
" can control technology?"

Daemon and Midori were walking back home. Instead of using the trains, they decided to go by foot. Well, this was decided by Midori as she thought this was the perfect opportunity to show him around.

"Yeah, it's cool right?"

"Cool? That's an understatement.."

She sighed out as she slowly started to put her head down. Shes always been surrounded by strong people and so she always became jealous of their powers. She thought she gained a 'Resistance' towards that, but she guesses she was wrong.

"What's your...limit?.."

She had her phone out and seemed to be on the notepad app. Daemon could see that she had notes already written in there.

"Limit? Like range?"



Daemon thought about it. He need something that seemed reasonable and not too broken. Going off of that, he soon came up with something.

"My range is 7 meters in all directions. From there, I can see anything if I focus my magic on it."

"I-I see.."

Her small, little fingers with black and green nail polish on them were moving fast on the screen keyboard. She was always mumbling very quickly, causing Daemon to force a laugh.

"You said it works if you...focus your magic on it? Can you please explain that?"

"Hm? Oh, sure."

Daemon didn't mind giving her his secrets. 'Whatever distracts her from the fact that Kaiyo is walking next to us with earphones in.'

Like she said before, the weaker shouldn't be able to talk with the strong. Going by that, Kaiyo wants to personally walk with them to keep that in check. Though, she likes music a lot and that tends to distract her.

She still kept a frown on her face though with her hands on her head. Apart from that, she looked pretty beautiful. She had nice leg muscles that shown through her black, knee high socks. Nice, sharp ears and a small cute nose to boot. She was every bit a women as she was mean.

"So for an example, you see that car over there?"

He pointed to a regular blue car. Midori looked at it and nodded.

"Well, for me, I see a grey line that connects me and the heart of the vehicle, the engine basically. With that connection, it can give me all the information I want on it as long as I implant my magic into it. When I do, the grey line turns blue and a series of information such as the car owner or when the monthly bill is due, etc."

Midori was too amazed by his explanation that she forgot to write down everything she heard. 'That's so cool! And not to mention that he can get personal info as well! In such a society, he'll surely make it!'

If she had a tail, it would be waging. She's never been like this before. She would usually be jealous, but because Daemon has treated her with such kindness, she's actually happy for him.

"She's writing you down too, huh?"

Kaiyo pulled her earphones out while starring at Midori with disgust.

"She's a creep who stalks people. She writes down all the information she gathers from a said person and writes it down in that little phone of hers and uses it for later. Its honestly pathetic."

Daemon stopped walking and stared at her back. Midori stopped as well with Kaiyo following.

"Hey. Who would win in a fight between you two again?"

This question confused the two. The difference between their abilites were night and day so his question may have

"What kind of question is that?! Me! I would win!"

She jerked at Midori, making him flinch. 'Alright. I know I said I was gonna stay out of their love quarrel, but nah..' Daemon never seen bullying before in his life. Heck, the stereotype of bullies in America in this day in and age were non existent. Like said before, you throw hands instead of talking smack.

'Doesn't apply here though..'

Getting bullied in Japan is rare, but not uncommon. 'I think....yeah, the bully and nerd trope transferred over to Japan..'

"I see. Just wanted to make sure."

You could see Midori ball her hands when Daemon said that. Kaiyo however nodded rapidly with a crazed look.

'If she has the same Magic as Immesurable, then she could possibly be as strong too..'

Everyone could strengthen their body with magic. That much is common knowledge. Immeasurable's Magic and Midori's Magic can go farther than that though. They can enhance their brain power, each and ever single cell in their body, enhancing their healing factor to that of being able to tank bullets and so on.

Daemon Could See That Midori Will Go Farther Than That Though.

They all soon got to Daemon's and Midoris apartment complex. Kaiyo still followed them, leading Daemon to question as to why she wants to know where he lives.

"Well, this is my stop. Good day."

Daemon stood in front of his door while Midori kept walking down. She had her head down ever since Daemon asked that obvious question. It made her think that he wanted to see her in such a manner.

"Oh, I see now! I know where you live now, so don't try anything funny with me!"

She got up in his face while making small explosions. Daemon pushed her away while opening the door, causing her to fall back onto the rail.

"Hm? You wear teddy bear underwear as well? I see.."

Daemon smirked and closed the door behind himself. Upon hearing his words, Kaiyo got pissed and quickly got up. 'Wait...' She then looked over and at Midori who was unlocking her door.

'What did he mean by, 'As well..'..'

She thought that either he wore panties like hers, causing her to gag, or that Midori wore them too. 'Great. Now I have to buy a whole different brand..' She cursed Midori while walking away.

"Welcome home papa!"

A small child slithered up to him and grabbed his leg. Daemon stared at the snake child in confusion.

'I'm sorry. Did she just...speak?' Yu was the size of a 6 year old child. Behind her, Mi was holding her hands with eyes full of tears.

'What the hell happened? It hasn't even been 3 weeks yet and their already this size. And their features...aren't that of a child either.'

Yu had slightly big breast with a small fang. She had a small waist too and...he knows this by her not wearing a shirt. Mi had smaller breast, but they were still big for her age. She also had a small waist and had short hair like her mother. Yu had longer hair like he does now.

"Oh, Yu. Always so eager.."

Yumi came out while sighing. Her clothes were rugged like shes been struggling and her hair was messy as well. 'Must have had a long day..'

"Papa! How was your day!"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, it"

She then grabbed at him like she wanted to be picked up. Daemon complied and lifted her up. 'By monday, they'll probably be as big as Yumi. That's...sad to think..'

While he was happy to see them grow up, it was also sad to see them grow up so fast.

"How was your day, Yu?"

"Me?! It was amazing! Mommy tried putting clothes on us, but we retaliated!"

She immediately answer him, causing him to flinch slightly.

"She did now?"

"Yes! Clothes are restricting, so we don't like them! I'll wear them if papa wants me too though!"

Daemon stared at her. 'That would be ideal. Though I understand you. I mostly sleep in boxers without a shirt..'

"Please tell our daughter to put clothes on. She won't listen to me, but apparently she'll listen to you."

Yumi said while sighing. Daemon nodded and clothes appeared on her.

"You need to wear clothes, Yu. Human clothing may seem uncomfortable, but wearing these should be fine.."

The shirt was made up of soft material. It was also as cold as Antarctica as her species of snake was immune to cold, but not resistant to heat.

"Oh, this is amazing Papa! I like it!"

She hugged him tighter while wrapping her tail around him. Disclaimer, I repeat, Disclaimer!

Daemon will not be taking his children as wives. None of that 'Dale and Latina' business. That being said, hes the Mc, so maybe he'll have...'Situations' with his daughters.


Like described before, Mi was like the past Daemon. Quite and reserved. She didn't jump out at too many things and knew when to stay hidden.


She was also awkward. Smiling at her shyness, Daemon started walking up to her. 'They both are so cute..' Daemon squatted down and placed his free hand on her head.

She whimpered at that as Daemon moved his hand around. 'Soft like feathers..' Daemon fully sat down on the ground and continued rubbing her head.

Yumi smiled at the cute scene in front of her and pulled out a flip phone. She took a picture of the scene and promised herself to frame it later.

"This is embarrassing papa..."

Her speech was slow, matching her quiet voice as well.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My hand is moving on its own.."

Daemon then looked over and saw Yu pouting with tears in her eyes as well. 'O-Oh, yeah..' Daemon forced out a laugh and moved his land hand up her back. He then landed his hand on her head and started rubbing hers as well.


She groaned out while looking up slowly. 'God, I hope they stay this size forever. They're just too cute!' Murasaki and Hestia then walked into the living room and stared.

'This fool is enjoying himself too much..'

The little Murasaki started bawling her first slightly. 'I'll show you tonight who you should give the most attention too..' She formed a plan in her head while snickering.

'For I shall be the one to take your virginity!'
