
" the 7th day since they went in the dungeon. If they don't defeat the boss, then the monsters will start flooding in.."

People were in a room. Some were the S ranks while others were regular people. Law, or Murasaki, was also in the room. Because of her authority, she was able to stop them from entering the dungeon over this past week.

"Yes. If they are still alive. Its rank is B, no?"

A random person spoke out. His words caught the attention of the S ranks, making him pass out from fear.

"While he shouldn't have spoke, we can't deny that hes speaking the truth. The dungeon is B rank. Those students aren't no where near the level to clear the dungeon themselves."

The headman then looked down and towards law. She had her shoes and socks off and was getting her nails done by the dead doll.

"Ms. Law. Why did you stop us from sending our forces in?"

Laws gave out a cute giggled from being tickled. That made the doll drop the nail polish, making her start back over.

"Because those students are our future, right? This sort of thing is sure to show them how its really like inside of a dungeon."

"I-I get that, but don't you think that this is too much?!"

He slightly raised his voice, causing his right arm to twist off. He couldn't even scream in pain as he knew a coffin would be his next resting space.

"Listen, Dave."

She scoffed while picking in her nose. Her appearance right now was that of a teenager in the year of 1980. She seemed sloppy and didn't even have her hair done.

"These. Students. Will. Come. Out. That. Dungeon. As. Different. People. This meeting is over."

Her simple words caused fear amongst everyone. Even infinity had a small sweat mark on his face. 'L-Law is as scary as usual..' The S ranks got up and said words of goodbyes. The small businessmen said words of grace as they left the room too.

While Daemon had the power of God, Murasaki actually acted like one.


"Okay, everyone. Do you understand the plan?"

It was the next, next day. Sebastian wrote down a plan and it took a whole day to convince everyone to go through with it. They each had a role and they were all prepared for death.

"I will glide across the ice to get the beast attention. Once I do, it all depends on its next move. If it jumps out to get me then the plan can continue, but if it doesn't then the plan is a bust.."

Everyone agreed with her words so far.

"If it does attack at me, then I'll fly up, making the beast revealed itself. Acier, you and Maku will go under the ice when I reach the halfway point of the ice, only to reveal yourself when it jumps out the water. You will use some sort of weapon to attack it from below."

"I will then guide it with my wind and make it beached on the ice. That's when Sebastian will fly over on his dragon and kill it. Everyone else will ride with him and when its beached, you'll jump down to surround it. Attack it with all of your magic and don't stop until its dead."

Wasn't the ideal plan, but in the end, they were kids. Many flaws presented it self and the first was if it even chased after Sarah.

"Some of us might not make it out of here.."

Sarah put her hand out.

"But as the future, we'll make it! As friends, disciples, and survivors! We WILL make it!"

The group of students looked at each other. It could have been their last time seeing each other. With that in mind though, they all smiled.

"I'm was with you guys atleast."

A student put their hand out on top of Sarah's..

"These last couple days were...interesting to say the least, but we all pushed through."

Another person put their hand on top of theirs. This trend repeated, the mood of the group becoming more scared and happier at the same time.


Sebastian put his hand out on top of Lucifers and Sarah said...

"To see another day.."

""To see another day!""

They all then put their hands up, screaming in the process. They each had the resolve to fight this beast. They each had the right mindset. It was just a matter of them carrying the plan out.

"Alright! Let's do this!"


Daemon stood on top of the huge wall with his hands in his coat pockets. 'Its peaceful here..' He looked over at Yumi and saw her cupping her ear slightly. Her beautiful, short hair was blowing along in the wind. He then looked at Hannah who was practicing with that sword.

'Its a shame it's all gonna come to an end..'


Sarah ran out on the ice. Like an ice skater, she glided along it swiftly and quickly. 'We have exactly 30 minutes to go get lily and escape through the rift in the sky. This plan..' She was starting to see many flaws in it. Time management was a big one.

Underneath the ice, the huge, white whale saw a shadow moving. It immediately charged at that. Sarah started to feel the ground shaking. 'It must be huge. The mere flap of its tail is making the ground shake.'

Sarah then looked down and..'Shit!' She jumped up and instantly, the ice broke as a white tip was plunging at her. It kept following and following her, no matter how high she got in the air!


It seemed infinite in size. 'This won't work..' Underneath the ice, two people were swimming with a pocket of air around them. 'What is that?!' Acier saw a tower of white going up.

'That's not the monster is it?!'

Acier quickly shook her head and made a giant scythe. It was 5 meters in height and thicker than a car. 'I'll give it all I've got!' She got closer to the beast. 'And I'll live! I'll live to tell Daemon of this adventure!'

As she got closer, she was immediately blown away, catching her off guard. 'Oh, no!' The force of the huge beast going up, caused big ripples in the water, sending them back.

Sarah then curved to the side and the beast followed because of a side wind attack. 'Good..' Just then, a blue beam was shot out at Sarah. It was too fast for her to react. It hit Sarah, causing her whole body to be enchanted with ice.

With the momentum of going to the side, she started to fall down. If she were to make contact with the frozen lake, she'll shatter into a million pieces, meaning Death.

'Damn it!'

Lucifer quickly sped across the frozen lake. He had wood on his feet, making him quicker and he only GOT quicker.

'This wasn't the plan!'

Lucifer was on the opposite side of the lake. His role was to watch the beasts movements and inform them of everything when they regrouped.

Sarah got closer and closer to the ground. Lucifer then pulled out a sword, his body seeming to move faster than fast as it started stretching. The blade of his sword glided on the ice.

Lucifer went around on a huge circle, planning to carve it out. When he finished, he quickly jumped in the center, making the ice float down into the depths of the water from force. Sarah crashed into the frozen water, causing Lucifer to sigh and jump in to go get her.

It was Sebastians turn. The huge beast was halfway on the ice with its other half in the body. Sebastian then motioned his hands towards the beast and the students jumped off, leaving him and the adult woman.

"Y-Y-You kids are too brave!"

Sebastian ignored her words and focused on the beast. The 12 students landed around the huge beast. The beast noticed them and waited

"N-Not so tuff, huh?"

Jamir smirked at seeing the beached whale. A feeling a power and accomplishment flowed through him. He and the students then started throwing their magic at the whale.

The whale wasn't affected at all.

The white whale quickly turned, slicing 2 students in half. Their blood stained it's long, white horn with red paint. It students around were dyed in red paint as the frozen lake was as well.


The beast flopped over some students and aimed its horn at Jamir. '' He asked like he wasn't puffing his chest out at it earlier.


The beast spoke out as it shanked Jamir. His body exploded into red paste as the whale laughed out. It was an intelligent being.

It lived for more than ??? years, giving it a lot of background over languages and power usage.

The remaining 9 kids were too scared to move. They never seen the death of a human before, especially this close. It made their legs turn into jelly as the slouched on the ground.

<<<"You. Fool. I see all. I am all.">>>

It shot a beam of blue light into the sky. When it touched the white clouds, it shot back down at itself. Its body then started emitting a blue aura, making its power double.

<<<"And with this power. I kill all of you.">>>

Sebastian snapped out of it and rushed down at the whale. 'D-Damn it!' His eyes were teary. Seeing the blood of his friends made him wary. 'C-Crap!' The dragon disappeared, leaving him and the woman free falling towards the wall.

The whale noticed that and turned towards them, opening its mouth. 'I-I'm too scared! I-I-I-I-I-I can't s-s-s-s summon it again!' As he got closer to the whale, memories started to replay in his head. They were mostly of him and his cousin playing together.


Lucifer emerged from the water with the frozen Sarah, only to see everyone starring at a falling man and woman going towards a gaped mouth. 'oh, no...' Everyones expression were slowly changing.


He could feel the cold from the whale now.

