
"Let's go."

Daemon and Hannah were standing in front of the wall that folded back on itself. Hannah wore thick clothes to keep her warm and climbing gear as well. Daemon only wore a white long coat with black fur on the collar and sleeves.

Underneath that, he wore a grey shirt and black pants followed by black winter boots. His overall attire was light.

"Will you be...fine?"

Hannah asked with concern. They were going to walk through the fierce cold, and what he was wearing was unfit for that, even if he could apply magic to himself.

"Don't worry. You know who I am right?"

"Y-Yeah, but.."

She grabbed onto the side of his coat and looked up at him, tears filling her eyes.

"Its still worry, right?"

Daemon froze at her words. 'She still....worries?' Even after showcasing his powers to her, she still worried for him?

"Yes, Hannah.."

Daemon placed his hand on her head. 'You made me realize that worrying is human nature as well. Just another thing that counters their evil nature..'

"Worrying is good. Makes both parties feel at peace."

Her expression became even redder. It's been two days since they came to this snowy world and the two seem liked brother and sister. He would take care of her, sleep with her because she was scared, feed her and so on.

Daemon didn't mind this though as he does the same thing with Lily.

Daemon then put his hand on the wall and it opened up again. Almost instanly, the snow came onto him. 'Its cold..' A white portal then appeared in front of him, making the snow disappear.

They both had to wait for 5 minutes before they could see trees once again. 'We'll make our way over the river in time. They are still alive and that's all that matters..'

Daemon picked up Hannah and the two walked out together. It was mid day, the perfect temperature for this cold land.

"Hey. Do you feel safe enough to explore?"

He's never been inside of a snow biome type dungeon before. He might find treasures or something even more interesting

"Y-Yes, that's fine. I also kind of want to explore..."

Daemon nodded and turned around to the giant wall. 'I wonder what's past it..' Planks of rocks then came out from the wall, going up in an angle.


Daemon started walking up the stairs.

"Yeah. Let's see what past this wall."


The wind was blowing against them, but it didn't stop them from walking just fine. As they got higher, Daemon could see the mountain with a huge crater in it.

"I'm so glad I saved you, Hannah."

As he said before, the two bonded over the last two days. They really felt like brother and sister. If Daemon didn't catch the slight noise of sniffling, then she would have died.

Knowing that, her death would always remain on his conscious.

"Y-Yeah. I-I was so scared that I went to the bathroom. I...I didn't realize that you were all leaving.."

She went to the bathroom when Daemon went to the cockpit. Actually, her getting up made Lily get up and go to the cockpit to see Daemon.

"Now we'll go on our own journey. We'll explore this place, and maybe even defeat the boss. Who knows.."

The two reached the top of the huge wall. They stood on it and Daemon looked back down at the stair way into fog. 'The wall...its atleast 100 meters tall. And past it..' Daemon walked to the other side and stared down.

'An Icy Hell.'


In a run down house, 18 people were chained up on a wall. Some were conscious while others were still past out.

'How long...have we been here..'

They were hungry and fear kept the already awake people, awake. Their lips were dry and their faces were pale. Some unconscious kids had their pants wet with their eye lids twitching.

'First our friends 'Dying'...and now this? What did we deserve this...?'

The women were stripped down into their underwear and the men were as well. The chains they wore completely drained their magic. They took all of their weapons too, leaving them completely defenseless.

'Marcus said something about...them wanting to find Daemon and Hannah. Why though..'

Sarah looked over at Marcus. He was the person who the blue people spoke to. Right now, he was unconscious.

'But...they are...alive..'

Sarah was relived to hear that they said Daemon and Hannah were alive. So relieved that she started crying since it made Acier happy.

'We just need to...we need to find a way to get out of here..'

Lucifer sat against the stone cold wall. He had his head down at the floor, his expression was that of a happy one and sad one.

'What..will they do with us?'

Lucifer rubbed his arm with his nose while thinking. Not only was the walls cold, the air temperature was cold as well. That with them only in their underwear made things 10 times worse.

'These shackles are thicker than an arm. There's no...escape..'

An image of Daemon then appeared in his head, making his lips and eyes quiver. 'I...I...I know your alive, but the thought of you dying made my heart ache. So please Daemon..' Lucifer didn't want to think about the next few words. They made him seem...weak.

'Please Save Us.'

Just then, the door opened and 3 blue people walked in. One was the woman, the man with the long sword and a random blue man.

The woman then looked around and laid her eyes on someone.

<"Take her.">

The random guard nodded and walked up to the small girl. This small girl was Lily, who was still dazed. Seeing how the blue guard was coming to here, they could only think the worse.

"B-Bastard! What do you want with her?!"

Sarah screamed out while yanking on her chains. 'Do they plan on killing her?! No, that can't be! Maybe they're trying to lure Daemon and Hannah out!'

<"Tell me something..">

The blue woman spoke as the random guard undid Lily's chains. It then tossed her over his shoulder and stood next to the woman and man once again.


She asked as she walked out with the other two. 'What? Do we know who...Daemon really is?' Sarah's thoughts rivaled everyone else. Well everyone, but Lucifer.

'They...know?! They know who he really is?!

The 3 people walked outside in their village. It wasn't too advanced as it rivaled something from native times. After they walked for a while, they reached a curtain that was placed as a front door.

<"May we come in?">

The blue woman asked outloud while kneeling down, the other two as well.


Spoke a dry, shaky voice. The 3 nodded at that, kneeled back up, and walked inside. The room wasn't that big. In the middle, there laid a table and a old man sitting on the floor behind it. He had circle, hallow ears and seemed to be on death's door.

<"We have brought the girl. Shall we continue?">


She nodded and snapped her fingers. The man with Lily then went up to the table and layed her down on it. He took out some shackles and pinned her down to the table. After that, he lifted the table up and turned her so her body stood up straight on the table.

The woman then clapped and the building around them fell, revealing them to the open.

<"This child is related to him. He should..come and get her..">

The lady stood in front of Lily with her back to her. The man with the long sword stood on Lilys left and the random stood on her right.

Lily was in the position of Jesus being crucified.

<<"We have ready for anything..">>

The old man continued sitting down with his expression getting darker.

<<"For he is the one true God.">>
