
Daemon and Kora walked through the forest. Kora had on red lipstick and had red nails. Her suit was that of black like Daemon's and highlighted all the right features.

Daemon couldn't help but stagger behind to catch a look at her ass. 'Midori's ass sticks out more. I..knew it..' Midori in first place. Kora in second. Kaiyo in third.

'But she has the biggest breast...'

Kora in first. Midori in second. Kaiyo in third. 'But...if I had to chose one of the 3 then it'll definitely be Midori. She's just...cute and clueless. Rare these days...'

"Is there anything...that I could make for you?"


She caught him starring at her behind. 'I need to up my game. Not only am I'm getting caught lackin', I'm getting caught off guard in general..'

A few nights ago, Murasaki snuck into his room and almost raped him. Luckily, Daemon was sleeping on his belly, making his butt exposed to her when she pulled his boxers down.

Oh yeah, the lucky part was him not getting raped in the ass.

Anyways, Daemon accidentally turned over and hit her in the head, knocking her unconscious. Daemon then slept with her as a living body pillow. 'I did sleep good though. Might ask her again to be honest..'

"I can make you electronics if you want me to. Though, some things might not be possible.."

"Oh, I see. Then could you make me a phone similar to an iPhone 4? As you know, the suits don't provide pockets for phones in general.."

Daemon tapped his pockets while sighing. His suit was...sort of electronic and he thought he could use his heat warmer sensor for something, but nah. He plans on fixing his suit design when he gets home.

"A phone? Sure!"

She then unzipped the middle of her suit, making her side boobs pop out. 'She's not embarrassed at all..' It was like he wasn't there as she was making the phone.

Her creation magic is limited to Non living things. To learn how to create/make things, she'll need to take things apart and build them back together. Conditions like this wasn't uncommon in magic. Like there are cases where a person has to actually be near fire in order to manipulate it. The draw back is...well needing fire around you when you want to use it while the advantage was more intense heat. Most fire uses could do this though so the technique isn't really all that.

"A phone is made.."

A phone was showing itself from between the gap that her boobs formed from being separated. 'I..have to reach in there to get it, right? Right?! Or the phone might fall and brake and she'll have to repeat this process..'

Daemon didn't want her to waste magic, so he put his hand into her breast. 'Jello..' Kora's face was slightly red as the man dug around in her chest. 'W-With his magic, he surely seen a lot of things and knows a lot of things too..'

"Sorry if this makes you uncomfortable.."

Daemon pulled the phone out. Going off his watchdog plan, he'll use his phone for everything. 'That's why your my favorite game...'

"No, it's fine. I just wasn't use to it being so gentle."

"Oh? So people are usually rough when they stick their hands between your boobs?"

"H-Huh? No, not at all! Your actually...the first person I let do this for some reason. I would usually do it from anywhere, but there.."

She put her hand over her mouth and looked away. Daemon slowly nodded and looked away. 'Just need to do some reprogramming..' It was a basic iphone 4 with with linininv and a black case.

Daemon's fingers then transformed into tools as well as his vision becoming significantly better. He could zoom into the smallest things now.

'Such a diverse power..'

Kora watched as small sparks would come out the phone. As the two did that, Shino and Ivory were jogging throughout the forest.

Shino Hausmann. Age, 15. Height, 5'7. Weight, 156lbs. Sex, Male. Magic, Insect Magic. Shino Hausmann is a reserved man that wears a coat for an outfit. He had dark tinted glasses which never came off. His hair is dark, dark purple, almost making it seem black. Shino Hausmann is someone who could control insects at will. Not much is known about his background besides the fact that he lived in the mountains.

"My friends say they spotted them.."

His way of speaking sounded cool, but quiet.

"Okay. Keep us going then.."

Ivory yamazaki. Age, 15. Height, 5'5. Weight, 120lbs. Measurements, ???. Sex, Female. Magic, Nerve magic. Ivory yamazaki is a brown haired girl with short hair and purple eyes. Ivory grew up in Japan and like Daemon, has a Japanese father and American mother. She is popular amongst guys and is considered a slut by anyone who's went to her school. She was known to sell her body for grades and even after all the assumuntions, she doesn't deny it. Her Magic, Nerve Magic, allows her to manipulate and control any living beings nervous system including herself. With this, you could see why selling her body would be easy. A single touch could make a male...well you know, A splalooge!

As Shino and Ivory were getting closer, Daemon has just finished the phone. 'Now this is plain cheating..' He had every function from the phone in the game on this phone. 'I can see the city, or the parts I visited atleast, settings, camera, all of that..'

"Thank you, Kora."

A normal phone couldn't hold such information. Not only has she made a phone that could not be tracked by any means, the storage was similar to every single computer in a school combined.

"Your welcome, Daemon. Are we ready now?"

"Yes, but...I think those wouldn't allow us to leave."

Daemon points at the sworm of grey dust. Upon seeing that, Kora frowned and got into an attacking position. Daemon put the phone onto his left forearm sideways and it fused into his suit to reveal a black screen.

"Daemon, Daemon, Daemon..."

The two people emerged. Ivory wore a tan suit in high heels. Her features instanly put them above everyone else's in the class.

"You and your teammate should have ran away.."

The swarm of bugs pulsated when she said that. 'Oh, I see now..' Daemon couldn't help but smile at the impressive play these two probably pulled off.

Combination Magic.

When a user and another user are of the same mindset in body and magic power, they could combine their magic to form a combination spell. Now, to be in the same mindset, you must first have the same goal. That's easy if you don't over think it. Now, to have the same Magic power is a little more difficult. Both users must match their magic at the same time and keep that connection for the whole time. This means that solo spells won't be possible unless they both use the same amount of output attribute/unique magic and even then, it's hard as it comes back to having the same mindset. If the goal was to defeat someone and a person attacks solo then it defeats the whole purpose of combination magic.

"Run away? We're monsters. That's not in us."

Kora jumped back while throwing out smoke bombs. The two didn't just sit there and not speak. They obviously talked about different tactics.

The smoke bombs hit the ground, causing a huge wall of pink dust to come up. Shino 'tsk' at that as it blinded his and his bugs vision. The type of combination spell they did made a touch from the bugs become very painful for whatever it lands on.

'Damn it! Our connection!'

When the combination spell is forcefully unlinked, both parties lose half of their magical powers. That's why students barely use this as they don't have the proper training.

"Now Daemon!"

Daemon nodded and put his right hand up. 3 small CD like disk were between his fingers. He then flicked it at the smoke cloud and when they came into contact, the pink smoke sparked and caused a surge of electricity to hit them both.

Daemon smirked at that while walking back in a zigzag. 'Shino is gone, but if Ivory uses her magic right then...' Someone emerged from the pink cloud while covering their mouth and nose.

"Man. You guys...are too much for us.."

Her clothes were torn, revealing parts of her huge breast and her underwear slightly.

"Luckily, I barely felt that."

[Pain Supression: Suppresses pain from dealt damage. An overload of too much pain however will render this effect useless. *5 minutes time limit.*]

"Daemon. Should we take our chances in running away, or should we continue fighting?"

As Kora asked that, Ivorys muscles started to expand. Her figure kept growing and growing until she reached 7 foot in height with muscles as thick as a pig's body.

"Why don't you stay?"

[Enhanced State: User body becomes triple in power. Speed, sense, strength are all factors in that. *20 second time limit.*]

"Nah, l-lets leave.."

She was in her underwear which seems to expand as well. Ivory then rushed at the two people who ran in different directions. 'Damn it!' Ivory groaned out while looking around quickly. 'Daemons the bigger threat right?! Right!'

In ground breaking speeds, she flung her body towards Daemon. In the control room, everyone watched the rampaging beast.

"W-What a form! Its truly excellent!"

Immeasurable applauded her. To not get confused, Immeasurable, and I don't want to describe it like this, looks like prime all might. The beast chasing after Daemon looks like future version of all might, the buff, buff all might.

'W-Why me?!'

The beast was getting closer and closer to the nervous Daemon. 'You ever get chased by a gorilla before?! Yeah, me neither, but this thing is a whole dinosaur!..'

She demolished trees in her quake. 'W-What the hell is her time limit?!' As he said that, the beast jumped at Daemon. Daemon stoped running, causing the beast to miss and land in front of him.

'Come on..'

The beast rushed at him one more time. 'I was told to not reveal my trump car, but fuck that, Luke!' Daemon put his arms out and his hands folded back to reveal a metal, grey pipe.

The beasr then jumped at Daemon as he started channeling magic in the pipes. 'With that body, you better not die!' Blue energy started forming at the end of the pipes. Just then, a loud horn went off.


The beast turned back into human and fell on top of Daemon. 'What?' At the finish line, Kora was panting and panting with 10 or so civilians in a net dragged by her.

'I-I did it..'

The weight of the people were too much for her, even when enhancing her body. All the strain caused her to fall down and go unconscious. Daemon slightly smirked at his victory and rested easy with his hands folding back down.

"Damn it woman! Your heavy!"

Daemon looked down at her who was playing in her hair. Some of her bare boob was touching Daemon's suit which was some how felt by him.

"Heavy? That's not nice to say to a woman."

She pressed down even more on Daemon who only looked away. 'She using her magic on me, but...its not really working..' While Daemon did appreciate the touch of a woman, it didn't effect him unless he wanted too. It wasn't a power, but a real life skill he developed from not being touched by women in his entire life.(Apart from his sister... Not like that.)

That's not something to brag about.

Anyways, he could turn off his horny receivers and it'll be like nothing's happening when in reality, hes having sex so to speak.

"Hey, listen. I'm not someone who can raise your grades, Ivory. I'm a student too."

His words surprised her for a moment, but after realization, she smiled, a hint of sadness showing.

"You see it all, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then you'll know the real reason why I do that correct?"

"Yes, I do."

Daemon slowly got up and helped her up. 'And I can respect you for that. I..shouldn't have joked about something so serious...' Daemon dusted his suit off and did an odd thing.

"I...can help you, but you'll be selling your body even more."

He cupped her hands, a card magically appearing in them.

"Call this...if you want more money. It'll be something new and safe.."

Daemon then motioned her hand up to her chest and she placed the card between her breast. 'Every Human has a purpose in life. Whether it's to help the Mc on their quest, or to be the Mc. We all have a purpose...'

And with that, Daemon and Ivory went back to Shino who was still unconscious on the ground.

'We Do, Don't We?'
