
Daemon walked through the old looking door, a bell going off at the same time.

"Sorry I'm late guys. School and that.."

The people looked over at Daemon who was forcing out a laugh. When they noticed it was him, it brought smiles to some people's faces.

"No, your fine. Its been a slow day anyways.."

Hize spoke while sweeping in the corner. Daemon then looked around and noticed that the decaying teenaged boy was no where to be found. 'He actually leaves this place?' Daemon shrugged and asked..

"Then can I relax? I'll promise to get to work if someone comes in."

"Huh? Oh, go ahead. It's been a long day, right? It's understandable."

Daemon smiled and nodded. He then walked over to one of the 4 couches that formed a square and sat down next to a black-hairred man.

"Prince of flames. I see your as caring as usual.."

Prince of Flames(Alias). Age,???. Height, 5'9. Weight, 126. Sex, Male. Magic, Green flame. Black haired man who has green eyes. Laid back and eyes that have black bags underneath them. Not much is known about his background.

"Fish. I see your as tiring as usual.."

He yawned out while looking at Daemon. The term 'Fish' is given to prisoners who just arrived in jail. In this case, it had the same meaning without the prison part obviously.

"You still wish those flames were blue?"

"Blue, huh?... Green is fire though.."

"It's all fire, is it not?"

"That's true.."

Daemon then looked over onto the other couch. It had a man in black spandex playing with a teenaged girl. Playing as in with cards.

"Its no use to practice, Lewis. Not even with the help of your clones can you beat me.

Lewis. Age, ???. Height, 6'0. Weight, 143lbs. Sex, Male. Magic, clones. Lewis is a man who can create clones with personalities. When he creates them, they can only go away when killed. Sometimes they escape, but Lewis pays no mind to it.

"Shut it! You think so?"

He also spoke strangely like he was two beings in one.

"Oh, I know so. And you can't expect to beat me when your literally playing against Lidia, someone who cheats."

Lidia. Age, 15. Height, 5'4. Weight, 105lbs. Measurements, ???. Sex, Female. Magic, Blood magic. Not much is known except the fact that she came here on her own. Has a sadistic personality too.

"I'm not a cheat. Just that good, Daemon~..."

She licked her lips, causing Daemon to shake his head. There were a few other special individuals in the room. One had magic that could disassemble and reassemble anything he touched. When Daemon heard about that, he became baffled at the thought of him being able to 'Steal Magic' in a way took him by surprise.

"So fish, hows the school life? Chasing girls? Showing off power? That's what kids in this day and age do right?"

Daemon looked back at the Prince of flames. He wasn't any older than 20 and was a dropout.

"Its..full of drama per say."

"Drama, eh? Shits annoying isn't it?"

"Its alright."

"Alright? Is it between women?"

"Huh? What makes you think that?"

"Men don't involve themselves in male drama. Usually ends in a fight. Always remember that."

"Oh? Well your right. These two girls have..'problems' and I interfered between that. My fault I guess."

"They cute, right? Better not be below 5 outta 10."

"Don't worry, they're tens. Well, one of them. The other one is a 9.99 because shes always frowns."

"Haha. I..see.."

He took a big sigh while pulling out a cigarette. He lit the end with his green flame and put it into his mouth.

"Those kill.."

Upon hearing this, the man placed his hand on Daemon's head.

"And when they do, I'll applaud them."

He pushed off Daemon while puffing out smoke. 'Hes known in the bandit world for having the best usage in fire magic..' Daemon spoke with them for the rest of the day and soon went home.

'Damn it, Kakazu. Always saying your ideals..'

Daemon pulled his key out while cursing the plague masked man. He was the one who could disassemble and reassemble things with a touch alone.

From what Daemon learned, he wants to create a world ungoverned by rules. He was also someone, like everyone else in the bar, to agree on giving monsters a chance in the world.

'To make a new image, huh? Where the hell did these people go wrong?'

Just then, Daemon felt someone tap his shoulder. 'Meh, not gonna judge them. I've seen their crimes and it doesn't bother me. None of them have raped, killed innocents because why not, or anything like that so its fine.'


Midori was standing there while looking up at him. She wore grey kicks with ankle socks and a zebra patterned slip dress. 'Why the hell is she going around wearing that?' *What Daemon didn't realize was that she dressed up for him.*

'Yeah, and what you don't realize is that I can still see that.'

"D-Did I catch you at a bad time, or..?'

She had her hands behind her back while looking between Daemon and the ground. 'Is this the day..that I lose my virginity?' Daemon coughed and shook his head.

"Yeah, I'm free. Can you wait here while I put my bag up?"


She backed up to give Daemon some space to open the door. He soon did and closed the door behind him. On the porch, Midori was trembling with her teeth clattering. 'I-I can't believe he accepted! It's like the book told me!'

She read a book that told her to dress erotically to ask a man out. She was very shy to do this, but thought, 'Things like this... I have to conquer!' Love was a powerful thing. It can cause war, it can cause shootings, it can even cause you to become a psychopath.

Just Depends On How You See Love First Portrayed.

Could see your dad hitting your mom, and your mom says its love. That child grew up to become an abuser like their father.

Could see your dad kissing your mom, and your mom says that's love. Kid grew up to always kiss their loved one whenever the chance arrived.

Its perspective in a sense.

Daemon sat his bag down and sighed. 'I made a keep my virginity until after the war. But what if she ask me that she wants mine and to take hers? Would it be betraying Lucifer? Wait, Lucifer knew I was going to travel with Yumi, a beautiful Lamia, so this should have crossed his mind at least once, right?'

Daemon was doing everything to prove himself not guilty. 'Oh, Lucifer. My first love will probably be the last person to ever 'love' me.' Daemon took his hoodie off and it disappeared along with his bag.

'Now's not the time to be thinking about someone else when your about to go on a date. Wait, are we going out somewhere? She was dressed up so maybe..'

Daemon opened the door and saw her holding her wrist. 'Is she practicing or something?..'

"Hey, your dressed up. Should I..get dressed as well? Or is it not necessary?"

"H-Huh? Oh, no. I...wanted to invite you over to my apartment is all.."

"Oh, okay. Then let's go.."

No one knew he was home yet, so he decided to keep it that way. Midori nodded with a small smile and guided Daemon to her apartment. When they got in, Daemon was hit with the smell of food.

"Daemon. I....wanted to invite you over to properly thank you. You helped me these past couple of days on problems I couldn't overcome myself.."

Midori then grabbed Daemon's hand and smiled big. 'C-Cute..' Daemon became embarrassed upon seeing her face like this. Her eye lashes seemed longer than usual and the green lipstick she wore was darker as well. Her freckles jumped out too. 'And her hands are so soft..' Daemon squeezed them unconsciously.

"And for that, your treating me to dinner?"

"Hm? Ah, yes. Is that...too much?"

She tilted her head while her cheeks were getting redder. 'Maybe a movie would have been better. I..don't know which one guys like more..'

"No, it's fine. I..haven't had a meal cooked by someone else in a while.."

"That's perfect then."

Midori then guided him to a table with the food on it and sat him down. 'She keeps herself pretty clean for someone who lives alone..'


'Well now I do. Gotta get better mane..'

"I-I'm not the best cook, but I tried.."

Midori and Daemon sat across from each other at the small table meant for 2. The food consisted of spaghetti and meatballs with a side of toasted bread. For desert, she made jello. For drinks, she had minute maid.

"I don't mind. It looks delicious anyways."

"Looks...can be deceiving, Daemon."

Daemon smiled at that and picked a fork up. The apparment was built exactly like his. Midori had few things to brighten up this apartment however.

'Makes me think what would happen if Mom and Dad died..' Would Daemon be depressed? Sad? Would he seek out revenge? These questions should be simple to answer for anyone.


But now, Daemon wasn't sure. 'I'd get revenge for Lily, but for mom and dad, I'd think it be their fault for dying..' Daemon's mood quickly changed. 'Damn it. How the hell does it always lead back to me? I bet seeing an ice cub would remind me of Sylvia..'

Noticing that Midori was becoming worried over the change in atmosphere, Daemon snapped out of it.

"Sorry. It's not you, its me."

Daemon put the food into his mouth while groaning internally. 'Fuck, this is good...' Daemon kept eating and eating. 'She'd make a good wife someday..'

"W-Well? How is it?"

Midori was squirming as she saw him eat her food. Her food however was becoming cold in anticipation.

"Its...delicious. Please pack my lunch."

Daemon didn't even realize the words that came out of his mouth. 'P-Pack his lunch?! Mom..and Dad started going out soon after that, right?...' Midori smiled as she thought about a future.

'S-Slow down, Midori! Your thinking about marriage already? You and Daemon are only friends. Making lunch is normal for friends..'

After that thought, they two ate in silence. 'Yep, I knew it. Reminds me of the one and only time mother cooked for me..' Daemon whipped his face with a napkin.

"I'm so full Midori.."

Daemon got up while sighing.

"T-Thank you for eating my food. Your the first to eat it parents died.."

"Oh, pleasure. I ruined the mood when I shouldn't have though.."

"Huh? O-Oh, no. Your fine, Daemon! Your fine.."

Midori got up and and came up to him. She had tears in her eyes while shaking. 'So cute..' Even with his mood down, Daemon couldn't help but smile.

"We have school tommorow, Midori. Imma head out. See you at the train station?"

His head wasn't in the right mind set. 'L-Leaving already? Its only nine thirty..' Midori grasped his hands and shook her head. 'I-I haven't fully repaid you yet..'

"Daemon! P-Please stay and watch a movie with me!"


Both of their faces were beat red. 'Watch a movie?! Is she implying the famous 'Netflix and Chill?'. While this has happened with Lucifer, you know hes a guy. A friend and lover. They watched Netflix for like 30 seconds, then got on mortal combat.

"A-A movie?"

"A-Any movie..."




Get a girl who'll watch deadpool. I'm telling you that she'll be your future wife. From experience of course. Daemon and Midori cleaned up the table and did the dishes together. They soon went over to the couch and sat down on it together.

'I've never been so close to a guy like this before..'

Midori took her shoes off, revealing her green painted toes. 'Daemon's power allows him to see anything in the techno world. He probably has a lot of knowledge on..'

She looked over and saw Daemon scrolling through Netflix. With his powers, he could get VPN to have advanced Netflix with more shows.

'Will I be fine? Am I overly dressed? I probably smell of sweat. Am I...prepared?..'

Daemon put on the first Deadpool and got comfortable. 'O-Oh, yeah. Midori is here. I forgot..' Yes, he forgot that an attractive young girl was sitting next to him. She was showing her bare shoulders to him while looking at him from time to time.

'I blame it on inexperience. Never been with an attractive girl my age like this before. Sarah and Acier don't count. I consider them friends. I did with Midori too, but it seems like I was forced into this. Not complaining though..'

"Is he your favorite...hero?"

Midori sparked up a conversation as deadpool was giving his inner monologue.

"Hero? Yeah, hes my favorite hero."

"He's..not a hero is he?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Sorry. I-I don't watch that many superpower movies.."

"No, it's fine. I'm glad to have someone to watch this with anyways. Back in the country, my mom got tired of it."

"O-Oh, you have a mom? Wait, of course you do! Everyone has one! I mean that I didn't know you lived with her.."

"Yeah, she doesn't get out though.."

"I see.."

The cold A.C. blew onto them, making Midori cutely sneeze. Her toes scrunched slightly when she did. 'Shes so cute..' Daemon reached over his shoulder and grabbed a blanket.

He then placed it over the two with the lights in the room dimming down. 'What the hell? She got ghost or something?' Daemon and Midori got closer to each other and their hands eventually touch.

'Hand holding?..'

Daemon's right hand was on top of her left.

'Should I move my hand?..'

Their faces were red as Daemon would sometimes scratch the top of her hand. The difference in hand size was huge. Daemon's rough hands would envelope her soft hands.

"Daemon. Have you ever...had a girlfriend?"

Midori slowly started turning her hand around. Her heart was beating faster and faster as she was taking his bold move while awaiting his answer.

"No, never. I'm very inexperienced in this sort of thing."

"I-I never dated either. I'm still a virgin too..."

She fully turned her hand around and locked her fingers with Daemon's hand. On the second day they met, Midori already fell in love with him. No ones ever been her friend like he has. Daemon exercises with her, laughed at her corny jokes, and never not took her seriously. On the second night that she met him, she went home and did something for the first time in her life.


"I-Im one too.."

Daemon accepted her act of holding hands by holding hands back. 'Her hand is so small as well...' Daemon didn't know what their relationship progress was at. Friends don't do this do they?

"Midori, I..I don't know if you're really okay with me, but if you are then that makes me happy.."

Daemon leaned on her slightly. Midori leaned in as well and smiled.

"Daemon. I don't know..if I like you or not. I just know...that I want this moment to last forever."

Their hold tightened as she said that. 'Love can be confusing..' Daemon undid his grip and cupped her face. Midori looked up at him with sparkling eyes as he came closer to her.

'But In This Moment, I Know What I Want.'
