
Midori and Uri were running through the forest together. On a string that came out from Uri's wrist, there were mannequin like people floating in the air.

Uri o'hara. Age, 15. Height, 5'5. Weight, 109lbs(On a good day). Sex, Male. Magic, gravity. Uri o'hara is a descendant of Albert einstein. Apparently, Albert impregnated a women one night, and left her. The woman then took care of the child, causing a whole nother family. Uri was then born and classified as a descendant of him. With gravity magic, he's able to 'turn off' or add gravity to things. He was going to go into construction, but his parents encouraged him to do something greater than that.

"Thank goodness for you magic.."

He was decreasing the weight on them both, making them faster.

"Exactly. I couldn't imagine myself without it.."

He relied on his magic for everything. Though, for the things he did, it was required.

The two kept running through the woods, picking up more civilians at the same time. Far behind them, two people were quickly running through the woods. One had a huge grin while using explosions to propulse themselves forward while the other figure was blurred with a dark blue trail behind them.

"Can you fly up?! You'll be able to see them if you do!"

Ed suggested out while looking up at Kaiyo. The trees behind the duo were slightly burnt with hand prints on them.

"Huh?! Shutddup and run bastard!"

When it came to a fight, Kaiyo didn't play around. She took it seriously with the full intent to win(Can Vary On The Person). Nothing less than that or on par, meaning she'll win while the other had something broken.

'I-I was just suggesting..'

They kept running, Kaiyo's explosions drawing nearer to Midori and Uri. Upon hearing that, they both knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up so they decided to hide.


Kaiyo jumped down and landed on the ground. It sort of broke as she started looking around. The spot her and Ed were in was sort of open with bushes around.

"Midori. Your smarter than this.."

Kaiyo bent down with a huge smile and touched footprints. They stopped here, catching Kaiyo's attention and making her jump down from the brink she rested on.

"So what I get from this is that your hiding in the bushes somewhere around here, huh?"

Ed then emerged and stood next to Kaiyo. The two then looked at each other and nodded. Seeing them nod, Midori flinched.

'We'll be found in an instant..' Watching from the control room, Daemon stared at them in the bushes.

They had an overhead view of both teams. 'Think, Midori. You and I both know his true speed. You can out run that. Its Kaiyo you should be worried about.'

On magic apprehension test day, Midori took that time to analyze everyone. He got their speeds down and best way you could use said power.

Midori obviously couldn't our run him, but they could make some more distance to give them enough time figure out a plan.

("Uri! Please use your magic on them!")

Whisper Midori in a small shout. Uri understood and stood up. 'Negative 20!' Kaiyo and Ed instanly forced themselves to the ground with that.

"Let's go! It won't last long!"

[Negative & Positive: From Negatice 100 to Positive 100, Uri can adjust the weight on someone via the number amount. If the amount is close to zero, then their weight won't change that much from the regular gravity they receive from earth. If its farther from zero, then their gravity will change. For example, Positive 100 would send them into orbit probably. Negative 100 would instanly kill them.]

Uri could only go up to 20 and that's probably the weight of 4 small dressers on them.

The two then ran away with Uri increasing the gravity on Himself and Midori to Positive 20. This made them faster than before. It's hard to stop himself when at this speed so he doesn't resort to it.

'D-Damn it!'

Kaiyo was using her explosions to not come into contact with the ground. She was barely lifting herself off of it.

'S-Such a weak power....'

Her hands were getting redder and redder, orange slightly mixed into it. She was biting her lips as well as small sparks started to come off her hands. Noticing this, Ed wanted to move away as far as possible.

'Such Weak Power Isn't Gonna Affect Me!'

As Midori and Uri were running away with the hostages, a huge bang went up followed by a black dust storm. Upon hearing the explosion, Midori knew it could only be one person. 'K-Kaiyo? I've never seen her use so much power..'

Kaiyo was back on her feet now. Her hands were red and steamy as the surrounding area around her was blown away. 'I'll get you bastards..' Her shoes started to burn off as she took a step.


She took another.


'And when I do, I'll send you to your graves!'

Ed watched as she loudly trampled away. Each step she would take would cause a crater as long as a car and as deep as 4 feet to appear.

'S-Such power! She definitely deserves the number one spot on the entrance exam!'

He flashed back to seeing her fight off the monsters in a dungeon. She would jump over them while sending an explosion from above. Because shes a woman, shes naturally more flexible than a man, giving her access to all sorts of unnatural movements.

'I shouldn't be getting carried like this..'

Ed bent down, his legs stretched apart. 'While she deserves number one, I will not fall behind...' His heart rate slowly started to go up as his body started becoming coated in dark blue magic.

'I Won't Be Left In The Dust Like This!'

Streaks of dark blue lines surrounded his as if he was being sacrificed. 'I was waiting to show this off later, but it seems everyone is showing off their prowess as well..' The blue lines came in and hit his body.

When he did, a slap of energy filled his body, making his heart beat even faster. '10 seconds. I have 10 seconds!' He toon a single step, and already caught up with Kaiyo. The trees behind him were blow away from the gust of the wind he left behind.

"Wow. They show off at such an early stage. Hey guys, don't be like them, okay? Keep stuff like that secret until the time is right."

Luke spoke to the children while detucking points. The class nodded while watching the scene on the screen. It showed grey smoke sounding out between two second intervals. It also showed a blue streak through out the forest.

[Calling Of Hermes: User channels the speed force inside their body and put it a single point. The legs. Gives them the the speed of 20 atletic men with a down side of not being able to see where they are going. *After time limit runs out, the user will be left unconscious from strain.*]

[Explosive Step: User is able cause destruction from stepping alone. No real purpose in battle, but if your caught under this, it'll be deadly. *Kaiyo activates this when shes enraged beyond reasoning.*]

Midori would jump while running forward. She would turn around to see that Kaiyo was managing to get closer and Ed's reckless running was getting closer to them.

'We're almost there though..'

The finish like was probably 20 seconds away from them at this speed. 'I'll finally be able to beat her at something!' As if God wouldn't allow such a thing, she fell down to the ground and face planted in it.


Luckily, her durability was able to block severe damage. 'W-What happened?..' She then looked over and saw Uri passed out on the ground. 'Oh, no!' She rushed over to him, the bangs now getting louder and louder.

'H-He was still using his magic on them?!'

It must have been tiring! To be using his magic on himself and Midori while keeping it active on Kaiyo and Ed at the same time?! 'I see why...she hasn't caught up yet..' Midori felt bad, tears starting to pour down from her face.

'I-I should have told her to stop!'

Daemon stared at the crying Midori. 'If that's your comfort, then so be it..' The explosions stopped, causing Midori to look up.

"Hey, Izushi.."

Kaiyo looked up, she still had a huge grin on her face. Her voice was low and cold as it pierced her ears. From her ankle and down, her black suit was ripped off.

"You know, I'm glad that you were the one to push me this far..."

She took her hair down from a pony tail and shook her head. Her hands were still sparking as she did all of this.

"Beating you up....will be more satisfying than anything in my life. Its always...been satisfying.."

She punched her heads together, making a slightly big explosion. The grin she wore made Midori sweats go up her face. 'I-I-I have to stand my ground!' She gulped while putting her hands up into a basic boxing position.

"That again? I haven't seen that...since that day your parents died."


Memories sparked inside of ber mind. 'Hey, Izushi. Your mom has 360 perception. How useless does she have to be to not see a car coming from her side. Its pathetic.'

Those were the words Midori swore to get revenge off of. After he said that, keep in mind they are children, Midori put her hands up in the same position they are in now. She then tried fighting her that day, only to lose embarrassingly.


Midori had her head down as she put her finger up at him. Her expression was dark, not being able to be seen by any camera.

"Keep them out of your mouth!"

"Make me, bitch!"

The two then rushed at each other. 'One hit..' The two were a couple of feet away from each other now. Midori threw a punch out, keeping her eyes closed as tears overwhelmed her sight.

Smirking at her pathetic attempt to hit her, she put her hand down and an explosion went off. This caused her to go over Midori's head and punch and behind her.

"I got you!"

Kaiyo put her hands out and blew out a giant explosion, causing Midori's eyes to flash white and to cough out blood. The people in the control room O'ed at that while bawling their fist up and putting it over their mouth.

"H-Hey, teach. Don't you think that this is too far now.."

They heard the dialogue between each other. Now they knew they had bad blood, but they didn't know it was this deep.

"No, not at all. Its fair as long as Midori doesn't die. I'll step in if things go too far.."

Kaiyo stared at Midori as she laid belly down on the dirt ground. Kaiyo then walked up to the side of her, spitting on the open patch of skin on her back.


She bent down and grabbed her head. She yanked it up for the two to lock eyes in which they did.

"I don't know what it is, but in these past couple of days, you've been acting like your someone special. Don't you know that your quite literally a stepping stone that people use to climb up?"

Midori acted like she listened in on her words. What she didn't know was the fact that Midori's arm was slowly coming up under her and towards her back.

"Me, my friends back in middle and elementary school, all of them used you to gain fame. To beat you up was the requirement to join the friend group. know that right?"


Midori started speaking back with a hint of anger in her voice.

"I don't care if I was a stepping stone. Wanna know why?"

Surprised by her outburst of words, Kaiyo made an amused look.

"That's because while you guys were stepping on me.."

Midori grasped the back of her suit and smirked. This action slowly made Kaiyo look back but it was too late.

"I Was Steeping On You As Well!"

Light blue steaks instanly enveloped her arm with a slight whistle sounding out. The people in the control room was on the edge of air as she slowly moved her arm to back.

When she did, Kaiyo flicked towards the finish line at sound breaking speeds. From the pressure of air, she instantly passed out. Kaiyo flew limply towards a building and out of the view of the camera.

'Good job, Midori.'

She sluggishly pushed off the ground using one arm. She was biting her lip from pain with blood dripping off her left arm.

'Kaiyo. Because of you, because of Daemon, I'll start pushing myself more. Whether you were my friend like before or my enemy now, I'll surpass you and show you who's superior.'

She stood up while stammering and looked up into the sky. The sun was beating down on her smooth skin as a smile started to form on her face.

'And I need to control this power... I can't keep abusing myself like this..'

She stammered one last time and passed out. She stood up in the heat, passed out. Something that shocked everyone.


When the students in the control room heard the announcement, they all cheered out. They didn't expect her to win like this. Or at all for that matter.

Daemon didn't cheer out but a smile was apparent on his face. 'And you passed out unconscious, huh?..' Daemon instead started clapping.

'I wonder how our future will look..'
