at him with a huge grin and his hands in his blacked out suit.

"Why you so formal?"

"Hm? Its Looks good right?"

"Yeah okay Gojo."

He kept a straight face like Daemon didn't just expose him. After a couple of minutes of screening, we were able to go in. On the inside, it was like a museum. There were all sorts of artifacts on the walls and in glass cases on pedestals.

'It looks easy to rob, but nobody's stupid enough to do that.'

Trying to rob this place would be like trying to touch your own elbow with that same hand. Atleast with no powers.

"Okay! From this point on, you are to shut your mouths. Only speak when spoken to! Is that clear?!"

Sylvia shouted out at us as she stood in front of all of them The 6 S ranks were all in their hunter outfits or whatever they wore when they went inside the dungeon.

Sylvia wore light blue spandex that outlined every curve and stopped at her neck. She had on a dark blue cape with icesikles sticking up from her left shoulder to her right, forming a small shield of sorts. She had on a black watch that watched how cold she was getting. Blue lipstick to enhance her dark skin.

""Yes Ma'am!""

They all responded to her, causing her to smirk.

"Good. We will now go to a room that allows us to put you in the system/pick your classes. Any problems?"

"Good. Now let's go."

She...didn't give them a chance to retaliate. 'Put us in the system huh? We're getting the treatment of prisoners...' Daemon almost guaranteed that he would have to put his finger print into some sort of machine and have his photo taken from the side.

The 19 students were them guided into a room with men in black in the corners of the room. The room was white with blue lines flowing thought the roof, walls, and floor. On the opposite wall that we came in from, there was a door.

There was a metal detector machine in the middle of the room with a table next to it. 'Ah. I heard of these. Apparently, they tell you your occupation and other things.

"You will each take turns and walk through this machine. If you don't know what this machine is, it's called the 'Career'. It takes in all your memories, personality traits, magic, skills and combined them to form into one of the many job classes/occupations. When it's your turn, please place things such as phones and other electronics in this basket. Is that clear?!"

""Yes ma'am!""

Sylvia then looked towards Daemon directions with her hands on her hips. This caused the students to look back at him in confusion.

"Is that clear?!"

Daemon looked up at her and nodded.

"I don't think you understand. I said....AM. I CLEAR!"

"Yes. Your clear. I understand. I copy."

Daemon's eye brows furrowed when seeing her triumphant smirk. 'Smh. I said it the first time and you know it...' Daemon just said it under his breathe that's all.

Everyone then formed into a line with Daemon somehow ending up in the back. 'I wonder what I'll get. Takes in personality and I consider myself a pretty stale guy. My memories is that of me and Lily playing together and having fun after school. My magic... My skill.... Yeah I wonder what I'm gonna get..'

The line kept moving. Some got Mage, which increases your over all storage of magic and a few other things. Some got worriers, which increases physical strength and a few other things. Some got Magic Knight which does both but on a smaller scale.

It was Lucifers turn now. After he walked through it, the printer on the counter went off and a piece of paper came out. On it read 'Assassin' with the description of an assassin.

The group of students started murmuring at that. It was a rare class that barely anyone got.

'Seems that even fate thinks that he should be an assassin..' Over the last two weeks, hes been doing more and more mission. They were small mission, but it was still experience.

A couple of more people past and I was finally next. I placed my phone in the basket and took my ring off. 'Now let's see what I get..' Daemon walked through and the printer spew out a piece a paper.

On it said 'Meat Shield'.
