
In the streets of Japan, a giant person was holding a family hostage in its embrace. He was 17 meters in size and looked human but inhuman at the same time. This was a result of Magic Mutation. Don't get this confused with the mutation that 7 people in the entire world gets every 100 years. This was different.

Magic Mutation is when a person is injected in anyway, shape or form, with too much magic for their bodies to handle. As you know, Monsters, being Monsters, usually have a surplus of magic. Anyways, when a regular person is filled with too much magic to the point where their body can't take it anymore, they either die, or evolve into a monster. Now you may be thinking, 'Shouldn't their be a lot of this happening then?' or something along those lines. Well, it does happen a lot, just not common to see in the streets like this. Magic control is the first thing any one person learns when they go to elementary school. That way, they can easily control the flow of magic inside themselves to prevent this. In any case, not only do their apperance change, they lose all sense of reasoning.

"Listen,...Fred? That's your name, right?"

The hardy woman that was in the meeting room spoke. Right now, she and another hunter were facing off against the hostage holding monster. It may have lost thought, but their instincts as a half human and half monster told it that this would be a good idea.

"We don't want to kill you. We can..cure you. You know that, right...?"

There was indeed a cure, but the cost of it was great. It was also only sold to those of high status, meaning a donut shop owner would meet God before seeing the case it comes in.


The monster spoke human tounge. It could make out some words, but they may not make sense as they could he confused with other words in its vocab.

"I'm not lying. I'll take the money from my own savings and buy you a cure. I just need...for you to put your family down.."

Her hands twitched slightly, making the red and blue haired woman next to her slowly put her hands behind her back. A fiery whip appeared in her red, left arm, while an ice whip appeared in the other.


The monster looked down at the people in his arms. Their expressions was that of fear as they looked at the forgotten man. It was a wife and son who seemed to have came from a ball game.

"Yes, family. Those are the people you love. But right now, your being very mean by scaring them. Can you...not frighten them by releasing them?"

The crowd of people around them were recording and taking pictures of the scene. 'This is bad. If he loses himself completely the-' The monster bit down and took their heads off.

Blood splattered everywhere as they all watched this go down, fear making people slowly fall down onto their knees.

'Damn it!'

"I no famous. Only my."

The monster started running towards them. Car windows would break as the 17 foot meter monster that appeared human ran at them. 'Fuck. I..didn't want to kill you like this... Not another one..'

"Saruby! Protect the civilians!"

She grew in size until she was 17 meters and punched at the monster. When her fist connected to its cheek, it sent a shock down its spine that made it freeze.

Christie Hays. Age, 24. Height, 5'4 in base(Varies depending on titan form). Weight, 123lbs(Varies depending in titan form). Measurements, ???(Varies depending on titan form). Sex, Female. Magic, [Power over 9]. Christie Hays is a woman with long golden hair and pink eyes. She wears a suit of pink and always had a smile. Her background shows that she was a very normal girl. She was popular amongst everyone and liked by everyone. She became a hunter by 15 and became S rank just a few months ago. Since then, her fame increased greatly and the people love her. Her Magic, [Power over 9], gives her nine abilites. One ability gives her the power to brainwash one person for a minute. The second gives her skin that almost impenetrable. The third gives her random precognition. The fourth gives her accuracy. The 5 gives her good stamina and durability. The sixth allows her to change size with the sub power of being able to cause small bombs. The seventh allows her to harden parts of her skin. The eighth allows her good mobility. And the ninth allows her to create objects out of her skin. With these powers, she's shown she can be very dangerous.

While it wasn't moving, her foot turned into pink like crystals and swung towards the side of its face. What happened next was the giant head of a human popping clean off like a hot knife to butter.

The people around cheered at the S rank 'Gigantes' victory. Gigantes in mention however was starring at the human body that now slouched against a building and oozed purple blood like a monster.

'Your the second one I killed and one of the many that's starting to be found more and more recently..'

She started shrinking until her size was that of 5'4 again. In order to fully use her powers, she must first grow to 15 meters at minimum. Anything under and she wouldn't be able to use her powers. She had more weaknesses as well that'll be discovered later.

"Perimeter secured."

Saruby. Age 25. Height, 5'4(Together). Weight, 132lbs(Varies when split apart). Measurements, ???. Sex, Female. Magic, [Ice and Fire]. Saruby is a woman with half of her hair being red while the other half is blue. Saruby is technically and technically not one being. She is a fusion of two beings into one person. Under certain occasions, she can split and become two separate beings. In this case, their fusion is a completely different person. Saruby just has memories of the two beings that make her, giving her a conscious and access to their powers.

"Good. Ask the civilians for their point of view. Also, tell them to go to city hall to undo the things they saw."

There was a machine that could erase ones memory of the past hour. Depending on the time is how much it cost. A whole hour would be around one thousand dollars while 5 minutes would be like 20.

Just then, the clouds departed to reveal a figure. He was in a blue stripped suit and had a suitcase in hand. Hearing his righteous laugh, the people instanly cheered up and started cheering out.


He landed on the ground while in a salute position. Upon seeing his people, a huge smile came to his face.

"Hello citizens! Have you all had breakfast?"

Even though his question was odd, the people all answered. Ever since- No, before he even blew up, Immeasurable was well liked by the public. Well, not the public public, but within his school and stuff.

He was like a jock in those american movies. Except, he can actually make people laugh instead of getting onto someone else and making people laugh by embarrassing them.


"Immeasurable? What are you doing here?"

Christe, the woman who can turn big if you forgot her name, asked him. She was a big fan of Immeasurable and admired him since she was a kid.

"I heard the sound of people screaming and immediately rushed over."

"Oh, of course. Of course you'd come."

"Whenever there's danger, I'll always be there! Even if I'm on the toilet!"

The crowd laughed at that while Christie slightly chuckled as well. 'Though, that may be a lie. My wounds... They get worse by the day..' He frowned slightly as memories of a huge beast came back to his mind.

"So, tell me, Christie. Is it the"

He saw a headless, giant human slouched against a building. It was either a person with some type of body magic or a mutated person.

"Yes. He' of them. I got in here in time. but I couldn't..."

She then proceeded to stand on her tippy toes to whisper something in his ear. Whatever she said made his expression go dark.

"I..was too slow then.."

Immeasurable looked at his hand that could make a basketball seem like a tennis ball. 'By the days, I really am getting weaker. My regenerative powers are starting to diminish as well as my overall ability..' An image of Midori came to his head.

'As someone with the same type of Magic as me, she'll have to take my place. The question is though, 'Is that too much?'. 'Can she really do it?'.'

Only the future could tell.

After going over everything that happened, Immeasurable heard another scream and darted away. Robberies, murder, anything of the sort is what occupied him for the next couple of hours.
