
'Its..been taking to us..'

Sarah gulped as it lined its arrow up with Sarah. The blue, female giant had a huge grin on her face at seeing the petrified group.

'That means...this dungeon is B rank or higher!'

All of their chances of survival were slipping away. Some students even fell back onto their butts thinking that there was now point in fighting back.

'I still..'

Sarah's hands were shaking. Her legs were wobbly and even her thoughts were becoming offputting.

'I still have to protect them.'

It shot its arrow at Sarah. 'For Daemon..' Sarah then thought back to that day on the bus. How Daemon was apologizing and apologizing to her, even though she already accepted it. It made her happy to see Daemon worry for her.

Throughout middle school, the two never talked besides that one time she asked for paper. That one time though, she tried becoming closer by trying to spark up a conversation, only for Daemon to look away before she could say anything.

Sarah wanted to try and communicate with the person that her love interest loved. She wanted to see what he was like, how he sounded, his way of thinking... But she could never accomplish it.

She could only watch from a distance and even that....proved to be unsuccessful.

Sarah quickly coated her body in magic and split the arrow. She didn't do this when walking as she need to preserve her magic for this very kind of incident.

"Everyone! Please...relax, okay?"

She used the same words as Daemon from on the plane.

"I..can protect you all. Even if it cost me my life. I'll uphold my duty as a Magic Knight and protect you from any danger!"

That what it took to be a knight. You had to have resolve and a strong will to protect others. Sarah wasn't sure if she could really qualify for that, but she did know one thing for certain.

"I won't let any of you die here!"

The group of students and a adult woman were slightly swayed from her heroic ship. 'Yeah..' Lucifer didn't know why he didn't say anything before. 'Shes right..' Lucifer tapped his ear ring and a katana and gun appeared in his hands.

"Me too."

Lucifer walked out from the circle, covering his body in magic to survive the harsh conditions.

"I'll fight to protect you all too!"

Lucifer was still worried about Daemon, but he had to put that behind him now. In this situation, he needs to focus all of his attention on these monsters.

'In order to see Daemon again, I need to get past these monsters..'

A metal scythe appeared in Aciers hands with a grey aura coating her body. The scythe was heavy and hard to swing around, but if a blow is dealt then the outcome will be devastating.

'Big brother is past these monster, right? Right?' Even Lily was ready to fight. Two swords made up of water appeared in each of her small hands. 'Big brother is past these monsters, right? Right?'

'Daemon. When we meet again, and I know we will, I will apologize to you for not being strong enough.' Sebastian grabbed the spear off his back and pointed it at the blue giants.

The others students perked up with different thoughts. The flight attendant however was still scared. She was a regular person who got the job as a flight attendant. Dungeons rarely appear in the sky, making it the perfect job for her since dungeons usually appear on flat surfaces.

'I-I must run away!'

She then covered her body in magic aura and started slugging away. No one noticed her though as both Human and Monster were having a stare off.

<"Humans that are weak, but don't back down. Idiots.">

Sarah, Lucifer, Acier, Lily, and Sebastian then rushed at the group of blue men and women. They could slightly run on top of the thick snow, making it easier to move across the fields.

"Lucifer. Study their movements then attack. Sebastian. When I give the signal, release all of your power on them. Lily, Acier and I will attack."

Sarah told them of a plan that they agreed with. 'Sebastian is our trump card. With his power, hes capable of rivaling a low C rank. I hope..that's enough..'


The blue woman pointed at the humans coming towards her. The other blue people nodded and starting shooting out another barrage of arrows. The ones from earlier were just arrows. These one were surrounded in wind, making them faster and more precise.


Sarah sliced at the wind arrows and kept rushing at the blue people. They however kept firing, each having a huge grin of their faced like they've already won.

<"They are getting quite close. The fun should continue.">

The blue men parted ways and an even bulkier one jumped out. It was like a humanoid gorilla as it easily jumped from tree to tree.

'What is tha-'

It punched Sarah in the stomach, making her eyes turn white and vomit to pour out. It then went past her and did the same thing to Lily.

When it tried doing it to Acier, it was met with her metal aura. That only stopped it for a split second however and she was soon met with the same treatment.

"What the hell is that?!"

The huge beast stood on a broken log like a cat preparing to attack. 'It took down our muscle in an instant..' The random student then looked at Sebastian who was still defending against the arrows.

'He's are only chance..'

Just then, the blue people appeared in front of the group of students. Their eyes were white with bloodlust and the aura that they emitted only crushed the students even more.

<"There are 2 missing from here. Tell me where they are.">

Hearing these words, the students eye slowly started to widen.

'What?! They can't be talking about...Daemon and Hannah right?! No, they must be!'

<"Human. When someone is speaking to you, you are to bow and answer. Is that clear?">

A blue man spoke to the student with a scoff. It had a long sword on its back and its arms were crossed.

"W-Who are you t-talking about?! We are the...we are the only survivors.."

<"Ha! When you entered, 20 people were alive. 19 of you small people and 1 adult woman. Now tell me where those two are!">

His jaw dislocated and he screamed out. You could see all its white teeth and slime that stretched down from the top of its mouth to its tounge.

"W-We don't know, okay?! We thought they were dead!"

The kid started backing up while the blue people starting looking at each other. They seemed to be communicating even when they weren't speaking.

<"Oh, they're alive. Especially with that kid. That kid..">

From their chiefs words, the kid wasn't normal. The kid was the first person that he wasn't able to get a reading on. A person who powers and magic were so vast that he wasn't able to sense any magic power from him.

<"That girl that igu knocked out was something of a little sister to him. Take her and we'll draw him out.">

The blue woman snapped her fingers, putting the other blue people to work. The students were all then attacked, not seeing what hit them. They mearly wanted the human boy. Everyone else was just toys to play with.

They then tied the humans up and put them into a sack. 'Now we play the waiting game..' The blue woman smirked as they started walking into the fog, disappearing like they were never there..


"Eh? Honey was caught in a dungeon?"

A beautiful woman was sitting in a window frame while swinging a glass of red wine around. She had long purple hair that covered her left, green eye. Her breast were perfectly sized, and her sex appeal could outclass someone with Beauty magic.

"Y-Yes ma'am! His plane flew into a dungeon and we haven't heard word since."

A brown haired butler was blushing with his head down at the woman. No one was permitted to make eye contact with her unless shes tells them too.

"Hmm... I wonder what honey will do..."

Name, Murasaki Jane. Age, ???. Height, 5'11. Weight, ???. Measurements, ???. Magic, Law Magic. Not much is known about her background. She is however known for being in 'The 7'. The 7 were the strongest people in the world, each living on one continent. Murasaki was the strongest in America. Murasaki came from no where and immediately rose to top 3 S ranks. Actually because of her, a new rank was made. SS Rank. Her interests are that of Daemon Suzuki. His magic is stronger than her law as he could easily counter it. She was interested by that, and hosted a meeting with him. He went to that meeting when he took a one year vacation.

'Will you finally stop being a bitch and step up, or continue living a normal live, trying to hide your real self.'

She was one of the few people who could speak to him like that. The other people included Lily.

That's it.

"Hm, what's this?"

She looked over and saw the butler starring at her. The two then made eye contact, making his cheeks clench up from fear.

"You know what to do."

"Y-Yes ma'am!..."

The man then got on his knees and pulled a gun out. He placed it under his chin with a shot going off and a thump noise hitting the ground soon after.

"You don't see my beauty. Only Daemon is allowed to see my ins and outs.."

She took another sip from her glass of wine and sighed. She looked out the window and stared at the ocean.

"He'll be surprised..when he sees me.."
