
Daemon closed the door behind himself while sighing. 'Midori cheered me up, but the thought of me not being able to do anything in a dungeon came back..' Daemon sat his bag down and went over to the living room/kitchen.

There he saw his Lamia family in the kitchen, seeming to be baking some sort of cake. They were too focused to notice that someone was watching them so Daemon was ignored.

'I'm glad they have things to do now..'

When presented with the opportunity to show themselves off via modeling, they accepted without hesitation. They would be having their first photo shoot in a month or so. Daemon also asked about their education and they said that they could hire a private tutor for them.

"You guys are working hard, huh?"

The 3 Lamia slowly looked over and saw Daemon. He had a smile on his face as he saw Yu and Mi's face lit up upon seeing him.


They said in unison as the ran to him. Daemon kneeled down and all 3 of them hugged. Right now, Yu and Mi were on their way to becoming fully human. Sure, he was using illusions to make them have legs, but now... They could really have their own.

They were undergoing another Evolution.

When Daemon found this out, he sighed as he might have evolved them way more then he intended. It would explain their steady pace of growing and how they learn and adapt easily.

They will eventually evolve into human looking snakes, but it's not gonna be instant obviously. A year or two is when they'll fully evolve. Over time, they'll slowly turn from Lamia to beings that look identical to humans. Their evolution will be completed when they have a human shaped heart directly in the same place as humans. Until then, Daemon will keep their illusion up until they look human enough.

"How have you two been? Your not causing problems for your mother are you?"

"Mh-Mh. We've been baking all day! Come taste what we made papa!"

Yu then pulled him along as he carried Mi. They arrived in the kitchen with Yumi giving him a peck on the check while holding a spatula.

"How was your day honey?"

Daemon sat Mi down on the counter while Yu climbed up on it. She sat next to her sister while Daemon was in the process of giving Yumi a kiss back.

"It was interesting."

"Really? Why, what happened?"

"We have two weeks to train for a school event. It'll be broadcasted world wide as well.."

Yu and Mi became ecstatic at that. Their papa would be on tv for the world to see his powers. Yumi however was thinking about something else.

"Will that really be fine..?

What if someone recognized him? That was her thought process. Daemon knew why she would ask such a thing and it brought a small smile to his face.

"Yumi,... Theres only one person in the world who could recognize me like this. And I know she'll never expose me.."


She could recognize Daemon if he and every other being in the multi verse were in one room together. This is because of Daemon...ish. At first, Daemon made this possible with his prowess. He then stopped that power as he'd thought that using his power on his sister was bad, tanting, and utterly disgusting. Lily however still had a six sense for recognizing him though which he didn't get rid of as it was her own intuition.

"How can you be so sure, Daemon?"

She was still weary of having his or her secret exposed. Daemon was her soul mate, so she didn't want problems to come to him. Yu and Mi were her daughters though. Flesh and blood. She'd fight God himself to protect them.

"Because, Yumi,.."

Daemon reached up to place his hand on her head. A smile formed on his face as he did.

"I know...they won't. You'll just have to trust me. Can that?"

Yumi's stared at him for a while until her expression slowly calmed down. 'I..shouldn't have doubted him. He's helped us a lot in the past couple of weeks..'

"Yeah, I can do that.."

She had a right to worry though. Daemon understood that. 'To think that she was just a man eating snake a couple of weeks ago. I'm really glad...that I saved her though..' People who second guessed Daemon were his favorite type of people.

They make him think.

They make him question.

For someone like Daemon, that was something that would seem sort of hard, yet easy to do.

"Taste it papa!"

He turned around and saw Yu with balls of dough in her hand. She had a huge smile on her face while tilting her head slightly.

"What is it?"

"Just eat it papa!"

"Yeah, but-"

"Eat it, papa."

Daemon awkwardly laughed as he saw the sweet yet serious face of Yu. 'Definitely your mother's daughter. I don't do that, right?' He then went on to eat the ball of dough.

'Damn, that's sweet..'

Any other person would die on the spot. The sweetness even made his powers flinch for a moment.

"Well?! How was it papa!"

Yumi laughed a bit as she saw his face scrunching. She herself tasted it and noted how sweet it was.

"It was...sweet to say the least.."

"So,...does that mean you want another one?"

"Huh?! Oh, no...I'll eat one later. I have to go speak to Murasaki."

Daemon laughed it off while rubbing her head. Yu became down a bit and started sniffling. 'Remeber guys, gals,... Don't have children at the age of 16. It can lead to problems if your not a God or someone whos the Mc.'

After calming her down, Daemon kissed Yu and Mi on the forehead and walked to Murasaki's door. 'So she's home, huh?..' Daemon opened and closed the door behind himself.

Her room...looked like something you'd see at a love hotel. Her bed was heart shaped with a...waterfall behind it. 'Made the narrator question himself. That's....that's when you know its odd..'

She had red L.E.D. lights on too. 'And it smells foul..' Like the smell of sweaty sex mixed in with others smells. Daemon was sort of used to this atmosphere though as he happened to have sex with Midori after she comes from the gym.

Coincidence. Nothing else.

"Huh?! Oh, it's just you, Daemon. Thought one of your brats came in.."

Murasaki was lying down on the bed with a laptop on her exposed belly. She was naked and was digging in her nose. 'This... This doesn't bother me. Her actually becoming frightened by the fact that I could have been Yu or Mi is what gets me though..'

"Clean this place up once in a while, Murasaki.."

Daemon sighed as he stepped over the condoms full of white lotion. 'She keeps them as collections? What the actual fuck..' Daemon sat at the corner of the bed while Murasaki put the laptop to the side and sat up next to him.

"Fuck no. I keep it like this just for you. I know you have a...certain fetish.."

"Fetish? You mean...smell? Wait, nah, that's not why I'm here. Heatia, come here."

Daemon steered away from the conversation between the two and looked at Hestia. She was naked and in the corner of the room. Ever since Daemon came in, she stared and watched his every movement.


Nonetheless, she complied and walked over to him. She was damp, making Daemon cover his mouth from the horrendous smell she gave off. 'Gotta... Gotta fake it out..'

Daemon readjusted his pants as she stood in front of him. She carried a blank face while she did.

"Hows it been, Hestia. You look as dead as I remember.."

Daemon put his hand out and clothes with a phone appeared in his palms.

"I'm not the best creator, but I try to be whenever I can. Here, take this. I want you to come with me to explore Japan. You've been cooped up in this apartment ever since we got here."

Murasaki put her bottom lip out while nodding. Using, 'If I touch this wall then it becomes a portal,' Murasaki has dragged men from all around this world into her room. They would use Hestia as a human sex doll and would pay hefty sums.

Daemon didn't mind this business as he knew nothing would go wrong like someone wondering out the room. They couldn't as if you were to open that door and your not trusted, 'If you place your hand on the door knob, you'll die.'

So yeah.

With a snap of his fingers, clothes appeared on her with the phone going into her pocket. She now had on white heels with black stockings that stopped halfway up her thigh. She had on a long, white dress with a white tiara. Her hair was now on her back instead of her face, showing her deep, blue eyes. On her wrist, she had white, thick bracelets that acted as jewelry.

Hestia had the perfect features for a woman who looked like she was a 24 year old porn star. Small boobs, thin eye brows, slightly long lashes, infinite frown, squinted eyes that made anyone who came into her pupils look like a disqusting pig. Naked shoulders with thin straps over them.

"Daemon... Is that what you like.."

Murasaki had to stop a Law because of her getting jealous. She saw how a tent rose up in his pants when he saw her overall apperance.

"Hm? Shes alright. It's her legs that get me.."

Do people like legs? Thighs? F-Feet? Or is that just me- I mean, Daemon. Do people basically like the lower half of the body or the upper half? Well, anyways...

"You don't like my legs.."

She moved her stick like legs around. Remember, she was in her loli form. A cute one that could make any guy rub her head.

"Murasaki... I like your cute face. Reminds me of my sister.."

Daemon placed his hand on her head while smiling. Murasaki crossed her arms while pouting and blushing. 'I'll show you..'

"You ready, Hestia. You look lovely by the way."

Daemon got up while examining her figure. She had a thin waist and was tall in heels. 'You know, I feel bad for Midori. With Yumi, Yu, Mi, Murasaki and even Hestia,.it just feels like I'm cheating her. No, I am cheating, right. But I was told that it was fine by Yumi. But I didn't get permission by Midori..'

Daemon was a person who had ice and fire thoughts. His thoughts would always clash with what's good and wrong.

Daemon sighed and placed his hand on Heatia's shoulder. Hestia watched this go down, her frown becoming bigger as she did.

"Murasaki. I forgot to ask, but can I borrow her? I'll bring her back in one piece.."

Daemon turned around towards her and picked the pouting loli up from under her armpits. 'So cute...' Daemon sat down on the bed while she sat in his lap.

"I-Its fine...but can I come along too? I wanna go out as well..."

She sold her body on the daily, but never really been anywhere besides rooms used for sex. Back in America, she never left her room too. Nothing intrigued her before Daemon came along.

"Oh, sure. I'd like to see you dress up in cute clothes anyways.."

Murasaki started dry humping him while giggling. Daemon ignored her odd play while looking up. On a transparent screen, he saw an email from someone. The screen was light blue and it seemed to be in the email app or whatever its called.

'Let's talk, Daemon Fisher.'

Was what it read.
