
Luke stood panting in the central plaza. Right now, he only had 10 or so people left to fight. Seeing such progress, the decaying man became amused. 'In a physical fight, he wins. But in a battle of magic, you'd think he'd win that as well, but with time against him, he can't..'

Luke blitzed passed the people, making the 10 people become 20 if you know what I'm saying. 'But his limit, its done.. We can capture him and bring him to master to take his magic away..' The decaying man then noticed that Luke was aiming his sword directly at him.

"What..was the point in all of this?..."

Luke planted the sword in the ground while leaning on it for a breath. With everyone able to increase their body's strength, agility and durability with magic, it was a tough battle.

"The point... Well, what do you think the point was?"

The decaying man wanted to see what Luke thought about the matter.

"It was selfish.. I think you people..were being complete idiots by doing this. You know that you'll be caught, right? And when my friends do, I'll promise to plant the blade of my sword so far into your body that you'll feel it for the rest of your life. Your endangering my kids... My previous students that I adore, and for that... I'll never forgive you...!"

Under his breathe, luke said, 'One last time, brother..,' which made a demonic laugh sound out in his head.

"Really now? I get such treatment for putting your students lives in danger? That's too much.."

The decaying man gave a small laugh. The smile soon ended as the sky darkened and his eyes widened. 'The magic in the air... Its decreasing?!'

He then saw Luke with his hands up in the sky, gripping the sword that had a black cloud effect around the blade instead of its original grey.

"In all my years of teaching, I've never met someone as braindead.."

Luke's insides were on fire as he started growing two black wings from his back. On his forehead, 2 horns would appear. The right side of his body was pitch black now as his eyes were red.

" my final stand. If I can't kill you here, then I really failed as a teacher.."

The sword grew up to 15 meters in height. Upon seeing the shadow fall down over him, he though, 'X-M1! Attack now!' He pointed at Luke. When he did, a black blur jumped out from behind him and blitzed at Luke.

"My friend. My students. Me. You endangered us all..."

Luke relieved some memories as he brought the sword down. 'Black Slash!' Infused with every skill, he slashed at the decaying man and the open portal. The slash caused the man to put his hand up to block, only to drop into a portal at the last second.

'D-Damn it..'

Luke dropped the sword and it disappeared. There was a huge beast in the sky that frowned at the failure of Luke and faded away. 'I really them..'

He stammered slightly, unconscious of the huge figure behind him. The huge figure in mention put his hands together, forming a hammer and swung down.

Luke blacked out.

'That...was close..'

The decaying man sighed as he stared at the passed out Luke. He was stomach flat on the ground as blood came out from below him. 'X-M1. Capture him.'

X-M1. Age, ???. Height, 6'7. Weight, 300lbs. Sex, ???. Magic, [Absorption and Regeneration]. Creator, ???.

It was about to pick up luke when another black blur went by and picked him up instead. 'No...' The decaying man stepped back as the other big figure appeared in his eye from a distance.

"Luke, buddy. Aging did not treat you well.."

Immeasurable had him in a princess carry while kneeling down. Fog started to surround Immeasurable for some reason as he stared at his friend. 'You'll live.. You'll be weakened like me, but you'll live..'

A few moments ago...

Immeasurable was flying through the city while helping people left and right. As he helped one person, his phone went off, causing him to pull it out and check it.

"Zone J is being attacked. please come.."

That was all he read. He didn't even try to identify who sent him the message as he quickly darted into the clouds.


'Aw nah man... T-This can't be..'

The decaying mans eyes were trembling at the sight of Immeasurable. 'He wasn't listed on the schedule to be here! Why is he here now?!...' His plans were starting to foil slightly.

'But Master... Already thought of the probability..'

Immeasurable body flicked, making his hands now's empty of Luke, also making Luke appear by the entrance of where they entered zone J.

"Why..are bandits in this place..?"

Immeasurable started undoing his tie from the black suit he wore. He was eventually in nothing but black pants and a white shirt.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't Immeasurable himself. What do we owe such a pleasure?"

The decaying man bowed slightly, completely trying to hide his scare facade.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought I'd pay a visit honestly. Glad I did.."

Immeasurable put on a huge smile, making the decaying man back up a bit. 'I have to be careful... With his speed, he can-' Immeasurable appeared in front of him while throwing a punch out.


X-M1 ran up and countered the punch with a punch of his own. This caused the decaying man to fly back into the sky from the Schock wave while saying..

"Theres no point Immeasurable! That thing was meant to beat you! Good luck trying to land a hit on me!"

Upon hearing this, Immeasurable sighed. 'I have to be careful. The children... There watching me...' 17 people were watching the fight between him and the huge beast.

This fight would be something for the kids to look up to..


Around Shino, there laid over 20 slumped bodies. 'They seemed intimidating at first but..' He though back to the battle he just had. It showed him easily defeating the bandits as they only used wind magic. They boosted the dart at the beginning by all of them using their wind on it, making it as fast as it was.

'The others are probably being attacked as well. The right thing to do would either be to wait here,.. Or go to the center to see if anyone else is there..'

He encased Mayumi and Junko in a bug coffin. After that, he started walking through the jungle again and towards the center, Mayumi and Junko being dragged on the ground.


"Is there any more?.."

Zach and his group were all resting against trees. Kaiyo and Todo fought off all the bandits themselves with ease, but still needed to rest to not get overworked if they fought someone else again.

"Smh. They were too easy. If they want to attack us next time, then send stronger opponents."

Kaiyo put her hands together while making small explosions. She forced some of the people they fought to speak and they easily complied. Apparently, they were dragged along with hopes of being promoted if all they did was survive.

Kaiyo stopped their promotion by killing them all without remorse. Like bat man, she beat them up then asked questions to the ones that barely survived her beatings.

"I'll...get 'em next time. Nobody's a challenge.."

Todo sighed while going back into his stable mode. This was evident by him making a derpy face and starring into nothingness, his pupils would expand as well.

"S-Should we go help our classmates? I think we should go find a teacher then save them though. Yeah, let's do that.."

Richard said while hiding in bushes. Kaiyo thought over it and nodded at herself.

"Let's go to the plaza. If anyone has a brain then they would know to go there."

Kaiyo didn't wait to here a response from them as she already started walking away. 'It's the center of all things, so I guess its reasonable..' Zach followed after her then Richard then Todo.


Teo, Mars, and Kamiko were on land now. They were all starring at the people at the top of the water, seeming to be dead.

"Kamiko.... Your kinda scary..."

Teo said as he looked at her out of the corner of his eye. She was the first person to sense that the thing causing ripples in the water was human. As soon as she did, she jumped into the water, only for red to appear a couple of seconds later on the surface of the water.

"Scary? Thank you."

She licked her lips while retracting fins from her back and forearms. Shes able to generate such fins from almost anywhere on her body.

"That wasn't a compliment woman!"

Teo said while crossing his arms and looking away. He then saw his sensei, Luke, growing a pair of wings as well as the magic in the air dropping. 'The power...of Anti-Magic..'

They all watched as their teacher brought a black slash towards the person he was fighting. They saw said person sink into the ground at the last moment, only for the slash to fade away into nothingness and Luke to fall to the ground.


They saw a huge beast standing over him. It had a long tounge that licked its eye balls. Its face was stretched out as well and it had no jaw. You could only see a tounge that hanged from the ceiling of its mouth with a top row of teeth.


They were confused as to how someone with Luke's power could lose. That being said however, they knew they would stand no chance against the beast

"Guys...we still have to try.."

Teo bawled his fist as he saw the beast bring its hands together and up.

"Are you an idiot? That thing will smack us around. You can try though. I'm staying out of this.."

Kamiko walked back and went into the water. She only revealed her eye balls as the two brothers stared at her. 'Smh. Fine, we'll do this without her..'

"Let's go, Mars..."

He grabbed his brother's hand and started walking away. Or he tried too as he was pulled back.

"What's wrong?"

Teo asked in confusion. Mars shook his head while sighing.

"We can't win, Teo. Me and you both know that.."

Mars frowned at the thought of his brother being pummeled by that beast. He would never let harm come to Teo as long as he still has breath in his body.

"But..we have to-"

They heard a swoosh come in that blew them back into the water. When they emerged from the water, their vision was red slightly with the image of a man in black. He had a bulky back and hair like orange.



"The operations off because Immeasurable appeared?! Could have warned me sooner man!"

The sniper stood up and packed his rifle up. He was being told to retreat for the simple face that Immeasurable was here.

'Don't mess with Immeasurable. He may be a 'Hero,' but he doesn't take too kindly to those who mess with his people..'

He remembered seeing on tv that Immeasurable killed 10 bandits for taking a school hostage. The people of the media didn't mind that he killed as they all knew it was survival of the fittest in this world.

'Those two girls ran back after I revealed myself. That one girl was a beast, quite literally. It makes me thinks that if I fought her... Would I have won?..'

He stared for a moment then shrugged. A light blue space appeared behind him and he walked through it. 'Oh, well. If I think that I would have lost then I just need to get stronger..'


Midori and her group found Ed passed out in a garbage can. He was bloodied but alive which made their worries go down. 'We chased the monsters off and found Ed. All we have to do is find the others..'

More monsters appeared, but was driven away at the sound of Midori's whistle. 'From sound alone, I can scare off high ranked monsters..' She forced out a huge smile, that of terrified and that of happiness.

'I can't wait...for my future..'

They then decided to head back to the plaza while carrying Ed. When they arrived, they saw some of their classmates watching as the black blurs jumped away from each other.

'I-Immesurable? What is he doing here...'

She saw how the other black blur was standing to the right of a skinny man in a mask and a tall, light blue ghost to his left.

'Immeasurable.... Hes going to fight them...?'

She was too caught up on seeing the number one fight that she forgot that her number one wasn't anywhere present.

That...was cringe, huh?
