
"He has work today right, Hize?"

The cracked-skinned man talked to his bar tender. It's been a few days since Daemon started working here and the people actually liked this student.

Some people in the bar were teenagers while others were a little older. Nevertheless, his presence brought about a new aura in the room.

"Yeah, he said he was gonna be late though."


He scratched the palm of his right hand. On it was an apparent scar that went up his fingers.

"You really appreciate him don't you?"

"I just like the games he plays with us."

"Games? Oh you mean Uno? You, or us, never win against him though."

"That's...sadly true.."

He sighed out while drinking what appeared to be water.

"While I appreciate his company, it's a shame that we'll be attacking his school in the near future.."

The atmosphere died down as they heard his words. While he did say, 'We', it was really him and the bartender with some random bandits that was going to attack.

"It'll be fine though. We'll be wearing our mask, so he shouldn't recognize us."

Upon hearing this, a black haired man with green eyes picked up his phone. He wore a black coat and black pants with a white shirt underneath. Some green, flame like substance would peel of his body and disappear into the air.

"No tech. Or he'll find us out."

He spoke with no interest but his words said the opposite. The teenaged boy didn't say anything to that and only looked at the tv in the corner. It showed S ranks which pissed him off slightly.

'We'll get those artifacts and only then can we achieve our goals..'

The counter that he rested his hands on started to deteriorate as anger started to swell up.



Kaiyo shot up, while breathing and sweating very hard. 'Damn it! My brain hurts..' She held her head while groaning. Memories then came in as to why that was happening.


Disbelief and anger enveloped her as the thought of losing to Midori was embarrassing. 'That bastard.. It was too fast for me to see last time, but I definitely saw the power in that..' She turned sideways to dangle her legs off the black bed that was fit for a single person.

"Oh, your awkake? How did you sleep?"

Daemon sat in a chair while moving his fingers on his left forearm. 'What the hell? Was he watching over me as I slept?' She then looked down and checked her clothing. She was in a sleeveless tan shirt while wearing green booty shorts.

'Oh, this bastard was enjoying himself, huh?'

Unbeknownst to Kaiyo, Daemon was actually trying out the features on the phone. He wasn't starring at her at all.

'Now, you know your lying, Narrator.'

"Where is Midori?"

She got up and started stretching while looking around. The people in the room where watching the people on the screen. It showed the match between Todo and Mayumi and Gabriel and Jacob. The match before them, or the match after Daemon, lasted like 2 minutes as Zach used a gas that made everyone fall asleep. To do this, he had to use all his magic which made him fall unconscious as well, leading to a draw.

To give you a brief description of the current peoples magic who are fighting right now, Todo has Electricity based magic. Mayumi had flower type magic. Gabriel had Wing Magic and Jacob had Weapon Creation Magic.

"She's resting in the nurses room."

"Oh, I see."

Kaiyo laid back down and put her left arm over her forehead while her right hand rested on her belly. 'Stare...' Daemon stared at her muscle filled belly. Each were toned and he could tell she worked on it everyday.

"Your not gonna get revenge?"

Daemon looked back down at his forearm. Hearing his question, Kaiyo couldn't help but give a slight chuckle.

"She beat me, and I'll acknowledge that. But if you see her in the future, tell her that I said shes still nothing in my eyes. It was all a fluke."

Daemon nodded at her words. While it was unforgivable for her to lose like that, she did admit to be caught off guard by Midori. For that, she'll let it slide, but she'll definitely get stronger to not lose like that again.

Midori would get stronger for revenge while Kaiyo would get stronger to not be humiliated again.

'Womanly love. They need to kiss and make up in my book.'

Daemon shrugged and tapped Kaiyo's leg. She kicked him slightly and turned over with a scorn.

"Bastard! We're not that close!"

"Yeah, yeah. Calm down and look at this."

She became angrier at his nonchalant answer as he put his arm out. 'Smh. Bastard thinks I'm that easy..' She looked over at his arm and stared at the picture.

"Yo what the fuck?"

It was a picture of her sleeping peacefully.

"You know, I was surprised to know that you can smile."

"Delete that."

"Huh? Hell no. This is more blackmail."

"Delete that or I'll blow your arm off."


"I hate you. I know blackmails not the only thing in your mind."

"You hate everyone. And your right, it's not the only thing."


Kaiyo shrugged it off and turned back around. 'She didn't get angry?..' Daemon shrugged and deleted the picture. 'I just wanted to see her reaction, which was unsatisfactory...'


Todo Myers. Age, 15. Height 5'4. Weight, 112lbs. Sex, Male. Magic, Blood Lightning. Todo Myers has short black hair with red outlining it like an aura. Todo Myers is known by others by 'Red Demon'. He is a battle maniac who'll challenge anyone or anything. His personally is jittery like hes always on drugs and he laughs at random times as well. His background is that of an abounded baby, leaving him in an orphanage. It is thought that his parents were American however as his features were American like.

"Oh, come on guys! GIVE ME A CHALLENGE!"

Todo's instinct in battle were inhuman. Like a beast, he was always alert and could find any weakness. He can sense fear in people and exploit that.

"I-I think we should calm down, Todo.."

His teammate, Mayumi, tried calming him down, but failed ultimately. Todo jumped from tree to tree in lighting armor. On the surface, he wore black spandex.

Over that spandex however, he had red claws over his fingers and toes. He would use his legs and arm to move, meaning he fought on all fours.

His appearance was that of a child as well, making him look like an easy target at first.

Mayumi akamai. Age, 15. Weight, 120lbs. Height, 5'4. Measurements, ???. Sex, Female. Magic, Flowers. Mayumi akamai was a small, sickly girl who loved flowers. Her family runs a flower shop, but it gets almost no customers, making the parents fear for the worst as they can't afford to buy her that much medicine. Mayumi, however, ignores her condition and says she'll become a hunter to support herself and her parents.

"NO! Taking it easy is boring!"

He jumped up from the tree branch and saw Gabriel giving Jacob a ride on his back by using his wings. 'The funs not over yet guys!'

Todo put his hand out and a huge grin formed on his face. Red magical energy started to collect in his palms as the wind started blowing.

"Hey, Gabriel! Be ready to dodge on my say!"

Jacob stood on his back while carrying a gun. 'Before he was just playing with us, but now... I can tell this attack will be different!'

Jacob Lange. Age, 15. Height, 5'8. Weight, 154lbs. Sex, Male. Magic, Weapon Creation. Jacob Lange is a slightly buff man who has brown hair and black eyes. He comes from a military family and has been training his whole life. His Magic, Weapon Creation, works by taking Damage by said Weapon. If Jacob was to remove the military wear he wore, you would see all sorts of stab wounds and other things like that. His resistance to pain is strong and hes known for never missing a shot.

'He can't be faster than a bullet right?'

Jacob started to doubt himself as he looked down the sight of the A.R. Todo dodged all the knives that was thrown at him and even took a grenade head on. On a list of ranking from the top strongest overall in class, it would be Kaiyo, Todo, Teo and Mars, and Midori.

Two balls of red were present in each of Todo's palms. They were no bigger than a fist. 'Don't die from this! Otherwise, the match will end!' They were cackling with deep red lightning as they pulsated.

'Blood Lightning Magic!: Sphere Of Crimson!'

The balls launched out at quick speeds towards the two people. 'W-What the hell?!' He saw the red becoming the only thing in his vision.

"Left! Left!"

Gabriel quickly went to the left. It was too late however as the one ball of red lightning hit his right wing, causing the two to fly down towards the ground at quick speeds.

"Aw man.. I missed.."

The distance between the 4 people was over one thousand feet. The fact that it hit in the first place is impressive to everyone, but only amateur to him.

"T-Thats insane, Todo! Your magic is cool!"

Mayumi cheered from below. The lighting created a path of split trees underneath it even though it was only 100 feet above the ground. Mayumi got the perfect view of it hitting the wing.

[Sphere Of Crimson: By drawing on the users blood, their able to summon two spheres on the palms on their hand. The limit is how much blood said user has, meaning it could be infinite usage if they have infinite blood.]

'Using such a skill requires a tenth of my blood. It's worth it though!'

Crashing into the ground, Gabriel and Jacob screamed from pain. The magic aura they coated themselves in diminished from lack of concentration, meaning they hit the ground like a human from four hundred and one years ago would if they fell off a building.

'I-It appeared in an 5 seconds! That's too fast!'

Another limit Todo carried was lack of concentration. The more blood he uses, the more weary he becomes. That move in general wouldn't make him weary until the 5th shot. He became used to using it 4 times over the years.

"A-And the civilians.....are dead.."


That being said, it's not their fault. The actually Predator, the hunter in real life, killed the humans. That gave them the lost.


Jacob cheered out while looking over at Gabriel. He was unconscious in a bush while drooling.

"Aw man. That's no fun.."

Todo sighed out while falling to the ground. The red claws on his feet and hands disappeared as he hunched back up.

"W-Well, better luck next time?"

Mayumi put her hand up as Todo walked by. He didn't high five her back, making her do it to herself. When its involving anything but a fight or a topic about fighting, he became stale. Like a dead person or something.

"Wow. Scary competition you have Kaiyo."

Daemon looked up at her back. She was watching on a tablet, but didn't want to show anyone.

"Huh?! He's nothing! Just pour water on him and hes done!"

Daemon slightly laughed at that while shaking his head.

"His weakness is is obvious though. The fact that he draws blood from himself to use his magic is stupid."

Daemon nodded at her answer. The claws he had were digging into his skin with red juice empowering the claws soon after.

"Just wait for that to run out, and you can beat him. Well, for losers at least. People like me can pack him up with being faster than him."

Daemon cocked his head back at that last sentence.

"So..your faster than lightning?"

"Hm?! Of course I- Ah~"

Daemon shocked her, making her moan slightly. 'What the hell...' Daemon got up and backed away. Kaiyo covered her mouth while setting the tablet down.

'/' What...the fuck?'/'

They both thought at the same time.
