
On his shoulders, a little girl was sitting on them. She had dark, black hair and eyes to match. Her clothes was that of a goth lolita except the color palate was gold and black instead of just black.

"Hestia. That is called a car. You drive those."

Daemon actually didn't know how much she knew about the world. He did know that she was Murasaki's messenger, but he didn't know if she cared enough to focus on things like cars.

Odd right?

She can make her perception go to a single object. Think of a bowling lane. You'd see the the first pin with the others behind it, right? Well, Hestia can make it so that she can only sees the first one.

"Oh, and that's a gas station. You use magic to fill up said cars."

Yeah, Magic is used for fuel in this era. By implanting 'sums' of it into a car, it gives it the regular properties of a car like driving and such. I should probably mention that it's not natural magic. They use magic stones. Natural magic is like the blood in a humans body. They don't cut humans open and use that magic. They instead gather stones from monsters, place them deep underground and could control gas stations within the distance of a golden gate bridge in all directions.

"She's not an idiot, Daemon. She knows this much.."

Murasaki face palmed while sighing. Hearing him give every little detail of what he saw could make anyone go mad.

"Then she should say that. We can't get anywhere...if she doesn't speak to me.."

"Yeah, but she doesn't speak to anyone, Daemon. She doesn't moan, grunt, scream, none of that. You know this."

Daemon nodded at the truth. Daemon made her like that to be the perfect butler/maid after all. What would be the point in having a servant speak back to you?

"Your right, Murasaki. And that's why.."

Hestia turned around at his words. She then saw Daemon reach for her head. His hand was the only thing in her eyes. ' he doing...'

'Huh...? I can... I can think to myself..'

Hestia stammered slightly while holding her head. Daemon had now given her thought processing. Before, she only responded to word. Now, she could actually think for herself, despite Daemon saying that before.

"What the... You made my slave, think?"

Murasaki looked down at him while pouting. She would choke him with her small legs which made Daemon ugly laugh.

"Yes. Should I change her back?"

Hestia cupped Daemon's face, a smile forming which made him and Murasaki chock on their spit.

"Thank You, Master. You...Completed Me."

Hestia was made by Daemon Suzuki. After a single thought, she was formed. She could remember the smile he gave her when she saw him. It left a deep impression on her for the longest. That was until she couldn't feel that anymore. She lost all emotion and her thoughts and feeling quickly drowned. After that, her memory was blurred. She couldn't remeber anything but the faded image of Daemon smiling before her eyes closed for good.

"Your so lovely, Master. Just like the day I was born, you still carry such a smile and yet, your over come by sad thoughts."

Her words spoke directly into his heart. 'Sad...' Murasaki was speechless while Daemon was confused. 'I'm sad? No, that can't be. What the fuck is she talking about?..'

"Master. I am your Magic personified. I can feel your deep, deep thoughts and know your deepest desires. We are one in the same. Our only difference is power."

"What..the hell are you talking about, Hestia. You've been dormant all this time, so maybe your seeing my old self. That's.... That's not me anymore.."

She shook her head at his confused words.

"No master, No. You from a year ago and you now are even more closer than you'd think. You both have the one true goal of world domination,....



Daemon was sitting at the corner of his bed with his expression blackened. His room was dark while the code air blew.

'She's wrong. I don't... No, I do..'

'I have thought of taking over the world. Just to teach humans their place. To show myself how power easily overcomes everything. I guess...I'm one of them too. I believe that power is way more prevalent than words. When said and done, you cannot only speak with words without power. That's not the case for power itself though. As long as your power surpasses everyone else's, people will follow. You can never speak in your life, but as long as you have power, you'll be fine. It was all a facade in the end. I don't want a regular life but the opposite. I want one of where I'm the one true God. I'll show the world though that I don't even need my blessing from God to strike fear into people. I'll use a basic power and take off from there.'

Daemon got up while laughing maniacally.

'What were those words that you said again, God...'

He thought back to his time in his mother's womb as he opened the blinds, the heavy rain and thunders sounding out around him.

"Save The Earth, Daemon Suzuki."


<[▪︎|Well, would you look at that. And here I thought he'd embrace himself back in that dungeon.|▪︎]>


Daemon was in a warehouse now. He was told to come here alone and when he was ready. Daemon wore a black cap and a black mask. He had on a black shirt and grey pants with black boots. He had on a black cloak that stopped at the middle of his leg. He had his hands in his pocket, his hand on his phone at all times.


Daemon said sluggishly while looking all around. The warehouse was sort of dark but still visible. Right now, his thoughts were slow and more precise. His judgement over things seemed to have increased as well.

'I feel like...I've betrayed everyone..'

No corny shit, but his 'Villain' arc has begun. After this, he was planning to go to the bar and admit that he knows about their plans. He would then asked to join then and see how things go from their.

'I'll Mold This World Into My Own Image.'

Where he sat on a thrown in the tallest tower, watching over his world. He'd have anyone in shackles who opposed him, not carring of who it could be.

"Hello, Daemon. What's with that atmosphere."

A cotton candy hair colored girl showed herself to him. She was about the same age as Daemon and had a cute face. Short, cotton candy hair with eyes that matched. She had on a pink mask with rainbows. Her clothes consisted of a fishnet long sleeved under shirt with a black sleeveless shirt on top of that. She had on blur jeans and a brown, thick belt.

"Are you the one that sent me that message? And don't use my name so freely.."

Daemon tried pulling her profile up, but it came back as blank. He could do this for anything or anyone. Basically, he would get a run down of their name or the products name, job or its purpose, and a brief description about the object or the person he's analyzing. Her description said, 'You see me, huh' with a smiley face at the end.

"Why, yes I am. And what should I call you? You never gave me an alias."

Daemon stared at her. She had a playful personality and seemed like the world spun on her finger.

"Call me, 'System'. Considering you people know what I can do.."

System. The source of all things. In this techno-magic world, Daemon's magic would be the center of all things essentially.

"System, huh? I like it. Nice to meet you, System. Would you please follow me?"

Daemon nodded and went up to her. They stood their for a while while she was humming, seeming to be waiting on something. Daemon shook his head at that and his thumb went down.

What happened next was the the floor of the entire warehouse going down, a new floor appearing in place above them. 'Is this a test? They probably just want to see what their dealing with.'

"Your very good, System. We'd usually have to press a button but with you, we can go down per your thoughts and actions. A truly scary power, even in our case."

As the whole floor kept going down, the scenery around them got wider and lighter. Daemon could now make out multiple cars and multiple computer servers that filled the walls like styrofoam.

'This is the first step into the real world, huh..'

The platform stopped, multiple people walking up to them. The cotton candy haired woman smiled at this and turned around to Daemon.

"Welcome to my Cyberspace..."

The lights fully came on, revealing a bunch of people in peculiar clothing. They all had either interested smiles or just plain looks.

