
"So for now we take a plane, but in the future, we'll us an under water tunnel?"

Daemon and the other 18 chosen students were now at a private airport with the S ranks. They were going to travel by plane to the island, but Daemon had another question to ask.


Infinity smiled and put his thumb up. Daemon shook his head at that and looked away. He saw Syliva and the other S ranks talking to their students. Apparently, they have to stay behind and do some last minute work.

"Listen up everyone!"

Sylvia walked away from her students and in the middle of the group of people. Her loud voice caught all of their attentions.

"Daemon and Sebastian will be in charge for now on! Do what they say without problem so they can protect you without problem! Is that clear?!"

It took some time for the students to process what they heard, but when they did, they all nodded and said..

""Yes Ma'am!""

Daemons and Sebastian then looked at each other and smiled. 'I guess...I'll be the one giving out orders. He obviously isn't the loud and talking type..'

The students and S ranks then waited for their plane to allow boarding. While they couldn't be on board with them, the S ranks still wanted to see their students off.

"The plane is now here. Please board."

Someone spoke on the speaker. Since this was a private airport, they didn't speak formally. 'They could at least show respect..'

Daemon sighed and got up. He had a black suitcase in his left hand and a smaller, dark blue suitcase in his right. That one of course belonged to Lily who was clinging onto his back.


She pointed to a door with out a door, making it doorless. Lucifer nodded while smiling and started walking. 'Our first time on a plane. nice..' He never flew on a plane before. He has rode in a Yacht before though.

"I call sitting next to Daemon!"

Acier said outloud with a huge grin. 'Oh God. Sitting next to her for over 6 hours? That's

..that's not fair..' Acier then came up next to Daemon and stared at him with the same big smile.

'Shes been acting weird lately. I wonder why..'

Daemon shrugged the thought off and walked through the door and onto the plane.

'Just kidding. I don't have to use powers to notice she likes me. I...won't stop her from perusing me though. She can try and sway me over, and I don't mind that.'

The plane was black in color with blue lines throughout it. Since we are of importance, as some of us have important backgrounds and we are the disciples of S ranks, they built the plan out of Magi-Steel.

Magi-Steel are crystals founds in Dungeons that us humans were able to manipulate and shape into things like pieces of metal. From there, we use famous blacksmiths to help mold it and build things like this plan.

"Please sit wherever you like, sir."

An average woman showed a business smile to Daemon as he walked past her. Daemon only nodded and walked past the bar. Oh yeah, this plane company only offers rides to those of importance. Basically, the whole plane is in first class mode. There was a bar, massage chairs, beds, anything and everything.

Daemon chose a seat right in front of the wall that had a bathroom in it behind him. It was two seater, meaning only him and Lily could occupy it.

"Thanks for the ride big bro! Bye bye!"

Lily jumped off his back and Naruto-ran away from him and over to her small friends. 'Nooooo!...' Daenon sighed while his suitcases slowly sunk into the folded ground. Instead of placing your suitcases in the small department above you, they placed it under you.

"Looks like I can sit next to you!"

Acier sat down, making Daemon sigh. 'Oh what the hell. Shes the hype man around here. She should keep me alert anyways...' Daemon sat down himself and everyone soon sat down themselves.

Lucifer and Sarah sat together near the top left of the room.

"We will now begin our departure."

The same woman for before spoke out with the same smile. The students only nodded while Daemon looked out the window to his right.

'The suns high, and I can even see heat waves..' He sighed out and thought, 'I wish it was colder..'

The plane stammered, making the students bounce back slightly. Daemon then saw the engines moving very quickly with the plane slowly turning.

"I'm so excited! And s-scared..."

Acier nevers been on a plane before either. She WAS indeed scared, but being next to Daemon made her slightly ignore it.

The plane soon took off with all the children screaming from being scared and having fun. Daemon could only smile however as he saw his sisters smile. 'A new level of excitement. It must be nice for her..'

Daemon then looked at Acier who was taking pictures on her transparent phone. It was seen through like glass with the icons from apps being enhanced from no detail around it.

"Hey, Acier. Let's...take a picture.."


She answered and slowly looked over at Daemon.

"Let's take it picture. It's our first time after all."

Acier took his words and ran with it. She would vow to say the exact same things on another special date.


She then held her hand out and the two came into the frame together. 'Hmmmm..' Acier sighed and quickly wrapped her arm around Daemon. She pulled him in closer and posed.

A click went off, causing her to slowly put her phone down and check it. 'Shes so pushy..' Daemon sighed and looked up. He was still in her embrace.

"Looks good?"

He asked her a simple question that made her face red.


The plane was now at its peak and the flew without problem. Daemon would sometimes roam around the plane to check on everyone.

He saw Sebastian sleeping with with a picture of a little boy in his arms. Lucifer was starring out the window with earphones in.

Sarah was watching a show on her phone and his sister was roaming around as well. 'This is peaceful..' Daemon smiled as he looked all around.

Just then, the plane swerved slightly. That caused everyone to move around. 'What the...' A loud bang then went off. It rivaled the sound of thunder when it did.

The kids were becoming scared as Daemon slowly went up to a window. When he looked out, his expression of natural changed into that of fear.


What Daemon saw out the window was nothing but white. The trees had white on the top of them as they were slightly spread a part as well.

'Oh no..'

Daemon turned around and stared. Everyone seemed to have noticed as well, fear only rising like baking bread. 'Have we been?...'

From an outside perspective, the wings of the plane were burning in the white, solid wind as the plane was slowly going down. Far, far away from the plane laid a giant mountain. From calculation alone, one could see that the plane was going to crash head on into the mountain.


Daemon bawled his fist. Rescue. Escape. Death. These things were uncertain in his mind.

'Have been transported into a dungeon..'
