
"How long has it been.."

Sarah's group was sitting just outside the lake. They had some shelter up with some rags on as well. They were sitting in a circle around a fire. By combining air magic and fire magic, the fire was able to last in the harsh cold.

"5..days? I've lost count."

The students talked amongst themselves. In the woods behind them, Sebastian was in the forest training and practicing his energy. Ever since he started over coming his fears, hes been more active.

"You think Lilys safe?"

Sarah looked over at Lucifer who had his legs up with his arms wrapped around them. His eyes were low and dark bags were formed under them.

"Yes. They...wouldn't hurt Lily. They...need Daemon right? She's their only bargaining chip.."

Lucifer played with his fingers and sometimes his ears. They brought him comfort as Daemon said multiple comments on how good his fingers and ears looked.

"Your right..."

It went silent between the two. Sarah then bawled her fist slightly and looked back at Lucifer.

"Do you know...who Daemon really is?"

The blue womans words still lingered in her head. They were going this far as to capture his sister to lure him out. But why? Why would they go that far for a seemingly normal person.

"No, not really."

Lucifer didn't let her question faze him in the slightest. Over the past weeks, he realized that she could see someone thoughts by their expression. Not literally, but figuratively.

"Why do you think they want Daemon?"

"I..don't know? Maybe it's his magic. His regeneration power is very broken."

"Yeah, that's true, but this is just too far. Its weird.."

Sarah went into thought as Lucifer looked away. 'His secret isn't going to be a secret for much longer. He knows that...and I do as well..' Just then, the ground started shaking, grabbing everyones attention.

"Its back. Everyone, hide!"

They put the fire out and packed up their chairs. The took down their huts and ran in the woods to hide behind trees. They all then stared at the frozen lake.

Under the lake, a huge beast was swimming in the water. It had a long horn and red eyes. Its size was 200 feet in length and weight over 100 tons. It was...the ultimate predator. Ice magic at its disposal, making it live and grow under the ice in seclusion.

The ice cracked and the huge beast slowly rose out the water. Its eyes blinked, going back like a dragon and going back forward. It looked around in the silent, cold wind. Its white skin made it blend in from a far, giving it the best camouflage in the lake.

(It knows we were here..)


Sarah whispered as the beast was looking in their direction.


The best kept starring at their direction. Little did the students know, it saw someone sticking out ever so slightly, making it grin under the water. The beast then went back under with ice forming from where it emerged.

"Okay. We're good.."

Sarah sighed as the students came back out. They were all terrified of the huge beast. They were terrified and yet they stayed here.

They stayed because they didn't know if those blue people were hunting them down. They also didn't know if any other animals were out there lurking.


Sebastian came out from the white fog with his arms crossed. 'Its waiting for us. knows..' Sebastian noticed that someone was slightly sticking out, but didn't say anything as the beast probably thinks that hes the only one here.


Sarah asked while looking at Sebastian. 'How does Daemon know what's he saying when his lips barely move..' She then shrugged it off and just turned around.

"We should leave. I'm tired of sleeping in fear.."

Acier groaned out with her hands on the back of her head. She, like everyone else, had slight bags under their eyes. '3 days without an inch of sleep. Its exhausting..'

"What if this is the boss and we have to defeat it?"

A student voiced out a thought that made everyone shake.

"T-Then I think it's too overwhelming for a boss. And why is it so big?!"

Acier screamed out at the random student who backed up while sighing. The students were going crazy nowadays. No technology, barely any food, no daily necessity and so on. The children of 2121 were too advanced to not have this stuff.

"Jamir makes a good point. What if it is the boss?.."

Now that Sarah thought about, she saw a sign when they were falling down. She couldn't make it out, but maybe it said something like 'Keep away'.

"Then...we are really screwed. We can't even defeat those blue people. Our best hope is Sebastians dragon."

They all looked at him. 'Shes right. My dragon could kill something like that, but...' They don't even know exactly how big it is.

They seen it's long horn and big, rectangular head but that's all. They can't determine size off of that, especially since this boss seemed to have defied that dungeon rule.


His loud words made everyone nod while sighing. Sebastian then looked at someone and pointed to a feather on their hat. The person then took it off and gave it to him.

'I have a plan...but it's dangerous. This whole crazy...'


"So, what's the human world like?"

Daemon, Hannah, Yumi, Yu, and mi(pronounced 'Me'), were all sitting by a river. Yumi knew about the existence of humans, but thought they were fairytales. Also, Daemon doesn't have a good naming sense, so that's all he could do. Yumi seemed to like it though.

"Hm... I'd say it's alright. We...are more peaceful than we were 100 years ago,...kind of."


Her tail was shaking around, making Daemon smile slightly.

"Yep. That's why.."

He patted his daughters head, making them coo. 'Hm? Already?..' Daemon shook the thought off and looked at Yumi.

"I Think We Can Live Together In The Human World Without Problems."


Yumi just remembered that Daemon isn't from this cold world. He and Her are two different beings that live in completely different worlds.

"Wait...are you taking me with you?"

Daemon cocked his head back at her question.

"Uh, yeah. Did I not say that?"

He didn't say it directly, but he thought he implied it. Yumi thought Daemon would stay behind but she guessed wrong.

"W-Why can't you stay here?.."

Her tail was wagging slowly as she asked that. Noticing that, Daemon looked over and into the water.

"Well you see,... If me or my friends don't defeat the boss in here, then the monsters will seep through and into our world. I...can't let that happen.."

"Ooo... So that's why you wanted to kill...him."

She was referring to the black snake that ended up being her clothing.

"Yes. That's why.."

Daemon paused then continued speaking.

"Would you happen to know of a monster that I could be referring to? A monster of great power?"

Yumi stared for a moment, then something clicked.

"Oh, no.."



Sylvia then put her hand out an a huge ice sculpture appeared. Daemon was surprised by this. 'She and Sylvia would get along great...'

"Ice Horn. A huge being that lives in the 'Frozen lake'. With it's long horn, its capable of freezing the very lake it rest in. It is said to have been there before the world was created, giving it a lot of chances to evolve.."

Daemon nodded. 'Moby dick with a horn eh? Seems like a fun fight..'

"I see. And how long would it take to get from here to the lake by foot?"

Daemon stood up while putting his coat back on. He placed his cap on as well and smirked.

"T-Two Days, why?"

Hannah got up with Yu and Mi as well and smiled.

"I know why.."

He helped up Yumi, who was sweating. She knew how strong Daemon was but what she saw was just a atom in the 7 oceans.

"My friends will need help if they run into it. Let's go.."

He started stretching while smiling. 'We'll see each other soon guys...' Daemon made a stroller and put Yu And Mi inside of it. It was fit for snow as they started moving.

'Just Wait. I'll Show You All The Power Of A God.'

Daemon, for the first time in 38 chapters, referred to himself as a God.
