
"What?! Meat shield?! What kind of job is that?!"

The students laughed at Daemon's future. ' that?' The S ranks looked at each other and shrugged. Meat Sheild isn't an occupation that was recorded in their database.

That means it was new.

"Uh..where the information?.."

The S ranks were also confused as the paper only had the class on it and no description.

"My head. It's in my head."

Daemon softly hit his head and shook it. 'Meat shield. No level to unlock. Takes 100% of enemy damage, but feels the pain from it.' That was what it said in his head.

Hearing this, they all huddled around each other, the laughter only getting louder in the background.

"Do we report this?"

Black cloak asked.

"Well...yeah? It's a new job. The government would find out anyways.."

Aquatic Knight agree on telling.

"They would ask him a few questions and be done with it. If anything, he could get his parents in to make sure that things go well."

The Fire King said while starring at Sylvia. No matter how much love she has for Daemon, she would still have to tell. The government could possibly help him if they fully understood his class and or situation.

"Okay. We'll report back after we fully put them into the system.."

They agreed with her and lined backed up. Daemon then collected his phone and ring and walked over to Lucifer, Acier, and Sarah.

"You got...Meat Shield? What is that?"

"I don't know. I've never heard of it before."



Sylvia then said some words of congratulations and they all proceeded into the next room. 'Is it my magic? How I could survive any blow, making me the perfect....Meat Shield?'

In this room, there were multiple machines. Some were finger prints scanner and retinal scanners. There was also a machine where you had to take a photo of youself. All of this was mandatory for the Hunter system.

Today we were able to get in because the school planned this trip. Any other time then machines would be at the front door and we would have to put in our finger prints and eye..print? Since we would be in the system, which is connected all over the world to other Hunter agencies, we would be able to go into any agency around the world.

"Daemoooon! What's your job?"

His sister came up to him while smiling.

"Oh, I got Meat shield."

"Hm? Meat shield? Does that defend people?"

"I..guess so."


She had sparkles in her eyes as she stared at her brother. 'He always protects me, so I guess the machine thought he was that kind of person...'

"What did you get Lily?"

Daemon was kind of zoned out during the process, so he only heard a few jobs being announced.

"Me?! I got Paladin! Isn't that cool?!"

She cheered out while waving her arms around. 'Paladin huh? Just like Sadie...' Daemon found the coincidence odd, but just shrugged it off.

"Yeah, it is. Good job."

Daemon placed his hand on her head, causing her to smile. She then left as it was her turn to go through the long process of information.

"Hey. What was your class?"

Daemon looked over at Acier who was playing on her phone. Hearing his sudden question though, it made her stammer and drop her phone.


"Oh really? That's nice.."

Daemon then looked over at Sarah who was on his right. Like she was expecting him to ask her the same question, she said..

"Magic Knight."

"Huh? Oh right. Makes sense. You come from a family of Magic Knights don't you?"

She was a bit taken back from his response, but she still answered.

"Yes... People think its genetic when it's been proven that it's just Coincidence.."


They proved it to be coincidence by going back to their earlier generation of family life. Her family actualy had earth magic, but over time it changed to wind.

Now, I know what your thinking. 'Someone fucked outside the clan'. While that could have happened, it didn't here. Let's just say that her family tree isn't a tree.

A circle would be more accurate.

I'd say in 20...32 maybe is when deformities stopped and they were able to make regular looking children.

"Hey Daemon. It's your turn."

Infinity came up to him and placed his hand upon his shoulder. 'Smh. Do I have to do this? Like come on...'

"Hey, do I have too? Like I think I'm in the system already."

Daemon says this as his parents took him here before. He..was a test subject on that fateful day. Also, his mom and dad came up with the system. Well they helped design it atleast.

"Hm..lemme check real quick."

He then teleported and didn't appear until 2 minutes later. 'Thought his teleportation was random. I guess...that he may not have that drawback?'

"Yeah, your there but it's still required so go along.."

He pushed Daemon, forcing him to walk. 'That was a while ago. I guess the system needs to update my profile because of my job.'

Daemon then got to a tall pedestal with a camera at the top. 'A picture huh?...' Daemon stared at the camera and waited. He waited and waited but no click went off.

"Hey. This thing is broken."

He looked over at the adults in the room. They all pointed above him, making him sigh. 'The hat huh? Or more specifically, the brim..'

Daemon took his hat off and placed it to the side. He looked back up at the camera and waited. He waited and waited, but no click went off again.

'I'm...not smiling.'

Infinity was the one controlling the cameras with a control panel in the corner of the room. 'I'm showing my face man. Just take the damn picture!' As he screamed in his mind, he was hit with realization.


Daemon gave a huge, lovable smile. In this society, Hunters are treated like heroes. People who save the day by conquering dungeons and preventing outbreaks were people to look up to.

'If I want people to feel safe, I should smile.'

He took the advice he gave his sister. He soon got done with that and put his cap back on. He was then led to another machine for fingerprinting. Another machine for retina scanning and after some more scanning, he stopped a white table.

On the table was a tablet with words on it that seemed infinite. 'A contract?'

"Please read and sign the contract. On it states that you, Daemon Suzuki, will follow the rules and regulations of being a hunter."

He nodded at Phantoms words while picking up the tablet. He read over it while nodding in satisfaction. 'Hm? Must give all artifacts over to the guild leader.' Daemon frowned at that one.

'Hm...maybe I should..'

Daemon nodded and kept reading.

'Sike! Hell nah. Mom, Dad, whoever came up with this rule, they're an idiot. If I'm risking my life up in there and I happen to find an artifact, best believe I'm keeping it.'

Daemon scoffed as he signed his name. He then gave it to Phantom, who reviewed over it.

"Okay. Your finished. Now all of you..."

He said that last part like he was speaking to the entire class.

"To officially become hunters, you must beat an E tier dungeon! After that, you will be rewarded with a serum to make you into a superhuman, aka, a Hunter!"

The room went quite as he said that. ' E rank dungeon? Thats...thats...easy! Right?' Daemon looked back and saw fear on some faces.

'Or not...'

"W-Will you be accompanying us?!"

A student screamed out.

"No. We will not be. If you die in there, then you aren't suitable for a life of Hunters or future Magi. Now please go home and get permission from your mommy's."

His words freaked them out. One girl happened to pee herself. It was that serious. Out of the 19 people here, 6 were middle schoolers. 4 were 9th grade. 8 were 10th graders and one was an 11th grader.

5 middle schoolers were shaking. The 9th graders too. Like 3 10th graders as well and that's it. Everyone else seemed seemed confident enough in their abilities.

A door opened and the students started walking out. 'So we take the super soldier serum when we pass?..' Daemon...wasn't really joking. The serum was literally the super soldier serum except...well it wasnt made by Abraham Erskine.

Back when the dungeon appeared, a person was born with super soldier serum magic. As you know, the 1700-1900s weren't the greatest of times, meaning experimentation on people was common. Anyways, they killed the dude and experimented on his body. They happened to have someone who could see the detail behind someone magic and...yeah. Things lead to other things and the serum was eventually mass produced and given to Good people.

"Hey. Is this some joke or something? My parents...are across the world.."

Daemon stood in front of the group of S ranks.

"Oh yeah, our bad. Just get some adult you trust. Like m-"

"Sylvia. Could you?..."

"Hm? Oh, of course my darling! I'll do yours and Lily's!"

"Thank you.."

Infinity sighed as his student completely ignored him. 'One day... Imma have it one day..' His other 3 students treat him with respect, but Daemon still saw him as grown man cosplaying, giving him no respect.

'Though...Lucifer does it, but for jobs..' Daemon shook his head as he interrupted the narrator. 'Actually, no. Lucifer started to wear some of it like everyday wear. He keeps the nails extensions on, painted as well. He wears over sized hoodies and even stockings occasionally.'

Lily then came up and grabbed onto the corner of Daemons black shirt. Sylvia then handed a paper to them both and Daemon handed back his.

Understanding what he was doing, she gave her paper back to Sylvia as well and she began signing.

"~Daemon will be my Meat Sheild~Daemon will be my Meat Sheild~"

Lily sung out, making Daemon slightly smile. 'Oh Lily. I sure will..' Sylvia got done signing and put the papers into her boobs.

"Alright. You two go home. On monday, we'll send a letter in the mail, detailing the mission. Bye bye."

They nodded and started walking away. 'I'm glad Lily isn't afraid. Makes me feel at ease..' She was the only middle schooler to not flinch from hearing that they'll have to go into a dungeon.

"Daemon. What exactly are dungeons?"

Lily asked him an odd question from no where. They start to learn about dungeons at the end of 8th grade and through 9th. Before that, they learn basic education like math or science.

"Let's see..."

Daemon picked his sister up as they walked outside. He waved to Lucifer, Acier, and Sarah as he walked past them.

"Dungeons appeared 400 years ago when a rift in space/time opened up. From there emerged a huge cave surrounded by skeletons. The skeletons were very strong and it took a lot to take them down as humans weren't that advanced back then. However, God seemed to have pitted us so he gave us Magic. Our Magic allowed us to survive and advanced."

"But that's not what you asked is it? Dungeons are areas of destruction that connects to the human world, using human like designs. That means that they could be doors, caves, building, etc. They contain hoards of monsters, which are led by bosses, and usually remain open until it is killed. Once its killed, the humans inside have 30 minutes to clear or they'll be trapped inside. When a dungeon spawns, humans have 1 week to clear it or monsters may escape into the real world. If that happens, it's called an Outbreak.

By the time he was done talking, they were already halfway home while traveling via bus.

"What happens if a person is left behind in the dungeon after the time runs out Daemon?"

She looked up at her brother who was starring out.

"We...don't know. There have been cases of it happening, but the trapped people never came out. If they don't in one months time then they are presumed...dead."

His last sentence made her scared. 'I-I'm getting worried now..'

"So if a massive dungeon break is happening in the future then that means we waited longer than a week?"


"But it threatens the world, that means that other countries didn't clear it in time at the same time.."


Daemon looked down and saw his sister shaking. 'Sorry for scaring you like that Lily..' He looked to his sides to see if anyone was watching and when he confirmed that no one was, he twirled his fingers around.

A small figurine made up of wood then appeared in her lap. It danced around, making Lily's shaking stop.


It was their mother dancing around like an exotic dancer. 'I used to do this all the time to calm her down, but stopped because of my own selfish desire..'

"Thank you..."

Lily smiled at the dancing figure as the bus stopped. They then got up with the figurine disappearing in the process and got off the bus. They walked down the small trail until they reached their front door.

"We have two days until it starts. Let's relax for now.."

Daemon unlocked the door and the two walked in. They took off their bags and extra clothing and rested for the rest of the weekend to mentally prepare themselves for the Dungeon.
