
October 1st.

The first day at, 'M.H.' The name stands for Magic High, but America took the full name, leaving Japan with this. Daemon was in front of a mirror getting ready for school.

Japan has changed their school system so it sort of matches up with America. Well, in the sense of starting in fall. That being said, it still does start later then they do.

"Your name is Daemon Fisher. Yeah, my name is the same as Daemon Suzuki, but our first name is the only thing we have in common. I was born and raised in Japan. Just homeschooled by my mother, Hestia fisher, for the time being."

Daemon had the right papers to prove hes never seen american soil before. He has a document stating that he was born in Japan, never left Japan, and had different magic from his as well.

And to throw them all off, he'll accidentally expose himself in Antarctica. He'll expose a clone obviously. It should be enough to throw them off his scent.

"Fisher, huh? I'm completely abandoning my last identity."

For his uniform, it was made up of a standard school uniform for japanese. His pants were grey and baggy while he wore a grey shirt under a black vest. He wore grey high tops with white soles and black laces.

'Wasn't expecting this, but then again, what was I really expecting? For it to look like the uniform from the anime, or...'

Daemon shrugged and grabbed his book bag. He placed his hands on the straps and soon walked out of his room. Across from his door, Murasaki and Hestia slept in there.

If you are standing in a hallway that had a back wall, Daemons room would be on the left. Murasakis room would be on the right and Yumi's room would be on the back wall.

'Know....I know those two were close, but when did they start having sex?'

Daemon could hear moans from their room. Well, Murasakis moans as Hestia acted like a robot even during sex. It gave Murasaki a weird satisfaction though.

"O-Oh, my. They'll bother our neighbors.."

Yumi said as she opened the door. When Daemon saw her, his face became red and he looked away. Yumi was confused by his actions then looked down as a slight breeze hit her.


Her breast were out. Instead of pink tips, hers were blue! Blue!

"Eek! D-Don't look!"

She slithered back while covering her breast and slammed the door shut. Daemon saved the scene to a photo drive in his head, making him have material for later.

' I doing this? I live with 3 beautiful women who would probably give me some if I asked for it..'

Daemon shrugged and walked into the living room/kitchen. Even in the technological future, Japan still had small apartments. Or maybe these buildings are just old.

"I'll find a bigger apartment. Murasaki could forge documents, but not get a better apartment. She...surprises me every day we see each other."

An apple appeared in his hand and he took a bite out of it.

"I'm leaving. Have a nice day guys.."

Daemon opened the door and walked out. When he did, he bumped into something, making him fall down. 'What..the hell?..' Daemon slowly opened his eyes and stared.

'A teddy bear?..'

Daemon saw a white background with a teddy bear in the middle. From an outside perspective, a green haired....wait a minute. Is he....a she? Oh, shit. My bad.

'Even the narrator misjudged their gender? Hes slacking..'

Anyways, a green haired girl was seen with someone under her shirt. She had big green eyes and fluffy dark green hair. Small freckles on her cheeks and a small nose as well.


She said while looking down. She saw a person under her skirt, making her face become red. She quickly backed away and said...

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't see you and.."

She bowed and bowed until the man finally stood up. When he did, her eyes never left him like they were glued onto him.

"No, it's fine. I should have been more careful."

Daemon shook his head and stared at the woman. 'What...the hell?..' A gender bent...Izuku? Is this a way of stopping paradoxes or something?' Daemon put his hand out and she took it.

"O-Oh, no. I made you drop your apple.."

She put her head down in shame. 'Is he acted?..' After his rouge arc got animated, Daemon completely forgot about his season 1-5 personality. He still doesn't remember it fully.

"That's fine. I-"

"I'll go get you another one! Please wait here!"

As she ran away, Daemon noticed that she was slightly built. 'How....did he get his powers again?..' Daemon took a step to his left and rested on the rail. His view wasn't that great, but it was still a new change in scenery.

"Here you go!"

Daemon looked over and saw her bowing with a green apple out.

"I-I didn't have any red.."

Daemon stared at the green apple. 'Green..' Daemon laughed unconsciously whilie taking the apple. She then bent back up and smiled. 'So, if hes here then I can expect to met his dead rival right? I wonder if shes a girl too.'

'Damn. How much have I forgotten about the show? Well, it's been over a 100 years since it came out. I watched it when I was like 2 as well..'

"H-Hey! D-D-Do you want to walk together! I see we have on the same uniform we must go to the same school, right!"

She wore a grey skirt with the same type of upper body clothing that Daemon had. She had on black knee high socks and brown leather shoes. She had on a long, dark green scarf around her neck, covering her mouth slightly. And to top it off, she had a regular japanese bag for school.

"Uh, yeah. I actualy just moved here from the country, so I don't really know my way around here."

"O-Oh, really? I always wanted to see what its like out there, but I can never find any free time to go.."

Daemon slightly chuckled and started walking away. She snapped out of it and soon started walking besides him. The two got to know each other a little better as they go onto a subway.

"M-My name is Midori Izushi! W-What about you?!"

Daemon and...Midori was sitting down as the train took them to their new school. 'Midori...Izushi? What an interesting name..' Daemon snapped out of it and said.

"Daemon Fisher."

Daemon was expecting to hear an 'Eh?!?', but instead, he got a friendly smile.

"That's a nice name, Daemon."

Almost as if sunflowers appeared next to her, the atmosphere became kind and warm. 'What the hell?..' Daemon stared at her then looked away. 'No reaction to that name at all. Why though?..'

After that, they rode in silence. Mi..dori seemed unfazed by this atmosphere while Daemon was jumpy in this unfamiliar atmosphere.

While the japs were happy people, he had read his fair share of Doujin. Though, it seemed that the Japanese government has as well as girls rode in a different train nowadays.

The train then stopped and the two got off together. The walked back up to the surface and continued down a long road.

"So, Midori. What's your magic?"


His sudden questioning surprised her. Well that and the fact Daemon spoke without honorifics. If you speak on a first named Basis in Japan then you are usually close friends.

Though for the sake of me being lazy, only reacting to Daemon calling others by their first name will be written out. I'm not typing 'Chan' after every name. Its cringe.

"Your magic. What is it?"

She stared at the side of his face as they continued walking. Midori then had some thoughts on the matter and decided to just answer.

"I-I can only use body strengthening.."

" the number one, huh? That's pretty cool."

Midori stayed silent at that. In this era of Magic, it's best to have a poker face. And what Daemon didn't know was the fact that Midori practiced this a lot, even before..

"Is that it?"

Daemon saw a huge, black gate that stretched to the sides. The middle of the gate was open, revealing a school like entrance in the back. Behind that, there were giant buildings that were tinted with blue glass.

"Yes. That's, M.H. My future and dreams.."

Daemon stared at the side of her face. 'Well, have fun while it last...' Noticing what she said, she turned around with an embarrassed expression.

"I-I'm sorry. I spoke a little too much.."

She put her head down which confused Daemon. 'Japs are too nice to strangers. Or maybe...maybe its just her..'

"No, it's fine. I don't really mind it."


She became confused. 'I..was always told to shut up about those types of words. But he... doesn't care for some reason..' A small smiled started to form itself on her face as she looked at Daemon.

"Oh, Thank You. Your Words Mean A Lot."

Daemon nodded and the two started walking again together. 'She quickly changed..' Daemon shrugged it off as he rested his hands in his pocket.

'Something That I Envy.'
