

A small light shown in Lily's eyes. 'Where..

am I?...' While her eyes were wide open for the past 2 days, she could only remember seeing the plane explosion go off.

<"You've awoken.">

The blue woman turned around and stared at Lily. 'W-What is that?' Lily was about to run away when she noticed she was chained onto a table. ' they want with me?..' Seeing her in distress, the blue woman smirked.

<"We are race known as 'Avatar'. And you, little girl, is our hostage.">

'H-Hostage? And what are the Avatar? I've never seen or heard of that race before...'

"W-Why am I a hostage? What have...I done?"

Lily asked in confusion. 'What could I have done when I was sleeping?'

<"Oh, you did nothing wrong. We just want your relative and are using you as bait to lure him out.">

She turned around, leaving Lily to stare at her back back in confusion. 'Daemon... They want...Daemon? Why? Why do they need him? Do they want to hurt him?...' Lily then tried to make a sword of water, but her magic was too low for that.

<"Its no use. Those chains drain magic power at a fast rate. You had a lot, but you should be empty in a few minutes..">

She spoke out, putting her arms into a crossed position.


Lily spoke while putting her head down.

"Why do you want my brother! Just leave him alone!"

An idea was forming in her head. It wouldn't do much, but it should at least let them know that she isn't someone to mess around with.

<"Hm? Don't you know who your relative is? With him, we'll be able to thrive and get out of this place.">

Lily gargle slightly as she heard her response. 'Just need to stall a little bit longer..'

"Yeah, I know who he is. And if you do, what makes you think that you'll be able to capture him?!"

<"Becsuse we have you. We threaten you, and he'll be sure to submit.">

"Hm? Oh, I see.."

Lily smirked, slightly opening her mouth up in the process.

"If you think that'll work on my brother, then...your highly mistaken!"

Lily formed a small hole with her mouth and shot out a concentrated beam of water at her back. 'Compress, adjust, and release..' Lily was taught this move for situations like this. If she got kidnapped or held hostage.


She turned around and hit the water away, making Lily open her eyes widely.

<"Your a fierce one, huh? Tell me, is your brother like that as well?">

She reached for her bow and took it out. 'Damn it!..' Her one opportunity to strike back failed. Though, she never had a plan to begin with. She just wanted to hurt her in some way.

"My brother will find you..."

She put the bow up.

"And when he does.."

She swung the bow down on Lily's head.

"He'll Murder You."

She said in a calm, yet forceful tone as she was knocked out by the stick. The others around her could only stare at their commands sudden out burst.

<"I'd like to see him try.">

She spat on Lily's face and turned back around, putting her bow back onto her back and crossing her arms.

<'I'd finnaly get a good fight..'>


It's been 5 days since they came to this dungeon world. Sarah and her group were managing. Lily was still talking smack to the blue people, only to pass out right after. Daemon and his group were still exploring, but they seemed to have ran into a problem.

"N-Now?! Your giving birth now?!"

Yumi was lying against a tree while Daemon was sitting next to her. They both had sweat on their face, one from about to release a baby, and the other from worry. Hannah was bathing in the ice cold river a little bit away from them. This was possible because of a power Daemon used on her.

"Y-Yes, Daemon! I-I feel them coming!"

"Them?! How many are you having?!"


Daemon pulled out a rag and whipped his face. 'I'm not skilled in delivering a baby! What do I do?! In the movies, the father is usually in the out of the room with the doctors and nurses spouting random shit!!! C-Calm down, Daemon. Just think...'

Daemon rubbed her belly while quietly tell her to shush.

"I'm gonna make this easy for you, okay? I can't see you in pain like this.."

Daemon then eased her pain with a power. This caused her breathing to slow and her thoughts to collect themselves once again.

"Your gonna be okay. I promise.."

Daemon then kissed her belly, causing her to smile. 'Where do they come our from? From the end her of her tail like a normal snake or..' Daemon looked down at the blue triangle over her crotch.

'From there?..'

"Oh, Daemon. Y-Your so nice to us. I think I love you.."

She seemed drowsy so Daemon didn't take her worlds that serious. 'According to Google, I have to give hugs, kisses, tell shes beautiful and give her less sex. That's not helpful in delivering a baby though..'

Daemon ignored that and kept rubbing her belly. As he did, she screamed out, scaring him. 'S-She still feels pain?! Or maybe it's a natural response?..'


Yumi wrapped her tail around his body. 'Soft..' Daemon was being squeezed to death, but this was an honourable way of dying.

"Please don't watch~..."

She gave out one last screamed before the sun shown down on them. She slowly started to let him go, revealing 2 small beings. They both looked like their mother, including being a Lamia as well.


They were very, very cute as they were smaller than your average child.

"They're...beautiful, Yumi.."

Yumi had her eyes low while smiling at Daemon. Hearing what he said however, she passed them to Daemon. They were slimy and sticky and smelt kind of funny, but Daemon ignored that.

"Yumi. Congratulations. Its..2 girls.."

Daemon took his shirt off, and ripped it in half. He dressed them up and finnaly took them out of her arms. 'They are light despite looking heavy...' Daemon slowly rocked them as he looked at their sleeping faces.

'To think I'd be able to see such a sight. I'm truly lucky..'

"What...should we name them?.."

Yumi was fine since Daemon helped her, but she was still mentally exhausted. Before she evolved, she would have pushed out an egg. But the more a monster evolves, the more human like it gets, including having a human shaped heart in their final stage.

"W-We? These are your children. I can't have such an honor."

Yumi slightly smiled at his words and slowly got up. She gently wrapped her tail around him and hugged his waist.

"Daemon, I...I..I can't take care of them on my own. Right now..."

She kissed Daemon on the cheek, making his face flush.

"I Don't Mind You Being The Real Father."

Daemon stared at the children in his hands. They had their eyes closed and would grab at him sometimes. 'You...can't say that..' Daemon wasn't fit to be a father. He never had a father figure in his life, so he doesn't know how to behave like one.

"Yumi, I.."

"Its okay. I understand if you don't.."

"N-No! That's not it!"

Daemon raised his voice at her, surprising her as she never saw him do that before.

"I'm honored. But I don't know if I can be a good father to these kids.."

He didn't believe in himself. That was until..

"I've never been a mother before. Let's both learn be a parent together."

Daemon looked over his shoulder and was met with a kiss. 'Learn how to be...a parent?..' Daemon went into thought as he slowly closed his eyes. 'Yeah..' He and Yumi undid their lips, each having a small blush on their faces.

"I'll do it, Yumi. I'll be...a father for them. I'll raise them with you, and maybe then can I truly understand what's it like to be an Father.."


Light shined on the two as that day marked the first time a human has ever had this sort of relationship with a monster.

The Bridge Between Both Worlds Grew Closer As The War Did As Well...
