
A bright green light went off, followed by the roar of a beast that caused mountains to tremble in fear.

A dragon emerged from the hut and flew into the clouds. Its body was dark green with light green veins throughout it. It had horns that curved like handles and its eyes were that of plus marks.

It roared out as it flew around in the sky. It then flew into a mountain, destroying it with pure strength alone.

'I-I can't control it for long!...'

Sebestain rode on it's back with a emotionless face. This was his power. The power to summon a dragon once his fear is controlled. In his case, his fear was being weak, not being their for his cousin, and making his friends sister die. He was burdened with the weakness of it disappearing however when his fear spikes again.

'Energy Dragon. Owner, Sebastian Jewels. Age, 2 minutes. Magic, Energy. Weakness, Fear. Power source, Fear control.'

The blue people started at the flying dragon. Some were shocked while others were scared. Its face would form in the clouds with green lightning striking around.

'He...could do this?!'

Sarah stared in surprisment as the wind blew in her hair.

'Why didn't that quiet bastard do that before?!"

Acier cursed him with a smile forming on her face.


Light was shining on Lucifer as he thought that. The roar of the dragon caused the other students to awake from their slumber.

Upon seeing the dragon, they were scared, but their fear soon died down when they saw the smiles of their friends.

'30 seconds..'

Sebastian flew back down towards the village. The blue woman who was guarding Lily quickly reached for her back and pulled out a bow and arrow. She waited and waited for Sebastian to stop swerving and when he did, she shot.

The wind arrow rivaled light speed as it came 3 inches away from the dragon. Sebastian didn't see the arrow, but the dragon did. Reacting to the arrow, its body turned into green smoke and reappeared physically once the arrow was behind them.

'What?! It dodged?!'

The dragon swooped down and landed on the sides of the broken building. Sebastian then jumped down, getting cheers from his classmates as he coated his hand in green energy.

'I'll be a leader.'

He sliced at Sarah's chains, instantly breaking the energy in them, causing her to be free. 'I'll be a protector'. He then went around and did this for the other students and one adult. '10 seconds!..'

The students used their elements to get aboard the dragon. '5 seconds..' The dragon jumped up into the air, making the hut blow away.

<"Damn It! Fi-!">

<<"Lower your weapons. We don't need them.">>

The old man words caused the blue people to instanly stop. No matter how far away they were away from him, his words easily pierced their souls.


She put her bow away and watched as the huge dragon flew away, completely going in the opposite direction from the river.

Their distance between Daemon and Hannah only grew as they had 6 more days to complete this dungeon or the monsters will seep through into the human world and cause chaos.


"Is that the place?.."

Daemon, Hannah, and Yumi, the snake, were standing behind bushes. She told them to just follow her and she led them to this cave looking place.

The snake hissed at his words, making Daemon nod. 'A snake den, huh? In a snake den could lay 20 at most snakes. There is 1 male among that 20, making the other 19 women. According to Yumi, hes the boss and the person who impregnated her.

"Alright, Yumi. I'm gonna go in and...have a word with your boss. Do you want to come in as well?"

Maybe seeing her ex was a bad thing as she did run away from this place to be away from him. Maybe seeing her ex being killed though would bring her satisfaction.

Yumi shook her head in a nodding manner, making Daemon nod. He then looked at Hannah who was already expecting his question.

"Y-Yes. I'd like to go too. I want to see...more of your power.."

Daemon nodded and placed his hand on her head. Hannah and Daemon smiled with Yumi only frowning at the scene. She was a snake with intelligence. That's rare amongst snakes.

Yumi then lead the way again and the three walked into the den/cave. On the inside, it was dark and the tunnel was huge. 'This boss must be over 18 years old, meaning that its huge AND it's close to dying.

Female snakes though can live a life up to an average humans life span. That makes male snakes mad and they kill them off before that. If one manages to escape, like Yumi, they could live a peaceful life. Though I doubt they would as like I said before, Yumi is intelligent even amongst snakes'.

Yumi then stopped Daemon and Hannah and pointed with her tail. They both then looked to where she was pointing and saw about 19 snakes wrapped around each other. One was way, way bigger than the rest.

'A snake orgy?'

Fun fact: The bigger a snake is this day and age, the smaller its penis gets.

Daemon could see that the women snakes weren't satisfied and were even kissing other female snakes for pleasure. It was a terrifying image to see.

"I'll go take care of your, Boss."

Yumi hissed at Daemon, making him reveal himself from the shadows. As soon as he did, the snakes stared at him. Noticing the species of unknown origin, the snakes became confused.

"Hey you."

Daemon pointed at the black snake. Its skin was thicker than a dresser and its body was as long as a bus. Its black scales enhanced its features while hiding it at the same time. 'So that's why he didn't chase after Yumi..'

A black figure in a clear biome makes it an easy target for bigger predators.

The snake stared at Daemon, its eyes getting redder.

"I came to the conclusion that your gonna die today. I know, I know. It's unfair right? Well you see-"

It slung it's long tail at Daemon, interrupting him. 'I guess it was bound to happen.' Daemon moved his head, making the tail go by him. He caught it in the process as well and smirked.

That smirk made the huge beast flinch. 'Rough, but soft. It would make a nice material for clothing..' The snake then hissed, making the female snakes slowly slither at him.

'And I have to kill all of you as well? Oh, what the hell. Your all inferior beings who have sex all day..'

Daemon was speaking down on them, when he wished for a kind of future.

Anyways, he pulled on the black tail, making it fly at Daemon. In Daemon's left hand, a black sword with black flames around it appeared. 'One of the 7 great swords, Eternal Darkness.'

Daemon let go of the snake and slashed. In the next moment, its head flew past him and landed near Yumi. The smaller snakes seeing this stopped themselves in fear.

'And now..'

A red sword replaced the black one.

'Eternal Flame.'

He slashes at the snakes, sending a red sickle at them. The red sickle burned the oxygen in the air, killing the snakes before it ever even touched them. 'Hannah and Yumi won't die like this when I'm around..'

The sword disappeared, causing Daemon to give out a small sigh. 'Eternal Darkness. Capable of killing any one being that has sinned before, sending them to a void of darkness. A fitting weapon for humanity and beast. And Eternal flame. A flame that could burn space-time when used right. These two with the other 5 could destroy universes...'

Daemon then looked back and saw Hannah slowly backing away from the head. Yumi however was digging into its brain. 'What is she doing?' After a while, a grey orb appeared. 'Oh, wait..' Daemon came to a realization as she picked the orb up.

'A skill orb, huh? A one in one hundred thousandths find..'

She then slithered over to Daemon and bowed. She stuck the orb out as well, making Daemon slightly smile.

"Keep it."

She slowly looked up at him, a sad expression appearing on her face.

"You found it, Yumi, so it's yours. I can't take something away from you like that.."

Daemon placed his hand on her soft skin. While she had a white, glass like body, her skin was quite smooth. Her scales seemed non existant as Daemon felt over her body.

"Hey, Yumi. Can I...make that wish for you?"

Yumi looked up with curiosity. She didn't think he would actually grant her a wish, so his words surprised her still.

After a while, Yumi hissed, making Daemon nod.

"I like you as a snake. Your smart and beautiful. But like most beings, people won't accept you because of your apperance..."

The dead snakes around them then turned into black dust and formed a cloud around the room.

'Wish granting requires sacrifices, but I can make dead bodies, giving me infinite wishes..' From the middle, the clouds parted, revealing a bluish white orb.

Hannah and Yumi could only be amazed by such a beautiful color.

"Yumi. I wish.."

Daemon then said some words that would only add a member to his future harem. Or harem in the making? Yeah, his harem in the making.
