
"I'm sorry, but can you explain to me one more time?"


Lucifer and Daemon sat down on a couch inside of Daemons house. It was 3 am on a monday morning, making Daemon yawn at times. Lucifer too, which sounded cute.

"So when I asked my parents for permission to go into the dungeon, they bashed at me, saying things like 'How dare you come back here and ask for something?!'. Even though they said that, they still signed it. But to get back at me for still leaving, they bought the company of the apartment I stayed in and evicted me. So I ask you of this, will you let me stay here until I can muster up enough money to buy another apartment?"

Daemon was dozing off, but immediately perked up when he felt someone touching his face. 'Its..too early to deal with this right now..'

" what you like.."

Daemon barely heard what he was saying as it all sounded like gibberish. The only thing he made out was evicted, leading him to answer like that.

"Really? T-Thanks.."

"Yep. No problem. Just uh...just uh..."

Daemon slowly closed his eyes and fell to the side and into Lucifers lap. 'Warm..' Daemon smiled while getting comfortable. 'Soft too..' Daemons thoughts fully turned off as he drifted to sleep.

'T-This is embarrassing..'

Lucifer looked down at the sleeping Daemon. 'But...its not so bad..' He smiled lightly as he slowly put his legs back. He got into the heel sitting position and slowly closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry for intruding on you like this Daemon. I guess this is another thing that I owe you.."

The last thing Lucifer saw before falling asleep was a small smile appearing on the sleeping person in his lap.

'Thank you..'



Daemon stretched his legs while slowly opening his eyes. He got THAT stretch in, making his legs twitch aggressively.

"Hm? Lucifer? Why am I seeing Lucifer?.."

He was confused as he put his hand up to his face. 'A dream? But it's so realistic..' He touched his face and felt the soft skin on his palm. 'No...this is...this is real..'

Daemon blinked and when his eye lid came open, he saw Lucifer starring directly into his soul. 'O-Oh shit!' Daemon jumped back as Lucifer stared him down.

'Holy shit that scared the crap out of me...'

"What..were you doing?"

Lucifer shook his head to expel the drowsiness and stared. 'He was...touching me. Why?..' Daemon coughed and sighed.

"I thought I was still dreaming. Why..are you here Lucifer?"

Lucifer stared at him, a small smirk appearing on his face. 'Maybe I can trick him..' Lucifer then started crawling down the couch. He had his back arched slighly with a sly smile on his face.

"This IS a dream, Daemon. Show me.... Show me what you would do to Lucifer in your dreams.."

Daemon cocked his head back at that. 'This is clearly real life. Is he trying to trick me?..' A small smirk appeared on Daemon's face. 'Two can play it that game..'

"Show you huh? Can I...tell you first?"

"Hm? Oh sure. Please tell me.."

Daemon then went up to his ear as Lucifer stared down. Daemon then whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was progressively caused his face to become red.

"E-Eh?! You would... You would do such an lewd thing to me?"

"Without a doubt."

Daemon shrugged as he pulled away.

"Well...can I say what I'd do to you?"

Daemon nodded and went in closer. Lucifer then said some stuff that made Daemons face red.

"Y-You do that?! Really?!"

"Yep. I'd do it a million times without letting you rest. Too bad this is a dream though, meaning it's not real.."

The two were both disappointed at that. 'Smh. A dream huh? I could use my powers to make it a reality, but let's have fate decide when it happens.'

Lucifer then told Daemon about what happened a couple of hours ago. Daemon had the same response this time with a little bit of concern in his voice. 'What... No, who does that to their child out of spite? And they signed his paper too? Thats disrespectful...'

"You can sleep on my couch or in my parents room. Though I wouldn't suggest that last option as no ones ever been in there.."

It's probably an entire different ecosystem in his parents room. 'The couch?..' Lucifer looked down at the grey couch. It was really comfortable, but he would feel lonely sleeping here every night.

His apartment room rivaled that of an japanese apartment room. Small and trapped. In here, he gets more space because of how big the house is but he doesn't want to be alone in such a big space.

"Could I..sleep in your room?"


Daemon thought about it for a moment. His room was big enough for two beds to fit, so he sees no problem. He just needs to reorganize some stuff to make room.

"Sure, why not. I'll just need to move some stuff around.."

Lucifer smiled at that and nodded. Daemon then told Lucifer to make himself at home and he did. 'Why...does he only where that?..' He wore an oversized shirt with nothing underneath.

'Too comfortable..'

Although that was the case, Daemon was actually pretty happy. 'No ones stayed over in a long time, much less my first friend. It should be fun..' Daemon was in the kitchen making breakfast.

'And 3...2...1...'


Her screaming caused Lucifer to fall off the couch. Lily ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, not noticing the half naked woman on the ground.

"Hello Daemon! I slept so good last night!"

She cheered out next to him as she stood on her tippy toes. Daemon placed his hand on her head while flipping pancakes in his other hand.

"Really? What did you dream about?"

"You and me! We grew old together as siblings!"

"Really now? How was it? Boring? Fun? Tell me."


She was channeling her inner happiness.

"It was so fun! I can't describe how fun it was! Let's make that future happen, okay?!"

Daemon chuckled slightly at his enthusiastic sister. Her laughter and giggles made a huge smile appear on his face.

"Sure. If your willing then let's go for it."

Daemon then picked her up and and handed her a small pancake. She happily took it and ate it.

"After this, go put clothes on. We..have a guest.."

Lily tilted her head at that and looked back. On the couch, she saw Lucifer waving at her with a forced smile.

"Oh, its Lucifer! Hi!!"

Lily waved back at him. 'Oh? You thought a naked child would be embarrassed to see another person seeing her naked? Well no! This isn't an anime/doujin! Shes a real 12 year old who doesn't know lewd stuff!'

"I'll go now Daemon. Bye bye.."

Daemon kissed her forehead and nodded. His sister slept naked as water users tend to...hate heat. Surprising right?

He then sat her down and she ran back up the stairs with a huge smile. Daemon finished up and started pulling out plates.

"I've never seen it in person.."

Lucifer came up and helped Daemon pull out silverware. Or he tried to atleast as he didn't know where anything was at.

"Yeah, you'd be considered a pervert if you have."

Daemon then came up behind Lucifer and reached for a small drawer. 'Those problems have happened before, but not in this day and age. It's hard to do anything like that when people have a million cameras around their house..'

Daemon reached around and grabbed a spoon. A small moan sounded out when he did. Lucifer stared at his hand and slowly looked back. The two locked eyes, but him looking back in the first place confused him.

"I know I'm grabbing a spoon. Stop joking."


Lucifer laughed out slightly with Daemon walking away while shaking his head. 'He tried...pranking me? Is that a prank? It's the first time someone other than Lily has attempted to do it...'

Daemon and Lucifer set the table and the food as well, followed by orange and apple juice. Lily soon came down and they all sat down together.

"Let's eat..."

Daemon prayed to the beings...above him? Below him? Daemon always became confused at what to pray to. Should he pray to people weaker than him or people who his powers are based off of. Either way, he still prays.

All 3 of them then dug into the food. Almost instantly, Daemon got compliments from left and right. With the addition of Lucifer, it made Daemon even happier than usual.

'This is nice. To have someone else here. For Lily, Lucifer could be another older brother which is fine in my eyes. Just another person to protect her in my book..'

They ate so much that Daemon eventually had to make 2nds and 3rds. 'More shopping...' At least he won't go shopping alone anymore. He'd have someone to talk with on the way.

"Lucifer. When is your stuff coming?"

They were both washing the dishes. He was now able to remeber where they go.

"Tommorow maybe? They said in the near future that's all.."

"Oh, I see. How about the mail for the mission information?"

"Yeah I got that. It arrived in my mailbox just before I left. How about you?"


A letter appeared in his wet hands. Lucifer could only chuckle at this. 'He really is a person with Gods powers, huh?' Lucifer was kind of jealous of his power.

That jealousy went away though when he realized that he handicaps himself because hes jealous to not be born with underwhelming power like us..'

What Lucifer said wasn't wrong.

"Rank E. Location, Tempest woods. Monsters, zombies. Required rank, F. Difficulty, Easy. Be at the tempest woods by 12:00pm on the dot. Late means punishment."

Daemon read it outloud. 'Seems easy...' Daemon ripped the paper up and threw it away. The two then continued washing dishes together while talking about some random things.

It eventually led to them talking about their taste in women.

"Acier/ Silver ice is my ideal woman. Something about them chocolate bunnies with silver/white hair just hits different, y'know?"


Lucifer scratched his face while looking around.

"Go on. You tell me your type. I'm actually curious."

Lucifer seems like the guy to prefer anyone to be honest. 'As long as she has a personality' type beat.

"I-I like tall..."


He stopped mid sentence, confusing Daemon.

"T-Tall..woman. Well not tall tall, but when they are slighly above me in height. I also like the mysterious type as it makes them seem interesting..."

"I..see. Does looks matter?"

"Looks? No. Since I look like a girl myself then I feel like I shouldn't be one to talk. Besides, personality is where its at."

'Told ya.'

"I feel like we learned a lot about each other just then.."

"Yeah, me too. Guess me getting kicked out wasn't so bad.."


They each forced out an laugh at the awkward atmosphere. 'Mysterious and slightly taller than him huh? Not trying to say I fit that but...I fit that don't I? I've been known to be mysterious and I'm 5'9 while hes 5'8..'

'Chocolate bunnies? Well, I'm not black so..' They were both sort of at an lost. That ended though when Daemon checked the clock and saw the time.

"You brought your suit right?"

"Hm? Ah, yes. I...brought it.."

He pointed over his shoulder, using his thumb, and at a small suitcase.

"Alright. I'm going to go help my sister change into hers then I'll get into mine. You can change down here if you like."

Daemon started walking towards the stairs.

"O-Okay. Don't come down here until I say so. Got it?"

Daemon slighly smiled as he walked up the stairs. 'Oh Lucifer..'

"I've already seen your entire body. You...don't remember?"

'W-What?! How?! When?! Why?!'

Lucifer started to panic as he thought back. 'Oh wait..' He face palmed as he remembered they showered together before.

'Has he seen my...'

A memory of him dropping a spoon and bending down to get appeared on his head.

'Yep. Hes seen...every inch..'
