
Daemon slowly opened his eyes. The room was the perfect temperature and the tv was playing something on Netflix. The sun beamed down in the room, seeming to make things more peaceful.


Daemon slowly looked over and saw the naked and sleeping Lucifer. His skinny and slighly long body was enveloping the right side of Daemon. He had his leg over his and his arm wrapped around his as well.

'His skin... It's too soft...'

Lucifer and Daemon were still Virgins. They never went past hand holding and minor kissing. 'Though, it's perfect like this. I'm...happy..' Daemon didn't need to use his powers to know that he was falling in love even deeper.


Lucifer slowly started moving. He was move his hands around Daemons bare chest as he did.

"Good morning.."

Daemon wrapped his hand around Lucifers back side and rested it on his back. Lucifers vision then adjusted, yawning out in the process.

"Is it tommorow?.."

Lucifer groaned out while resting his head under Daemon's neck. His breathe was still slow, and Daemon felt every single puff of air hit his neck.


Lucifer groaned out some more. The ear rings he wore gleamed a bit and the bracelet her wore did as well.

"Let's stay like this for a little longer, okay?"

Lucifer would slowly move his leg up and down. When he did, he would feel something hard, making him bite his lips and stare intensely at Daemon.

"Yeah, I agree. I...want to stay like this a little longer.."

Daemon slowly turned over, causing Lucifer to back away slightly from up under his neck. The two then stared into each others eyes as they were both facing each other.

"Did you sleep good?"

Daemon asked while placing his hand on Lucifers right cheek. He would slowly move his thumb around while looking all around his beautiful, feminine face.

"Great. I slept great. I..had a dream where we were married...with kids.."

Just then, realization struck Daemon. 'Oh, yeah. Two guys can't...' Daemon completely forgot that in order to produce off spring, their has to be one male and one female.

"That's...nice, but embarrassing to hear.."

Still, his face was getting red from the thi8gh if having children. 'A little Lucy/Dae running around. That's a future I could look forward too..'

"Yeah, it is.."

Lucifer then placed his hand on the one that was touching his face. He had a small smile on his face as he did.

"I know...I can't make that happen, and I'm sorry for that..."

Another thing Lucifer wish never happened to him. Being born...a boy. Now that hes experiencing love, and with a guy for that, he sees problems that can't be fixed.

"Lucifer. I..can read your mind.."

Daemon got closer to him until the point where their noses touched.

"So don't say that about youself. What we have is special. Love and friendship. Our relationship is more stable than your average.."

Those words of his slightly raised his spirits.

"But that's not the point. The point is the fact that I...that I...that I l-love you Lucifer Star. No matter what hardships we go through, I'll always be on your side. I don't care if we can't have kids together. What matters is us.."

Daemon then went in closer and the two kissed. Lucifer was already awe struck from his words, but the kiss made him even more surprised.


Daemon slowly moved back, leaving a trail of saliva in connecting from their mouths.

"I...I. I l-love you too!"

Lucifer never even told his mother that before. Saying it now was the hardest thing hes ever done before.

Daemon and Lucifer hugged, thinking about their future in the process. 'If we're together then..' Daemon hugged him tighter. 'If we are together then...' Lucifer did as well.

'Life may not be so boring..'

Daemon planned to live out his days in a home with Lily. But now he was sure. He was sure that spending it with Lucifer would make him happier. A friend and a lover. The best of both worlds.

Before meeting Daemon, Lucifer planned on living a 'Normal' life, by going up in power and rank and accumulating enough money to live in the woods away from the world. After meeting Daemon though, it all changed. He now how something to live for. Something to look forward to everyday from when he woke up, to when he slept. Something that...loves him for who he is, despite being a guy, despite trying to kill himself, despite status, despite...

His flaws.

"Lucifer. After this war, will you be so kind as to stay with me forever?"

Daemon played on his face once more. The words of his touched Lucifers heart.

"Daemon Suzuki. What...are you suggesting?"

Lucifer slightly smiled, knowing what he meant.

"To stay with someone forever, means that you must love each other deeply, no? I think people who love each other deerly end up in white suits don't they?"

Daemon then made something in his hand. The box made Lucifer shoot up while covering his mouth. Tears started to run down his face. 'No...'

"That's right. Lucifer Star will you..."

Daemon then went on to say two words that made even more tears fall down onto their bed. It also made Daemon happy as he though he wouldn't do this by 16. He wouldn't do what he was offering at the exact moment and would wait until they were older.

After about an hour of crying and speaking, the two finally calmed down. Daemon was whipping his teary face while the same small box was floating over into a drawer.

"I'll keep it here so when your ready, you'll know where to find it."


Lucifer heart was beating and beating, wanting to escape his chest and give Daemon a huge kiss. 'Until were 18. Just wait a little longer..'

"We should start getting ready. Its 7."

Daemon then stood up, making a huge bulge slip down on Lucifers face. 'W-Woah. I..did this?' Daemon didn't notice as he only went over to their wardrobe and opened it.

They had to wear uniforms now since it can prevent things like bullying. Daemon didn't understand this as if your still being bullied in this day and age, then...that's sad.

Their uniformed were special grade uniforms. They could boost your magic, enhance your defense and had a slight healing factor.

The uniform was the same sort of design from 'The irregular at magic high school'. The government apparently watched this anime and thought it was the perfect suits to give us. The only difference is color. Instead of white and green, the colors are white and dark blue.

"'The start of a new day and journey... Seems like it could be fun.."

Daemon sat down and put his black boots on. Just then, lucifer came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Lucifer painted his nails black and faintly wore red lipstick.

"5 more minutes?.."

Lucifer started licking over his back. He would then grab his finger and suck on that as well. '5 minutes? Yeah, I can last that long I think..' Daemon stopped putting his shoes on amd quickly turned around, tackling Lucifer in the process.

"Such a smooth body.."

Daemon laid over him. His body was very skinny with all the right curves. Daemon then started moving his legs until they were up on his shoulder.

"Are you...going to take me now?"

Lucifer looked away while blushing. He would sometimes look back at the rode in Daemon's pants and gulp.

"Of course not.."

Daemon slid the front part of his boxers down, making a long, wide and thick meat rod appear.

"I will be teasing you though."

He grabbed it and started moving it around in a circle against soft flesh. They both would moan at that and they continued doing this, each getting louder and louder.


Lucifer laid in pleasure as Daemon continued putting his shoes back on. 'I have to go make breakfast for them..' He sighed and got up. Out the corner of his eye, he saw Lucifer with his limbs up like a animal faking its death.

His toes were scrunching as white liquid laid in his belly button. 'That...was great. Masturbation could never come close to the feelings I felt..' He wasn't going to get into too much detail as he was already late.

He closed the door behind himself and started walking towards and eventually down the stairs. There he saw his sister on the couch watching Transformers. She was in her uniform too which looked cute on her.

" look sooooo cute! My wittle sister is gonna get all the boys in the future.."

Daemon came up in front of her and bent down so he wouldn't distract her from the movie.

"Idiot. Your late! Go make breakfast!"

She shouted and pointed toward the kitchen. 'That's where I belong huh?' Daemon sighed and got up. When he did, he felt a light kick on his leg.

"Hm? What is it?"

Lilys face was red from his earlier compliment. While she was mad that her brother didn't start making food on time, it went away at her brothers touching words.

"D-Did you mean it? Do I really look...cute?"

A small smile appeared on Daemons face when she said that. He then placed his hand on her head and bent down slightly again.

"100%. Your beauty is unmatched Lily. Use it like mom and dominate."

He then put a little force onto her head and got up. He waved as he walked to the kitchen and said..

"Don't get too attached to Ironhide.."

He didn't deserve it. When Daemon first saw him die, Daenon punched a whole in his tv. The speed of his punch ripped space/time, almost making a dungeon appear, but he stopped it before it could escalate.

Daemon then started making breakfast. As he was doing that, that sensation from earlier randomly came back.

'Lucifer. For now on, more teasing..'

Daemon couldn't wait until night fell already. Lucifer made him addicted to a new type of drug.

