
"That was close."

A hardy, deep voice spoke out while carrying an unconscious girl in his arms. Her black and orange suit was ripped, revealing her thin waist. Her breathing was slow, but her breathing anyways was good for him.

"You flew right towards the building I was watching from. Funny, huh?"

The man was Immeasurable. Right now, his muscles were huge. His whole appearance was huge actually. Like he said, he was watching the matches go down when he suddenly saw someone flying at him.

He quickly had to burst out the towers window to catch her. 'While I'm glad she's using her power more, she seriously need to stop putting so much power into one arm. It's dangerous...' The man sighed out and jumped up, only to disappear into the clouds.


"Man, that was awesome!"

The students high fives each other. The match between the 4 got them hype for their own fights. Daemon and Luke were however starring at the unconscious girl on the screen.

"Hey listen, Daemon.."

Luke rubbed the back of his neck while sighing. While he was amazed, he didn't like the way she won. Not that it wasnt fair, but just...dangerous.

"Teach your girlfriend how to use that power of hers. If that were to connect with human skin, it'll kill someone."

"Yes sir. But I may not be able to fully help her like you want me too. I can teach her how to use something like her fingers instead of her whole arm though. The rest will be up to her."

Daemon would try to teach her techniques on being able to reduce damage, but leave everything else to her. Control, fighting style, things of that nature will be up for her to learn herself.

"That's fine. I'm sure a finger would hurt way less than an entire arm."


The two slightly laughed as a two robots with a cradle appeared on the screen. One then put her onto the cradle and they carried her away.

"Okay, Junko, Hitomi, Teo, and Mars. Your next. Junko, Hitome, your the predators while Teo and Mars are the monsters. Go get ready."

The 4 people in question nodded and left the room. When they did, they heard a squeal and the back door opened up once again. What appeared next was the number one himself.

"Yo! I see the matches are going well, Luke."

At the sight of him, the children screamed out. The number one...EVERYTHING was in the same room as them. They couldn't help but become excited at his appearance.

"Immeasurable. What are you doing here? Your not becoming a teacher here until tommorow right?"

The two then dapt each other up while smiling. The students started to murmur amoungst themselves at their teachers words. While they were, the two dapt each other up. They were in the same guild since theh were teens and stuck as friends ever since.

"Hm? Oh, come on Immeasurable. I thought you put THAT faze behind youself."

Luke pointed at the passed out girl over his shoulder. Immeasurable hearing this could only laugh and cough.

"D-Don't you recognize your own student? Your getting old aren't you?"

He then sat her down in a chair. The students stopped cheering and murmuring when they saw the past out Kaiyo. 'Would you look at that smile..' She smiled when she slept.

"Oh, you caught her? Nice save."

Luke put his thumb up while staring at Kaiyo. Immeasurable rubbed under his nose while scratching the back of his head.

Immeasurable was 6'7 in this form of his. He towered over everyone and seemed like their All Father.

"Well anyways, I thought I'd drop by and this aroused the perfect chance.."

Immeasurable then turned around to face the students. He eyed Daemon for a split second who was taking pictures of Kaiyo's face. 'Two to One in blackmail. You gotta do better..'

"Listen, kids.."

The kids listens closely. They didn't want to miss a single word.

"From today on, I'll be..retiring as Japans number one S ranked Mage. Your the first civilians I told this to.."

The cheery atmosphere dropped to the negatives. Immeasurable and Luke awkwardly looked at each other and sighed.


Junko sid. Age, 15. Height, 5'3. Weight, 110lbs. Measurements, ???. Sex, Female. Magic, Sound Magic. Junko sid is a pink haired girl with short hair and blue eyes. Shes your typically teenager and nothing is really noticeable about her. Well, she always has earphones in. She wanted to attend M.H. as she heard they don't go into the dungeon until they complete high school. This is optional, but still. Anyways, it gives her time to prepare in things as she claims to want to enjoy her teenaged years.

"Yep. They're starting alright..."

She had her hands on the ground. Underneath the flat surface she stood on, you could see sound waves flowing throughout the ground. Far away, an outline of two people were jumping and running away from her direction. Their movement seemed...irregular, but she payed no mind to it in the end.

"We should hurry then!"

Junko nodded while going from a crouching position and into a run.

Hitomi Stone. Age, 15. Height, 5'4. Weight, 102lbs. Measurements, ???. Magic, invisibility. Hitome Stone was an invisible woman. She was quiet and reserved, and only started speaking with people when she started M.H. Her parents live in America, meaning she lives alone. Hitomi could control her invisibility, like she could turn it on or off. She prefers to stay invisible though.

Teo and Mars were running through the forest together with civilians tied on their backs. The two were twins and had the same type of magic. It was called 'Portal'. No description is needed besides the fact that they can't teleport to a specific point unless they've been there before.

"Brother. Do you think they'll capture us?"

Teo asked his brother. Mars wasn't the talkative type to others, but he'd answer his brother anytime.

"No and if they come close, we can disappear.."

"Your right, brother. That was a dumb question."

"No question is dumb."


"Yeah. Your brain alters things, making the obvious become questionable at times."



"My brother is so smart! That's why they call you the brains and me the muscle!"

Mars slightly smirked at his answer. The two both had red hair and black eyes. While Mars was reserved, Teo was more outgoing. He was the happy twin while mars seemed to be the depressed one. Even with that difference though, the two are still inceperal. They share everything and do everything together.

After some time, Junko and Hitomi found their ways in front of them. Teo and Mars stopped themselves and they all came to a stand still.

"You made it in front of us, huh? You guys are sneaky.."

Teo and mars then started running around in the open field. With the power of being twins, like literally, they could travel to places that the other has been before. It requires them to be on the same brainwave however, but those two are good at that.

This is a secret power that they trained in secret, their other family or friends never knowing about it.

"Now, Mars!"

Teo punched into a grey portal. His fist then appeared next to Junko's face and it planted itself in her right cheek, making her fall to the ground.


Teo and Mars then met back up and fist bumped. Junko held her face in surprisment as she didn't expect to get hit. By guys for that matter!

"Oh, don't be surprised. To win, this much is nothing."

Just then, Teo and Mars felt someone enter the transparent portal around them. 'Hm? So she revealed herself this early? Shes a fool...' Mars quickly turned around and grabbed at the air.

He caught something and the person revealed themselves.

"L-Let go of me!"

Hitomi had light blue hair and grey eyes. Her hair reached down to her shoulders and her face seemed tomboyish.

"Make it easier by giving up, lady. I'm warning you.."

Hitomi put her hand back and grabbed Mar's wrist. Mars shook his head at that and pushed her away and into a grey portal. Hitomi then appeared at the starting point.

"She should have listened.."

The two then looked at Junko. She was still in shock from the punch.

"And shes too dazed. I wish we would've face off against anyone, BUT them."

Mars agreed with his brother and the two started walking away. The people in the control room wasn't surprised by this easy victory as those two were top 6 in every apprehension test.

Especially the 50 meter dash. Those two would swap places, getting faster and faster at the same time. It was truly scary!

They soon went on to win the match without problem. 'They have very unique powers and the way they use it is very, very good..' Daemon watched the screen that was replaying the fight.

'But if your faster than them, then you could 100% beat them.'

They coat their bodies in magic to enhance themselves, but if your someone like Kaiyo, you wouldn't even need to use powers to beat them. On the 50 meter dash, she showed everyone up by running without powers and got first place.

'Is she..even human?'

Daemon looked at her as she slept peacefully. 'A monster in disguise... Its quite terrifying..' Luke then placed his hand on Daemon's shoulder and spoke out to the class.

"Daemon, Kora, Shino, and Ivory. Your up. Daemon and Kora, you two will be Monsters. Shino and Ivory, you two will be Predators.

The 4 nodded and left the room. Immeasurable then came up beside Luke and said..

"You know, one reason for my resignation was to train her. But it seems, I was too late."

"Yeah, I feel you. He came from no where and took away your whole purpose."

"Whole purpose? I wouldn't say it like that.."

"No-No. That... That was your main reason for retirement. Well that and the wound that dragon gave you."

"Yeah, where were you that day? That sword of yours could have easily cut through its magic shell."

"I specifically told you that EXACT morning that I was going on a date. You were too prideful back in the day. You know that?"

The two sighed out while turning around towards the screen. They saw the students exercising while talking too.

"You think our future is in safe hands?"

Immeasurable asked, knowing of the future war to come.

"I think..that these students are more promising than the ones that the other ranked S's chose."

" too actually. I do..too.."

He sighed out while students were taking pictures of his back. He didn't mind this however and actually put his thump out to the side while turning his head and winking at them.

'I can almost guarantee...that that dragon will come again..'
