

All 3 of the Lamia said as they looked around. The mall was your average futuristic mall. Don't know how else to describe it beside it being 10 times the size of a super bowl stadium.

"Its amazing, huh?"

Yu was sitting on Daemon's shoulders while Mi held his left hand. Yumi wishes she could hold his right hand, but it would be strange for brother and sister to do that especially at their age.

"Yes! Its looks amazing, papa!"

Yu had her hands on his head for support. 'I'm glad you guys like it. It's about time I made you happy. It's been a little over two months since you guys were born and yet, I feel like we have no memories together before this day...'

Daemon started walking and Yumi snapped out of her daze to follow. Daemon showed them the mall experience by taking them to different stores and trying different foods. He bought them all outfits and shoes, whatever they wanted. After all, it was their day today.

"Let's take pictures, papa!"

"Sure, Yu.."

They all went into a photobooth. Daemon payed for the best settings and told them all to pose. They did while fighting for his lap spot. 'I love you guys..' Yumi eventually won and she became happy by this.

'He's been too focused on the kids that I've been getting ignored..'

Yu and Mi sat down on their mother's crotch area with slight frowns. Daemon sighed at that and told them they could switch positions after a couple of photos like this.

They became happy at that and Daemon took the picture. For the first picture, it seemed like a painting you would find in a castle or something. After that one though, they all became goofy.

'You all make me happy..'

Daemon thought in his mind as he was being tugged on from all directions. After about 10 minutes, the total number of pictures came to be over 100.

"You guys are something, huh?.."

Daemon thought while sighing out on a bench. Yu and Mi were on his lap playing with action figures. Yumi was leaning on his shoulder with her eyes closed.

"But,... This is nice..."

Daemon rubbed their shoulders while leaning back. 'With my own money, I spent over 2,000 dollars on them. Worth every penny though..' Yu and Mi leaned back onto his chest and closed their eyes as well.

It was tiring for them to walk around on two legs especially and in a large place like this. 'Its only 4pm. The days still young, but I guess they need their rest..' They went to toy stores, the movies, book stores, and even an amusement park.

"Sir. If I may have a word with you?"

A feminine voice spoke in Daemon's direction. From voice alone, he could tell she was very mature and serious.

Daemon slowly looked up and stared. She had mint green hair and mint green eyes. She wore a business suit and had a wooden staff on her back.

"My name is Elizabeth cooper. I work for a modeling agency known as 'Black as White'. May I be so kind as to ask to speak with you?"

She spoke with respect towards Daemon. Daemon actually had to examine her thoroughly to check and see if he met her before.

"Sure, but hold on.."

Daemon slowly moved over until Yumi was laying down on her back. He then placed Mi and Yu by her legs sitting up.

He and the woman then walked a bit away and sat down at a table meant for two. She ordered something from the menu and began speaking again.

"Ever since you 4 entered the mall, my team and I have had our eyes on you. I'm gonna get straight to the point and say, will you be so kind as to try out modeling for us? It won't be nothing big at first, just a small shoot, and if you really want to commit then that'll be fine."

Daemon was nodding as she spoke. 'Seems fate is playing its games once again..'

"Well, the thing is, I can't make that decision for those 3. But for myself, I have to decline.."

She became slightly surprised by his answer and said:

"Can you please tell me why?"

"Oh, sure, why not? Well, the thing is, I go to...M.H.. School work will probably interfere with modeling and stuff... Vise versa.."


She shot up, making the table shake and causing everyone to look at them. It was rare to meet someone from M.H. like this. They usually keep that a secret or in this setting, be in the higher part of the mall.

The mall was divided into two sections. Normal and Advanced. You probably can understand what type of people are allowed in each area from name alone.

"That's... I see.."

She sat down and coughed.

", I presume, is asleep at the moment, right? Would you please call me when they made up their minds about this? Please and thank you."

She handed Daemon a grey card and got up to leave. Daemon watched as she walked away. 'They can go into modeling to become closer to humans. But the thing is, I don't want my two little Lamia to be dumb models. Should I put them into school first? Do modeling agencies handle such a thing?..'

Daemon placed the card into his pockets and got up. He walked back over to the bench and squatted down in front of it.

'I think that even Yumi would like school, considering it's the place to go to social with other...humans.'

Daemon poked their faces while smiling. His finger would sink into their flesh like touching styrofoam.

'In the end, it's their decision. Their life. Their...future..'


Daemon walked into the bar with a green haired girl. This was of course, Midori. The guys in the bar wanted to see how she looked and if she was worth the praise he gives her.

"Dayum... That's her?"

A random persons words made everyone look over at the two. Midori cowered into Daemon's chest from the creepy atmosphere.

"Yeah, I told you, Splinter. You ain't believe me though."

He waved Daemon off while scoffing. Daemon then guided her to the bar where he helped her up and soon sat down himself.

"So your lucky girl that's with him, huh? Your very pretty.."

The decaying man sat next to Daemon while drinking what appeared to be water. Midori looked over at the man and stared. He seemed familiar to her, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Oh, where are my manners. I'm the owner of this bar. Its nice to meet you."

He smiled at Midori, causing her to slightly smile back. 'She's too jumpy. Why is that..?' Daemon placed his arm around while rubbing her shoulders and kissing her forehead.

Midori wore black jeans that were slightly ripped at the knee cap. She had one white forces and a white shirt followed by a red and black checkered jacket over that shirt.

"You guys are scaring her. Calm down will ya?"

The prince of flames spoke out to them. When he said that, some people dropped the pressure on her. Midori seemed to calm down after that, making Daemon wink at the flame prince.

He winked back while nodding. Midori then ordered an apple juice while being questioned by the decaying man.

"So, what's your magic?"

"B-Body strengthening.."

She avoided eye contact with him. 'Oh? Body strengthening? Like Immeasurable..?' He had thoughts of capturing her and sending her to his master when he remembered that she was his friends girlfriend.

"That's so cool. You can be like Immeasurable with that type of power. Do you...plan on being like Immeasurable?"

"H-Huh? Oh, no, not at all."

The decaying man nodded while forming a plan in his head. 'I have an even better idea. How about I turn her and Daemon to our side? She doesn't want to be an influencer, heck, she doesn't seem like she has that sort of heart. If I sway her enough, I could actually probably do it..'

"What do you plan to do then? Live a normal life like the rest of us?"

Midori got her apple juice, thanked Hize, and drank a bit from it.

"Well,...yeah actually. I do want to become a hunter, but in the end, I'd like to... I'd like to settle down and start a family with Daemon.."

The people in the bar cheered at that, making Daemon and Midori's face become even redder than they already were.

"My, oh, my. I envy your relationship..."

He then went into thought again. 'So she aspires to be a hunter still, huh? I did at one point,...' His expression saddened 'But not anymore. Now I just want a single artifact to make it all...stop..'

"Don't worry bro. We'll all find our meaning in life eventually. Whether its love, power, friendship, it'll come to you one day. Don't stress.."

Daemon touched his shoulder, making the skin on his palm start to peel off. His shirt was very thin, making this happen.

"One day, huh? Yeah, alright.."

He said while scoffing.

"I'm serious bruh. Didn't Lewis have a wife and kid?"

"Yeah, but... Where are they at now..?"


Daemon sighed while looking back at Midori. She was reading a book called, 'Oneself'. She thought she could find a way to find herself and use her powers better in this book.

"Well, anyways, I just wanted to stop by and show her off to you guys. We have school in the morning and our parents want us back home early, right, Midori?"

Daemon placed his hand on her head while getting up. Midori was confused by his plan but still went along with it.


Her unsure voice was noticed by everyone, causing him to sigh. 'She's uncomfortable being here.. Let's just go home...' Daemon said a few things before he completely left with Midori.

"Midori. If you were uncomfortable, you could have said something. I wouldn't have been mad, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know, but..."

She ran in front of him and stopped. Daemon stared at her as she slowly turned her head over her shoulder.

"The smile you showed during this trip,.. It was so beautiful."

She noticed his smile from the moment of him suggesting them going there to them being at the bar. She didn't want to stop seeing that smile so she decided to go along with him.

"Oh, Midori.."

He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. 'You were uncomfortable but still went along with it becuase of a facial feature? God, I love you, Midori.'

"I'm a lucky man to have you."

Midori smiled and wrapped her arms around him as well. The two then kissed each other while the sun was slowly setting in the background.

'You treat me so kindly..'

She always bought him gifts and read him bed time stories. Yes, he was read bed time stories. She's very smart and her reading is fluent, meaning she rarely makes mistakes.

'I'll promise to treat you better though...'
