
Sylvia stood on the runway of an airport. Behind her stood over 100 people, each in different gear. Sylvia had a huge frown on her face with her arms crossed.

'We're coming for you all.'

She bawled her fist in the sky, perfectly in the suns image. It's been two days now and there has been no new news. Of course there hasn't. They have nothing to give them any.

"Ms. Guild Master. Someone is here to see you."

Someone talked out behind her. He had no noticable features beside a missing arm.

"Who is it?"

Sylvia responded in a low voice. She sounded pissed, but was trying to hold it in. The random person however immediately caught onto it though, making him flinch.

"T-They said they were sent by,...Law?"

Sylvia expression changed even more into that of a darker one. The temperature dropped and both of her hands were bawled by her side. 'Damn it. she interfering.'

"Bring them."

Sylvia order and he rapidly nodded. He then ran away, only to come back a few minutes later with someone. They had skin that rivaled a piece of white paper. They hand long, dark hair that covered their face. A maid costume is what the female wore as well.

"Hm? So it's you, huh?"

Sylvia was surprised to see her. She never left Laws side unless ordered, meaning she had no will of her own. There was a good explanation for that.

The woman then pulled out a paper and motioned it towards Sylvia. Sylvia stared at the paper for a moment, then took it.

"Sylvia, dear. Please don't interfere. Our little boy is growing up by entering this dungeon. His 'True' self is revealing. We need to make preparations for the news.."

That was what Sylvia read. 'What? What is she talking about?...' Sylvia became confused by Laws words. 'His 'True' self is revealing? She... She can't mean that...' Like she finally understood what Law meant, her hands started shaking.

'N-No way. using his powers?'.


"Guys. We... We have to get out of here. We have Lily.."

Sarah put the blue people's words behind her and finally spoke. Before, the group wasn't talking because they all had their own thoughts or were either passed out.

"They might start getting bored, and come back to kill us.."

Sarah started yanking on the chains once more, trying to pull them out the wall. 'Its impossible..' She kept yanking and yanking. 'But..that's not what matters. I save them..'

Sarah had a weird fixation with saving everyone. It wasn't bad, but it was an odd goal for a human.

"Its no use.."

Acier sighed out, scratching her nose in the process.

"We're too weak right now. None of us have the power to get these off us."

The chains were made up of a certain unknown material. As much as it looked like metal, Acier couldn't even move it an centimeter.

"Hey! We can't think like that! Right, Lucifer?"

She yelled at Acier while turning towards Lucifer. He seemed the most hurt out of all of them as his body was very skinny to begin with, showing bones at times.

"I..don't know. You both have good reasons to stay and go.."

He wanted to go save Lily, the person he considers a little sister, but they couldn't do anything because of these chains. 'But..I need to be more enthusiastic. I can't bring myself down with those thoughts..'

They all sighed, except for one person who was just sniffling. He was the quitest amongst the group, and yet he was the loudest in the silence.

'Daemon. I'm...sorry..'

Sebastian had his head down, tears pouring down. 'I-If only I wasn't so scared!~ If only I wasn't so weak!~...' Sebastian then thought back to 'Simpler' times.

"Sebestain dear. Will you take care of your cousin for me?"

A woman was lying in a hospital like bed with a small, brown hair boy to her side. His eyes were red from tears as he held the womans hands. She had brown hair as well with the face of a middle aged woman.

"Oh, Sebastian. You lost your mom and dad at such a young age and now.."

The soft spoken woman coughed, making her pulse spike slightly. The woman is suffering from 'Magic Overdose'. Magic Overduse is caused when a person is in a area where magic is built up. The longer they stand in that area, the more they would suffer in the future. No one knows when they are standing in one as the Magic is too thin to be detected.


She laughed slightly and looked over towards the window. The sun was setting as Sebastian crying got louder.


He cried out. When he turned 2, his father died from falling to his death. When he turned 5, his mother died of Suicide from depression. Sebastian is now 10 years old, the memories of his parents deaths only adding to his aunt's.

"When I'm gone, I'll be leaving Hiro in your hands. You two grew up together as the best of brothers and for that.."

The grip on his hand tightened as she gave him the biggest smile she could muster before death.

"I'm Thankful."

Her grip slowly started to weaken and she let go of his hand, making her arms droop. Sebastian could only stare as people rushed into the room, yelling and telling Sebastian to leave.

That was the last time Sebastian ever spoke.


Sebastian eyes were getting redder and redder. 'I..lost my mom and dad when I was young. Even my aunt, the person who raised me into who I am today, died.'

Sebestain slowly started to get up, catching the attention of the others. 'If I stay here and do nothing, then they'll kill your sister and even me. Hiro would never see me again as well..' His hands started emitting a green aura.

'What?! He can use his magic?!'

Sarah and the others had the same thoughts. Sebestain then grabbed his chains, a serious and cold expression appearing on his face.

'I must conquer my fears. The fears of me not being their to see Hiro growing up. The fear of being left behind. The fear of...not seeing you again, the one person who I can talk too..'

Something clicked inside of Sebestain. He noticed this, but didn't let it get to him. 'All these memories..' He thought back to seeing his dad's dead body on the ground on the internet. His mother's hanging and his aunt's deathbed.

'I'll use them! I'll use them to drive me!'

A bright green light went off, followed by the roar of a beast that caused mountains to tremble in fear.


Daemon and Hannah were walking through a glass, snow biome. Past the walls layed another forest. This time however, everything was made up of glass shards. The trees, animals, plants, rivers, it was all made up of white glass.

"A glass world..."

Hannah looked around in amazement as they walked on the spikey ground. She was holding Daemon's hand as she looked around full of curiosity, surprisment, and amazement.

"Yeah, its pretty cool."

Daemon was also amazed by the scene around him. So amazed in fact that he didn't notice the huge snake behind him. It rivaled 4 meters and was made up of glass as well with red eyes and a 10 inch tounge that hissed at them.


Daemon slowly looked back and saw the huge beast. It hissed even more, spewing a weird toxin on Daemons face. 'Ice Snake. Capable of growing 20 meters in length with its thickness rivaling a plane. Powers include ice magic, tail strike, poisonous spit, and wrap.'

Hannah shook in fear from the giant snake. Her legs, arms, and ever eyes were moving all around. 'Eek!' She looked away into a run, but was stopped as Daemon never let go of her hand.

"Its fine."

The snake shot its head at Daemon. 'Oh, I see. In its eyes, I have no magic..' Having no magic is impossible. But, if someone does then just know that they are infinitely stronger than you are. A lot of people can conceal their magic powers but it's still there. An example would be like, Murasaki. Detecting her magic would be like throwing a pebble into the ocean and trying to find it again.

Daemon threw Hannah up and in the next moment, the snakes head came off. 'Is this the power of a, God?' Daemon was truly lucky to have this power.

Daemon then caught the screaming Hannah, making him slightly smile. 'To think that in that moment, I attacked it so fast that time broke..' He also wasn't used to his power.

"Y-You defeated it?.."

She started at the headless snake on the ground, blood pouring out from the slit. 'When did he? Hes...too fast...'

"Yes. It was quite easy actually.."

"E-Easy?! Well, I guess someone like you would think its easy.."

Hannah sighed out, her words making Daemon laugh. Daemon then went up to the dead snake and bent down. 'Hm...' He examined it while nodding. 'Yep, this one is pregnant...' Daemon then put his hand out at the monster.


The monsters body started twitching and its head came back onto its body. It perked back up in the air and started looking around. 'So it knows it died?..' Daemon discovered something as he bent back up.

"D-Daemon?! What...are you doing?!"

"Nothing, nothing.."

The snake then looked at Daemon. It was the last person it saw before dying, making it back away into a defensive position.

"Hey big guy. Mind taking me to your leader?"

This was a pregnant, 4 meter snake. The height judged its age, meaning.... This snake was pregnant at 4. 'Maybe her boyfriend is the leader of her pact. If shes still in one that is.'

It hissed at Daemon, making him nod. 'She actually ran away from her pact because she got pregnant. She was going to start a new life and... Wait, why the hell does this snake have a backstory? And why do I feel bad now?...'

"I see. I'm...sorry."

Daemon was confused as he put his hand out. 'Apolgizing to a monster. Eh, I don't discriminate. We're all the same..' The snake took his apology and put its head in his hand, making a bond between the two.

Hannah could only stare in thought at Man and Monster. 'How can he be so... How can he be so calm around a monster?..' Hannah thought that even someone like him would be against monsters too.

"How about this. If you give us a ride to your boss, I'll grant you with one wish."

The snakes tail rattled at that as a smile formed on its face. 'T-That creeps me out..' Daemon forced out a laugh while rubbing its head. Daemon then calmed Hannah down and the 3 started on their adventure inside and adventure.
