
Midori closed the door behind herself and threw her bag onto the floor. She took her shoes off and slipped slippers on.

"I'm home.."

She sluggishly walked down the short hallway until she arrived in the living room/kitchen area. A bit away, you could see two picture frames with lit candles next to them. Light was hitting the frame, causing the people in the frames apperance to stay unknown.

"Today...was sort of fun.."

Midori went to her room and closed the door. Her room was messy with underwear on the floor and other clothing as well. The blinds were closed, making the room dark. She had a simple bed with grey sheets and cover. A desk was present on the right wall with posters of weights on the wall.

She then went up to the desk and sat down in it. She stretched out slightly and burped. 'We didn't do much..' She put earphones in and pulled a drawer back. It was empty inside.

Or Atleast That's How She Wanted It To Appear.

The bottom was fake as she could pull to pick it up if she got her nails under the board. When she lifted the false bottom up, a journal type book was present.

She placed it on her desk and opened it. Some pages had paragraphs upon paragraphs of words on them with hand drawn pictures as well. She then went to a blank date and wrote the date in the middle.

'Today started with me..'

She wrote how her day went. Every little detail as well like her coughing on the train. When she wrote about Daemon, she would put question marks around his name. She knew he was from the country or so she thought.

His accent was perfect and he seemed to be used to city life. Also, his Magic quite easily contraditiced his environment. It was weird to her.

'And he said who was stronger. Me or Kaiyo..'

That made her stop writing as she thought back to it. She felt humiliation from someone she considered to be her first...friend.

'But I guess I was wrong about him. Maybe he was nice to me just because of the moment. Was he actually even nice to me? He didn't raise his voice like others usually do, so maybe I thought that was a sign of friendship and kindness..'

"Another year, another friendless one to boot.."

She got up, took her earphones out and closed the book. 'I was told to keep living by you mom, but I don't think...I can..' She put it back under the false bottom and threw herself into her bed.

'I Don't Think I Can.'


"Have you found work yet, Murasaki?"

Daemon was sitting on the couch with his two daughters on his lap. Yumi was sitting next to him while Hestia stood in the corner. Murasaki was fixing a bowl of cereal as Daemon spoke to her.

"Hell no. I've been here all day. I'll go check out Anime World tommorow."

Daemon nodded, followed by Murasaki asking him the same question.

"Have you found work?"

Daemon didn't show any movement until she was done fixing her bowl. When she did, he finally spoke.

"Yeah. It's at a bar actually in the Kamino ward. Apparently, my magic will be helpful or so the job description says."

Japan has developed a naming sense of fake places in shows. The city was built like 90 years ago with more fake places being built. By fake, he means fiction if that wasn't obvious.

"What? You sound dumb. Why would a BAR need your powers? They could hire a regular technician or something."

"I don't know myself, but the pay is 20 dollars an hour. I'm taking that."

"Listen here dude. Is this a regular bar or an information joint?"


Daemon laughed out at her. Murasaki became confused by this and 'Ha'ed' backed in a sarcastic tone.

"Its both, Murasaki. Its both.."


Daemon opened the door and saw Midori walking by. She didn't seem to mind him as it was like she was ignoring his presence.

'The hell? Did I do something?'

Daemon closed the door and followed behind her. 'She walks fast when she wants too..' He placed his hand on her shoulder, making her stop to hit it away.

"Is there something...wrong?"

Daemon recalled everything he said to her in the last 24 hours, but couldn't find anything harsh.

"Why.... Why are you edging this? Are you gonna treat me like how Kaiyo does as well?"

Daemon stared at her resolute face with tears in it. He ignored the tears however and closely listened in on her words.

"You...asked that stupid question of who would win between me or her to embarrass me and boost her ego didn't you?"


"Don't deny it! Its always..been like this.."

Haunting memories came back to her as she said that. Daemon was in a state of confusion to respond back. 'Wait, what? I asked that for a completely different matter. It was for YOU actually.'

"Uhm, Midori. You highly mistaken here.."

Daemon then gripped her arm, making her face flush from embarrassment and anger.

"You have muscles, meaning you work out, no? Well I do exercise myself. I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the gym saturday to work out together."

Midori's beauty was only enhanced by her muscles. Daemon didn't know it himself, but he likes slightly muscular women. Well them and chubby women. He likes it because its something women hate in themselves.

Odd Right?


Midori's face became redder at his words. If you thought that I, the narrator/author would make another my hero story then your wrong. Midori in general in an obvious change. Another change is the fact that Midori didn't get power from Immeasurable, aka, All might.

Though There Are Some Similarities.

"Yes. I asked that question for future reference. You do plan on showing her up, right?"


She responds quickly. Out of all the 'Enemies' she made, Kaiyo was at the top. Bullying was an influence in that, but something that she said really pissed her off and made a deep hatred for her.

"Good. I can't stand to see someone being bitched and not do anything about it. It's a sign of weakness when they don't stand up for themselves. They are overruned with fear of being even more oppressed when they try to retaliate, keeping fear in the back of their heads. I don't want that for you."

Her once diminished friendship sparked back up. 'Is he a gift from, God?..' Someone to keep her from going through with her suicidal thoughts. Someone to keep motivating her? Was that...Daemon?

'Well even if he isn't..'

A big smile started to form on her cute face.

"Thank you.... For thinking of me like that."

She hasn't had anyone to keep her in check like he did since the death of her parents. Daemon would be like a coach to her. Midori has gone through counseling before, but they all told her the same thing.

'If You Can't Change, Then Don't Bother.'

Their words were equivalent to a stranger talking to her. Daemon words were equivalent to an actually friend however, making her reasoning for all things continue on.

"Your welcome, Midori. Now let's go! We can't be late on our second day!"

He continued his hold on her as they ran away. Starring between his hand and back, her face was getting redder. She started feeling tingly in her stomach as his touch was warm and soft.

' this?..'
