
"Hes going to disappear. That means that all of your hard work was almost for nothing, Kate."

"Yes, I know father. I put my life at risk by being on that plane, all for this plan to fail."

"That's true, but you did get a job at the school right? Something about 'A reward for keeping our students in check', right?"

"Yes, that is correct, father. I now have a job as a counselor to the students. I may not be able to get close to the intended target, but his sister should be fine."

"Okay, Kate. Do that, and get as much information on him AND his power..."

"Yes, father.."

The woman bowed and left the room. This woman was on the plane and saw everything go down. Who could have such a perspective? Who could possible get a job as a counselor and tell the story of the students from a far away view point. That's right...

The Defenseless Flight Attendant.


"Our first location will be Asia, or more specifically, Anime world."

Daemon, his two kids, Yumi, Murasaki, and Hestia were in the black chopper. Hestia was flying it even though she didn't need too, but she...insisted. Well, she never got out the cockpit.

" You mean, Japan?"

"Yes, Anime world. I can't wait to meet all the anime characters!"

Daemon looked away, completely ignoring her, and out the window. The inside of the helicopter was sound proof, meaning they didn't have to wear headphones, also giving them perfect communication.

'Ani-, I mean, Japan. They are famous for their use in magic. In America, we use magic in some foods and weapons, but that's mostly it. Our advanced technology is what we are known for in a sense. Japan however is known for combining Magic and Technology and Making, TechnoMagic.

In Japan, they have weapons like Magi Guns and Rifle type weapons. Magi Guns are guns that work on a users magic power. The more Magic they implant into their gun, the bigger the output. Though, too much of magic power can overload it. That's why most professional just use small amounts of magic, making it work like your standard quick fire rifle.'

Daemon then looked down at the two small Lamia in his lap. 'They are getting bigger..' They were the size of your average 3 year old. They were asleep right now as it was deep in the night.

They were to be staying in a normal apartment and Daemon would be going to a school. Something about the best school in Japan. Daemon would be attending school there, learning about different ways that he could use his magic while in use of another. He would change his palette as well, making his hair black and his pupils white.

'Japan also has a weird number one..'

Immeasurable. That was the name of the number one...person in japan. He had basic magic, but not so basic magic at the same time. Body strengthening was all he had, but man... A mountain would be left in tears after a slap from him.

'First we had Gojo, and now All might. I wonder if I'll meet a little midoriya..'

He was referring to an anime called, My Hero Academia. What made the show memorable was the ending. The ending was of him and his main villain becoming friends.

'Not saying it was a bad ending, but....he could have atleast got with that brown haired woman. Instead, he lived alone for the rest of his life.'

"We'll be staying in Musutafu, Japan. It's located near the Shizuoka Prefecture. The apartment we'll stay in will be small, but it's not like most of us will be home."

Daemon will find work. Yumi will stay at home to raise Yu and Mi. Murasaki might go around, getting drunk and sleeping with girls. According to her, 'I could say, 'Have better sex' and guys would still manage to last 10 seconds. Pitiful honestly.'

"Daemon. You know that you won't be able to get into relationships with these kids, right?"

Yumi looked over at Daemon when she said that. She didn't care if he had a harem or not, but she atleast wanted to be first in line.

"Yeah, yeah. Japs are too much for me anyways. There always happy.."

Acier was a 'Quiet' and reserved girl before going to japan, but when she came back, not only did she adopt their style, but she even tanned her skin. Oh yeah, Acier is white, not black.

"Too happy? Oh, no! Your broken again!"

She laughed at Daemon while making sad faces to tease him. Murasakis hair was dyed black now and she had black eyes now too. Her face was structured of a japanese as well. 'Talking about me when you make Nanno look human...'

"I'm tired~.."

Yumi yawned out, making her fork end, long tounge wiggle slightly. She would blink at different times and would rub her eyes as well.

"Rest, Yumi. It's a long journey.."

Daemon wrapped his arm around her as she leaned in closer. She rested her head on his shoulder while closing her eyes and a smile forming.

"Thank you..."

She gave out one last yawn before going to sleep. Daemon now had 3 Lamia sleeping on him. 2 were gripping his shirt, never wanting to let go of him, while the other was starting to slob on his right shoulder.

"Daemon. We've been flying for 6 hours now. I know your tired too.."

Murasaki sat on the opposite side of Daemon. She then slid down to sit in front of him instead of at an angle.

"No, it's fine. I can stay up for a while without powers.."

Lily had nightmares when she was young. Something about seeing a huge being in her sleep. It was elegant, but it still scared her. This caused Daemon to sleep with her or more accurately, stay up with her. One time, they stayed up for 4 days straight.

"Its bad for your health, Daemon. But you do you, I guess.."('If I'm tired in this moment then a towel will appear.')

A towel appeared on Murasaki as she laid with her back against the door frame. Not only did she change her features, she also changed her height. She now rivaled 4'9 instead of 5'8.

"Hm? Do you like this sort of body?"

Murasaki noticed Daemon examing her childish body.

"No, not really. This body just suits your childish side.."

Murasaki smiled at that and turned away. Her breathing began to slow down, dropping all of her defense in the process. 'She thinks I'll protect her, huh?' Daemon smiled at the sleeping child and looked out the window.

The sky was dark and rainy, giving it THAT sort of atmosphere. Like we were about to get eaten by a Mosasaurus or something.

'I'll master these powers and use them in the war. I must admit, before I would have been a burden, but now I could hold my ground..'

One wrong move, and he could blow the earth out of orbit with a blink. In the past couple of weeks, he grew stronger and his dad's limiters stopped working.

'Making my own would fail too. I can't suppress my power, meaning it would be like dads where they'll be useless in the end..'

Daemon was finally started to see what it was like being a OP character. They struggle too, even if they have everything.

And with that, the helicopter continued flying over the sea, Daemon keeping a look out for them in case anything were to happen.


In a small apartment, a green haired boy with green eyes was looking at a grey circle with a hologram of a blond, bulky man. The green haired boy was short and had little muscle, making his appearance THAT.

"I-I-I made it!~"

He was accepted into the best Magic school in Japan. He took a test a while ago, and the person that resembles a hologram just told him he got in.

"I-I can't believe it! I-I actually did it.."

He put his head down while closing the hologram. It was around 5 am and he cried until 7. He was truly grateful and never thought he could actually do it.

'And with this, I'll be even closer to becoming the Number One Mage!'
