
Daemon arrived at a white door. 'They... Did they bring every S rank to this meeting or something?' M.H. was a school that was known for having S ranks as teachers.

Now you may be like, 'Then what was the hype of the S ranks choosing kids to teach back in the early chapter about?'.

Well, they chose students personally to teach. Here, they teach in classes, meaning with a group of people. The students in M.H. would stay in the same room, with the teachers switching out instead of them having to leave.

'Just tell them what they want to hear. And then you'll be done..'

Daemon sighed and opened the door. He closed it behind himself and the group of adults started at him. They each wore their hunter costumes while sitting at an oval shaped long table.

"Daemon. Come sit down."

Luke patted the empty seat next to him. Daemon nodded and walked over to it and sat down in it. The meeting now began.

"Mr. Fisher.."

A small, white man with grey hair spoke out. He was no taller than a 7 year old and wore a suit and tie.

"You probably know why we asked you specifically to come here.."

The S ranks stared at him. He saw Immeasurable in a skinny version of himself sitting near the small, old man.

"Uhm, I don't actually. Can you tell me why?"

Some chuckled while other shook their heads from speaking in such a way. When in the presence of power, it's best to show respect. Not all hunters believed in that and the ones that did usually didn't have the best backgrounds.

"As you know, the reporters from this morning managed to get through our barrier."

With a card the students carried, they were able to pass through the transparent barrier that stayed up 24/7. Without it, it'll be almost impossible to get in unless your a teacher or have a sword that could cut it.

"Yeah, I know that. can I help you?"

"Our cameras went down for a split second which may not be much, but anything could have happened in that second. That's why we called you here to see if you happened to check the cameras during the 'infiltration' using your magic."

"Oh, I see now. Yeah, I happened to check the cameras and saw a person in the faculty lounge. They seemed to be taking papers for something.."

The people in the room started to whisper with each other.

"Ahem. ...I see. Can you wire us this information so we can review it?"

Daemon nodded, a notification appearing on the mans phone at the same time. The short man checked his phone and saw an image of a room with a man in it. To play the video, he would have to tap it.

"Thank you, Daemon. Your doing your school a good deed by giving us this."

"No problem. If giving you the video could protect students then it's nothing."

Daemon's word was that he didn't care if the human race died out. As long as he didn't cause it then he'll let it happen. Now, if these students were to die because he kept such information a secret, then that would be on him.


A random person spoke out. He had black hair with an white outline and had a mask on that covered his nose and down. His attire was of black spandex with black boots.

"I agree, Giyu!"

A hardy woman spoke out. She had long blonde hair and pink eyes. Her features were that of a beautiful woman in her twenties. She wore erotic wear as her breast were bare with a string covering her nipples. The rest of her costume was light pink which only further highlighted her looks.

"Daemon. Your words are very strong. It's rare these days to see children care about other children."

Luke patted his shoulder while smiling at him. Even the people who didn't like his casual tone couldn't help but smile at his words. 'Daemon... I knew I was right when I said our future is in safe hands..' Immeasurable stared at him with a smile.

Throughout human history, humans have been known to do anything for money. People will kill for it. Put others down for it. Even cause world wars for it. It's the nature of human. That being said, for someone, like Daemon, to being able to put humans above himself is quite uncommon. Especially when he's being so genuine.

"We'll call you back in if we need you, okay? Take it easy.."

The man waved at Daemon, signifying his leave. Daemon got up and bowed to the S ranks who waved back at him. 'So many unique powers..' One had word magic. One had the power of nine(not who you think). One could control the weather. It was truly different from the powers people had in America.

Daemon soon left the room, getting a notification as he closed the door. 'Mark Twain. Middle aged business worker looking for hot teen. Willing to pay double the amount if she dresses cutely.' It was a job that Daemon quickly wired to Ivory's inbox.

'The future looks big. I can't wait to see what happens..'


A masked man appeared in a bar like room. The people in the room turned towards the man who gave out a small sigh.

"Did you get it?"

The decaying man was back from his small vacation. He went to go visit the person who gave him meaning to check and see how he was doing.

"Yeah, I got it. Their planning notebooks. With this, we'll know the perfect time to strike. Oh man, I can't wait for my revenge!"

The decaying man groaned at that and got up. He walked toward the man while taking off grey gloves and eventually putting his hand out at him.

"Our goal is to obtain the artifacts. This plan won't work if we just rush in, so that's why we'll slowly cripple the hunters by defeating them one by one. Until then, we do nothing big.."

He placed his hand on the mans face and his body instanly turned to dust. 'Bastards need to stick to their plan. Master gives them a little bit of power and they think they're all that..' He kicked the dust into thin air while sighing.

"I feel bad for Daemon. We're lying to him right now and using him as well.."

Daemon left his card in his jacket and sat it on the couch to clean. With the power of Kakazu, he was able to make another card from the existing one. This allows them to get into M.H.

"If Daemon ever finds out, will we kill him?"

A random person asked a good question that they never thought about before. For the decaying man, Daemon was a buddy. He wasn't scared of the decaying man.

If you touch him then there's a chance of your skin peeling on itself. Daemon knew that and yet, he still touched him while laughing and stuff.

"Let's leave it to the future to answer that question.."

Kakazu got up after that and walked up to where the pile of ash was. He placed his hand over the small dust particles that were left and moved his hand like he was waving. The dead man's soul then combine with Kakazu, giving him his power.

"I got the information and power. I'll give the power back to your master.."

The whole reason the white demonic masked man was able to get in because he got gifted with teleportation and collect. Collect allowed him to collect any given information in exchange for a tooth or other bodily parts, depending on how big something that was collected was.

"Good. Now Let's start putting our plan into motion."


"This upcoming Wednesday, we'll be going to Zone J to work on your magic powers. A field trip essentially.."

The class cheered out at their teachers words. They were happy to be anywhere but the classroom.

"Can you explain more in depth about it, sir?!"

Ed yelled out at Luke. 'Being a tiring..' Luke sat down and took a sip of his coffee. The class waited for his answer as he kept sipping.

"I'll explain it more when we arrive. I CAN say that Immeasurable will be there as well, so you can atleast look forward to that."

The class went into a burst of happiness once again. They haven't seen him at all since 'Monsters vs Predators' so they were ecstatic to see him again.

"Midori. This will be the perfect chance for us to grow."

She was writing down something in a small notebook when Daemon asked that. Upon hearing his question though, she closed the book, turned around and smiled.

"Mh. If we're really going to focus on controlling our magic then this really is the perfect setting for me."

She rested her head on Daemon's desk while looking cutely at him. Daemon blushed from seeing her face and looked towards the window.

"Hey, Daemon. What did you and Ivory talk about at Lunch?"

She saw Daemon pull his phone out and show her something to which she nodded. Daemon stared at the window, forgetting that he had a jealous girlfriend.

"You see, ivory has....problems, and I just helped her by sending her some money, that's all."

"O-Oh, really?"


Daemon then looked back at her, and put his head down on the desk. Their noses were touching now as Daemon took a piece of paper to cover the sides of their faces from the rest of the class.

"Listen, Midori. I'd never cheat on you. I would be an idiot to cheat on someone as kind and caring as you. Seriously.."

They both could feel each others breathe. 'Dae~mon.... Your such a tease..' Midori slowly nodded and moved in closer. She kissed him on the lips, making Daemon's face even redder.

"Daemon Fisher. You can make a girl feel good about herself with those words.."

When she pulled back, he had green lipstick in the corner of his mouth so she whipped it away with her small fingers.

"I..try my best.."

Daemon rubbed the back of his head from embarrassment. He could tell that everyone was starring at the two even though he was blocking their views.

"Yes. You prove it with words,... And with sex."

She giggled and turned back around into her seat. She had a small blush on her face which was noticed by everyone. 'Sex, huh? I guess I really do show her how deep my love is for her.

Its 7 and s half inches.'
