
"Tournament Of Power. You'll all be participating in this."

Luke stood in front of his class in bandages. Half of his face was covered in them while his stomach was wrapped in them as well. Right now, he was telling them about a tournament. Well, that's the main event.

"Uh, are you okay to be back in school?"

Zach spoke out to him. The injuries he sustained are healed, yes, but they still thought he would need a mental break. What they don't know is that Luke took on 1 ton of gravity against him, meaning his mental and physical body was anything but average.

"Nah, I'm good. You'll learn that in the future, this is nothing. Well anyways, do you guys know what the tournament of power is? Kora?"

He said something that made everyone flinch, but nonetheless, everyone looked at Kora who got up from her named being called.

"Ahem. The tournament of power is a series of 3 test that will he broadcasted world wide. For the first test, it will be to survive 1 month in an A ranked Dungeon. For the 2nd test, it will be a race around Japan. And for the last test, a tournament."

Luke and the class slowly nodded at this. Now, the first task may seem impossible, and yeah, it is, but that's the thrill. Also, its odd but dungeons of Rank A or Higher have different time perception. While Daemon was in the B ranked dungeon, a week in there was similar to a week in the real world. A week in the A rank though could be either 7 seconds on the outside or 7 years. Its random too. But here in japan, they managed to find a dungeon that had 1 month equaling to 1 hour.

"Thanks, Kora. You all should have heard on the news in the last couple years about all of this. The winners will obviously be rewarded with fame and money. If your lucky, you could also get an artifact."

The class o'ed at that. An artifact was something that a regular person would never seen in their life time, their kids life times and their kids lifetime.

'An artifact, huh? Too bad I'm not winning this one..'

There was a lot of strong people in his grade. In this society, the next...year per say will be stronger than the last. Daemon could have water magic and be very good at it. After he turns 1, another baby appears with an even greater potential. Its quite...odd.

'Still though, with my magic, it'll be hard to win. Its anyone in the freshman's game.'

There is no difference in class. Well, you could say that A class had more potential than the others, buts that not always true. There could be people in other classes that could beat people in A if they actually try.

"Okay guys. On December 1st, that's when the games will start. Until then, you have a little over two weeks to train. Get stronger, learn more control. Start relationships. Do something besides sit on your couch and eat cheetos.."

He was talking to everyone but stared directly at Richard. Even Midori had more progress than him.

"What will you do over our break, Daemon?"

What the school was doing was giving us a Thanksgiving break while a training break as well. It was nice of them to do that especially when we just got a 5 day break.

"We will be opening dungeons up to you guys as well. C rank and below. Have fun.."

He sat down at his desk and went to sleep. Seeing that, some people got up to go sit by their friends.

"I'll be training mostly. I've been slacking lately. You?"

"Actually... I wanted to cook for Thanksgiving and invite you and your family over.. Is that fine..?"

Everyone listened in on their conversation, Midori's face only becoming more red by the second. 'My first Thanksgiving... Without Lily..' He was sad by that but also happy too. 'But, I get to spend it with even more people that I love. Midori, Yumi, Yu, and Mi....'

"Of course that's fine. I'd love too.."

Midori smiled as the class clapped. Daemon shook his head at them while sighing out. 'Supportive atleast. It's nice to say in a sense..' Daemon looked out the window and stared at the techno city.

'What can I a dungeon though.'


"So...we bringing him in or.."

A couple of people were in a dark room while one sat at a desk that showed multiple monitors, a person walking down the sidewalk with a green haired girl on one of them.

"The fuck kinda question is that? Bro IS the needle in the haystack. With his Magic, we could definitely score big."

The man at the computer desk said with a scoff. He was no older than 20 and had black hair with headphones around his neck. He wore a mask that was robotic and made different expressions every now and then.

"How would we sway him though? We are hackers. We steal things that no other person dares to steal."

A woman in graffiti colored rock clothing said. They all wore such clothing.

"Steal his girlfriend or something? I don't know. Money? We have some of that, right? Oh! How about his family! We can kidnap them and-"

"No. We won't kidnap a fellow Techno Mage like that. What the fuck are you thinking?"

The woman sighed at the random person's words. Each one of them had different categories of Technology magic. Whether they could upload viruses or control people. They had it all. What made them want that specific person though was the fact that he could do what they all did, but more.

"Anyways, his usage in a abilities is kinda below par. He made some sort of phone that could make it easier to control technology, but hes still...stumped. Can't blame the kid though. Sure, control over technology is useful in this day and age, but if your aspiring to be a hunter, a person who goes into dungeons without said technology, then you'd think your screwed."

The person in the chair spun around while his hands rested on the back of his head.

"Yeah, I agree. Maybe we can use that? Say that we can teach him how to use his powers better if he joins us?"

"That's a... That's a great idea. That's a great idea. Anisa, use that hooker body of yours and lure him in-"

He was met with a slap which made him scream out in pain. The group of people laughed at the daily occurence while pointing.


"Dae~mon... Let's get ice cream.."

Midori held his hand as they walked down the street together. Ever since Daemon accepted her proposal, she's been on cloud nine. It'll be her first time eating Thanksgiving with people after 10 years and she happened to be doing it with the person she loved most.

"Aren't you on a diet or something?"

"Well, yeah but it's okay to cheat every once in a while, right? Nobody has to know, Daemon."

She put her finger over her lip while smiling. 'She haas been working out everyday and going on a non-sweet diet for the last month or so. I guess it's fine to let lose once in a while...'

"Alright. I won't tell, if you don't.."

She squealed and pulled him along until they got to an ice cream stand. Midori told Daemon what flavor she wanted and he ordered them both something. She liked strawberry while Daemon liked Birthday.

"I like times like this.."

They both sat down at a table for two that was to the sides of the ice cream stand.

"Peaceful, huh?"

Daemon said as he licked his ice cream. He wasn't a sweets type of guy himself, but he would still eat it. Just not voluntarily.

"Yes. Its like... Our worries are gone when we're together like this, right?"

"Worries? Somethings been bothering you lately?"

Daemon sat up, starring directly into her eyes. Midori stared at him for a moment, remembering what she said and becoming red in the face.

"No-No. I-I don't actually mean worries. I just mean something like....stress?"

What Midori meant was that she forgets all of her problems like Kaiyo, school, living up to people's expectations, things like that basically, when shes with Daemon. She can be a girl around him. She can show her emotion around him without getting yelled at for doing so.

"Daemon, I... I can be the best me when I'm around you. That's...what I mean.."

Midori got up and went around the table to sit in his lap. She sat the ice cream down in the ice cream holster to wrap her arms around him.

"Thank You... For Giving Me Such A Feeling."

She kissed him on his cheek, Daemon being left in a complete daze. 'Midori..' Daemon put his head down slightly to touch her forehead. As his heart started to beat faster, his expression began to calm.

"No, Thank You... For Giving Me Such A Feeling."

Love. The reason that man kind has been able to prevail. You'd do anything for love,...right?
