
"Midori. You never had dreams about replacing Immeasurable as the number one mage in japan?"

Daemon and Midori were on the couch together with slow music and a movie playing in the background. While she told him that she never really had a desire to to be a hunter, she also said she wanted to be strong.

To Daemon, he thought that she could be like Immeasurable, but not a hunter. As strong as him, but no rank.

"N-No, not really.."

She said while cuddling close to him. They were under a blanket with Daemon being in nothing but shorts and Midori being in her underwear.

"Then what do you plan to do in life..?"

He wasn't picking on her, but was actually curious. In this day and age, Magic was everything. You could use basic water magic to be a waiter. Earth magic to build things. Wind to skydive. Fire to work in volcanoes to mine resources.

Yes, that's possible and their will be an explanation in how a regular human could do that. I kind of mentioned it with Sarah, but not in depth.

Anyways, Daemon wondered what someone with her Magic would do in life, seeing as she doesn't have any actually future.

"Can I tell you something instead, Daemon?"

She looked up at him. She seemed embarrassed for some reason which confused Daemon.

"Yeah, go ahead, Midori. I'll always listen to you."

Daemon smiled at her, bringing a smile to her face as well.

"Well the thing is, even though I don't aspire to be number one, I still say I want to be number one to remind myself.."

She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts.

"To remind myself that I must work hard. I don't want to be a hero like Immeasurable. I don't want the fame or fortune. What I aspire to do in life is be something for myself. Immeasurable gives me that sort of confidence I need and that's why I would sometimes say, 'I'm one step closer to becoming the number one mage!'. To remind myself...that I have to work hard like him, or else I'll be nothing in life. For my parents.. And for myself.."

To have to same power as Immeasurable means that you can be just as great. With that in mind, Midori has been able to slightly push through things. Being bullied? You can be as strong as Immeasurable to stop that. Wanting to get rid of problems? Just become as strong as Immeasurable and take care of them with ease.

Midori thought that, but didn't train until 9 months ago. Immeasurable himself was like a quote. You would see it, think, 'That's deep..', then continuing scrolling through Instagram.

"Midori... I never knew..that you thought that way.."

Daemon rubbed her back while starring out. Even Daemon thought of her as a punk when in the reach of Kaiyo when he first met her. He thought he knew her well, but it seems that he was indeed wrong.

"Midori, your such a complicated girl. You make me think a lot about things I've never thought of."

To be, yet to not be like someone. To be inspired and yet to never do anything.

He didn't know if she was just ignorant on what she wanted to do, or just not motivated and needed a push. 'I exposed myself becuase I wanted to start a new. I wanted to gain new emotions, experience new things, I wanted to try it all and I'm finally starting to get to that point...'

"That's... Thanks?.."

She was slightly confused by his words, but nevertheless, she understood them whole heartedly.

"Midori. Let's both do what we want in life. You..want to be something that people will not underestimate while I want to explore the system within.."

Daemon actually took a liking to coding and such. To design things is a very fun job especially with the right people.

"Yeah, that plan.."

They tilted their heads, making contact with each other and smiling. It was peaceful in their small apartment as they continued watching the show together.


Luke King. Age, 47. Height, 5'11. Weight, 197lbs. Sex, Male. Magic, [Anti-Magic.] Luke King was a tall man with short, messy blonde hair and green eyes. From a young age, he was a cheery child that never gave up even when the kids around him told him he was weak. He worked his ass off and rose up into the Top 10 S ranks of Japan. In his prime, he was considered 2nd to Immeasurable but as he aged, his rank slowly dropped down. Between the ages of 15 through 21, he was in a guild with Immeasurable called, 'Nobodies'. They were in such a guild for peculiar reasons, but nevertheless, it was the best times of their lives. When he turned 43, he retired from being a full time hunter and took on the job of a teacher. Since then, he had a new passion of teaching the next generation.

'Damn it. Aging sucks..'

He panted and panted as he stood in front of the bandits. At the beginning, there was close to two hundred. Now, only 60 or so remained. All around him was either unconscious or dead people.

'Back in the day, I could clear an S rank dungeon with a single slash. It seems that fate, even after I thought we became friends, has limited me once again...'

He could solo S rank dungeons with a skill called, 'Black Slash'. This one skill had many sub skills like sending out black sickles of Anti-Magic. The main skill was however to grow his sword until it could reach over 50 meters. In his prime, he could swing it as easy as a baseball bat. If he tried that now though, his back would surely break.

'Black Sickle won't do much either considering they could dodge it..'

Luke sighed out as a thought came to his head. 'I could use 'Black Out,' but that may not work. I'm still tired and they are young and healthy. I even think I felt someone use Magic Imprisonment on their own..'

Black Out was an Anti-Magic imprisonment. It was Luke's ultimate trump card that hes only used once before. Since he has no magic, it should be impossible. But with a touch of conception erasure from his Anti-Magic, hes able to use it like anyone else. But unlike everyone else, he had a weakness of breaking almost every bone in his body.

'Just push through it, Luke. You've fought way bigger fish than these people....'

He shook his head off the thoughts as his sword rivaled 5 meters. He would swing it around while their bodies would split in half.

"For my students.."

Luke put his right foot forward while crouching slightly, keeping his head down in the process. The people saw some sort of Demon that was black in color creep out of from behind him.



"Oh? With that look, you must know what this technique is I presume..?"

Daemon stood in his imprisonment. 'Thread...' Thread Imprisonment. Allows the user to have faster threads than average in an limited space.

'This....will be tricky. I'm on the edge of a cliff and in someone's imprisoment to boot. He's blocking my only escape and I probably won't even be able to jump off as he'll instantly capture me.'

"Yeah, I know what this is. And I know I'm trapped as well.."

"Hehe. Your use of words makes me think that you have a plan up your sleeve. Sends a chill down my spine..."

He laughed out while continuing to twist Yoko and Gabriel up. Daemon saw the fear in Gabriel's eyes while he only saw seriousness in Yoko's. 'No point, Yoko. Even if your break free, you'll be trapped a second later.

"So can the person who has me pinned tell me how they managed to unlock Imprisoment at such a young age?"

Daemon stricked up a conversation to ease him.

"Young age? How would you know such a thing?"

"Your voice actually. I can use magic that let's me control technology, and your voice changer is made up of technology, right?"

"Hm? Wow... You have such a unique power. It makes me blush. Hey tell me, could you kill me right now?"

"No, I can't even move an inch or I'll die.."

Daemon had thread all around his limbs. His mouth and eyes and his stomach slightly moving to breathe were the only things he could do.

"Whelp, I'm glad you know your place. I will now wait for you to slip an inch and meet your own demise. Better have good stamina."

He sat down and stared at Daemon. 'You think you won, huh?..' While Daemon liked to use the phone, he could still control technology with his brain. It requires a lot of concentration though, being one reason as to why he uses a phone now.

"Hey, why are you doing this? Is there more of you?"

Daemon put his full concentration on the voice changer in the mask. The voice changer was as big as an button on a remote. It would be very, very hard for him to get into it.

"Why am I doing this? Well, because me and my friends are after something in your school. You know how your school has a treasury built 3000 meters into the earth, right?"

"Yeah, so your after the artifacts? Why go through all of this?"

"Why? Well tell me something..."


"Daemon. Tell me something. What is the number one problem in this world?"

He said while making a ball of pink. In the pink, there was some blue and green in it, making it look similar to the earth.

"Equality. That it the one problem that creates even more..."

Daemon stared at the masked man who obviously showed no emotion.

"Without that, we have racism, gender wars, broken peace, without equality, our shattered.."

From the thread earth, another one wrapped itself up in that one.

"The hunters collected an artifact called, 'Problem Solve'. Via a sacrifice of something that's dear to you, any one being can have a single wish of anything, hence the name. For me, I'd sacrifice my soul in exchange for equality."

He put his hand up to his mask and move it to the side to reveal half of his face. He had thin, black eye brows and pink eyes. Like Lucifer, you could tell that he had feminine features.

"Daemon. How does that sound to you? A world where people can go outside without getting their picture taken because their fat. A world where magic power does not equal class. A world where a poor boy could go to the richest school in the world and become friends with the other rich boys and girls..?"

A single tear fell down his face as he shifted the mask back. Seeing Daemon in a gaze, the man smiled from underneath his mask.

"Oh, your just a kid. That may have been too much for you.."


Daemon retaliated, surprising the man, no, boy, slightly.

"I understand exactly what you meant.."

Daemon took a chance to move and when he did, he only felt a slight pain, meaning that the masked boy was letting him go and giving him slight freedom.

"In this society, people may have been given powers from God, but with that, he made more problems. He created Powerism from giving us magic. Powerism corrupted out society even more and created even more unfair environments. That being said and done, in order for us to treat someone equally, we must treat them differently. By treating them differently, only then can we say that we treated them equally. I believe that equality, in the end is right, but when it comes down to it... When it's all said and done.."

Daemon bawled his fist as the boy listened on.

"Not Even God Could Make It Happen."
