
In a bar, several people were sitting down on stools while the bartender cleaned out a glass cup. Each person had different appearances and personalities to boot.

"What did you say? You invited a random in?!"

A pale-skinned teenager said. His voice was crust and deep. His hair color was teal and his eyes were as well. His most noticeable features was his skin. It seemed like it was deteriorating.

"Yes sir. We needed some to fix the tv right?"

"Yeah, but we can't allow regulars in here! What if they expose us!"

He hit the counter, causing everyone to look over at him. He was known for his tantrums, but they never seen him this aggravated before.

" they look like, hize?"(Pronounced, Size, Just With An 'H'.)

Hize, the bartender was a tall, Japanese man in a butler suit. He had aqua, the color, hair and eyes that matched. He seemed like a kind fellow.

"I don't know actually. They sent in their resume online without giving a picture. From their description though, they are 16 and had Technology related magic. They also go to M.H., the Number One Magic High School in Japan."

"What?! M.H.?!"

The group of people were known as 'Tyranny'. They are a small group that isn't know that well in the world of bandits. Their name, 'Tyranny', doesn't actually mean what it stands for. It stands for a greater purpose that only those who are right in the world can truly see.

"Yes. This can be our break, sir."

"Yes, it can be. With him, we could get into that school and take all their artifacts. With that, we'll sure make HIM proud."

The two agreed on the plan while the others slightly listened in. They each bad their reasons for this type of life. The each...had a goal.


"Okay class. Let's test out those abilities of yours."

Zone 'A'. The letter depends on the area. Anyways, the class of students and teacher were outside and standing at the beginning of a field. Luke, the teacher, explained to them that they will hold apprehension test to see where they are.

Kaiyo was supposedly the strongest since she placed first in the entrance test. The physical part at least. That being said, Luke still wanted to see where everyone else stood.

"Kaiyo. We'll be doing a ball throw. For your first throw, it'll be without powers and for your second, with powers. I will record your progress on this tablet here. Is that under-"

"Yes! Now let's get on with it!"

She screamed at him while snatching the ball away. It's only been two days since they all been together and yet everyone knew how Kaiyo acted.

Bakugo then came up to the plastic, white plate in the ground. If this was like a baseball field then this would be first base. Or home base basically.

"Are you watching this bastard? No matter if you can beat me in smarts, strength is what really matters!"

Without the use of her powers, she launched the ball into the distance while making a crazed face. Her words flew by some people heads except for two people.


While Midori had deep hatred for him, she was still afraid of her. She'll need power before shes able to talk back to her.

"25 meters. That's very impressive."

Luke showed the score to Kaiyo, who snickered in disappointment and showed the other students who seemed impressed. Without magic, meaning your unique/attribute magic and body strengthening, this was pretty good.

Kaiyo then picked up another ball and played with it in her hands. 'Shes good at that..' Daemon then started looking around in confusion. 'Who..gave me such thoughts..'

Sparks came from under the baseball as Kaiyo got into a position of a professional. She then screamed 'DIE' and launched the ball far into the sky, leaving a trail of grey dust and a huge 'Bang' noise in the process.

After some time, a beep went of, signifying that the ball landed somewhere.

"900 meters. Quite impressive..."

The class became surprised at that. Even Daemon was slightly shocked. 'Shes...has better use over her explosions then the dead rival. Women...' The anger of a woman with those types of power can only lead to destruction.

She also coated her body in magic to make it go farther. But that should have atleast gotten her to 800 meters at most, leaving the remaining 100 meters up to pure skill and training.

'Midori is lacking heavily. She trained herself, but its definitely not enough.'

"Okay. Our next challenger is....Midori. Midori, please step up and demonstrate your prowess."

She was shocked at the sudden call of her name, but calmed down and started walking. Kaiyo walked back as well and when the two crossed, Kaiyo bumped into her purposely while spitting on the ground.

"You don't deserve to be here. And I'm not talking about in this school, but life in general."

It was whispered for only Kaiyo to hear and apparently this worked as everyone didn't even react one bit from anything.

'Yeah, I know..'

Midori got up and dusted her clothes off. She then took the ball out of Luke's hand and stepped up to home plate. 'I know I shouldn't be here. I should have died...along with my parents that day..'

A memory of tires screeching sounded out in her ear. This made his aura go from that of normal to gloomy in an instant.

'But nevertheless..'

She got ready to throw, a forced smile appearing on her face.

'I will live on. Because I finally made a friend. Someone who motivates me...'

Kaiyo and Daemon stood side by side as they watched Midori. Kaiyo had a frown plastered on her face as always while Daemon was watching Midoris movements done to the bone.

"She's actually trying, huh? Its pathetic.."

Midori put her right leg back and sighed. Without the use of her powers, she wasn't that strong, but she still tries.

She launched the ball out of her hand and a beep soon went off.

"17 meters. How nice.."

Luke showed the score she made to her, making her smile and then showed the class. When they saw for themselves how far she threw, they all became impressed.

"Shm. Bastard is just lucky."

Midori then picked up another ball while Daemon started walking up to her. The class noticed this and became silent amongst themselves.

"What's wrong?.."

Midori's face was red as she asked that. The reason was because of certain events that took place last night in her room.

"How far, with powers, do you think your going to throw?"

Midori stared at him then shook her head. She then thought back to all the test she did over the last 9 months. Before those nine months, she decided to try and get into M.H. For that, she needed strength and smarts. She considered herself smart to an extent, but not strong at all. That motivated her to train on the beach everyday until the entrance exam.

"500 meters. I can throw 500 meters."

Daemon nodded and grabbed her arm. This surprised a couple of people as they seemed very close in this moment even though it was only the second day.

"A teenager has over 730 million cells in their body. Each one is as significant as the other. Midori, you are one of the special people in the world who can manipulate said cells with your magic. Do you understand where I'm going with this?"

His words could only be heard by Midori. 'I think I see where hes getting at..'

"Daemon. What are you doing?"

Luke questioned while tapping a pen on his forehead.

"Nothing. Just give me a couple of...seconds. I'm almost done."

Luke nodded while shrugging. A small smile was present on his face as he did. 'He's helping her, huh? What a nice student..'

"Midori. Reach deep down and enhance those cells. It..will be hard and can give you awful pain, but it will be worth it. I promise."

Right now, she is at the enhanced stage. The enhanced stage would be weaker than the serum, but stronger than people without it. When she masters an enhanced stage like 'Enhanced Strength', she could evolve it into 'Supernatural Strength'. That is many, many, many more times powerful than the serum.

What Daemon was trying to achieve right now was forced evolution. Instead of the basic 'Ehnaced Cells', he was going to skip that stage and force her into 'Supernatural Cells'.

There's another stage too, but it would be almost impossible to achieve.

"I-I think I understand what your saying and....I think I can do it.."

While she wanted to smile, she needed to focus. Daemon only nodded, a smile forming on HIS face as he did. Kaiyo was getting angrier and angrier as she watched their mouths move at each other.

'Reach down and...enhance..'

She gripped the ball while closing her eyes. 'In order to grow stronger than ever, I need to Reach Down And Enhance..' The flow of cells in her body started moving faster. It was like she was discovering a new part of herself as those cells solidified in her blood stream.


She felt slight pain overcome her body. It was like she was getting pricked between 3 seconds intervals.

'It hurts...'

A huge grin was forming on her face.

'But this means that I'm doing it!'

She never trained before these 9 months. She thought it was useless. Yes, she did have the same power as the number one rank S in japan, but she couldn't use it right to save her life. With that thought process and getting bullied by others, telling her the same thing too, she stopped trying. Instead, she focused everything on her brain.

Out of 100%, her overall strength would be around 3. Out of 100% however, her brain was 70% more advanced than people of her age. She considered herself smart when in reality, she WAS smart. Always being at the top of her class in everything but...strength.

'I can feel power flowing throughout me..'

She put her right foot back once more.

"You ready, midori?"

Luke spoke out while moving his fingers around on the tablet. Midori didn't answer however as she still kept her eyes closed, a small sound of energy whining out.


She opened her eyes, her body being enveloped in blue energy at the same time and in the moment of release, it disappeared. The speed of her throw left a trail of wind in the balls quake. The force of her throw also blew the students back as well.


Luke covered himself while starring at her. 'Is this the power...of the number one?..' Luke then saw an image of someone to the right of her. 'I need to tell him. Maybe he'll...' He then looked at Daemon who had a huge smile on his face.

'He..did that though. Is HIS help really necessary?...'

A small beep went off, causing Luke to look down at it. When he did, his eyes pulsed for a split second.

"Man! That was awesome! It must have went far!"

A red hair girl spoke out while cheering. Their classmates started murmuring, completely setting a new image of Midori. They thought she was weak, always being bullied by Kaiyo, but the strength she showed them was far from it.

"Well?! What is it?!"

Kaiyo was slightly amazed by what she saw too. That amazement was soon replaced with a pissed look as she thought, 'Where has this power been all along?'

"M-Midori got a score of..."

He showed everyone the tablet. Midori in question was standing like a lifeless body. Her entire right arm was purple with blood patches. 'This expected of releasing your true power..'


Everyone stared the score in amazement. Kaiyo stared blankly at it, hoping for it to be a lie.

"Rest, Midori. You did good.."

She fell and Daemon caught her. If Kaiyo got a score of 900 meters on the dot and that's considered mind blowing, then Midori's score would seem impossible.

"1000 meters. Congratulations..."
