Goblin King Finale

Regius grinned from ear to ear as a tsunami of snow and dirt poured towards him because for some reason he was having more fun right now than he had in years. Regius had broken in the pens and the result was this boy who loved battle more than most things.

Macarthur had tried hard and he saw results in the young Peter who had gotten help who had seen to his demons but Regius was different. Regius had embraced the darkness within himself that the Kord family had awakened and he reveled in it. Regius embraced the wind mana and jumped into the air and then stepped off the air until he had soared over the massive wall of earth and snow where the Goblin King stood waiting with his ax in hand.

Regius's Haori billowed behind him as he looked down at the Goblin King. "Armor of the Demon King and mask of Owari defense mode" Gold mana wrapped around Regius and his armor morphed once again to look like the armor of an English knight but decorated in black and gold. A glass panel shaped like a v covered the eyes of the helmet that had two horns coming out of the top of it that flowed backward while the helmet itself was shaped like the head of a dragon.

The armor completed the change and the lotus now depicted itself on the breastplate and this time all five petals of the lotus began to glow a separate color while the center of the lotus began to spin. The petal of wind made his body faster, the petal of fire made him stronger, the petal of earth made him sturdier, the petal of water boosted his body's flexibility, and the petal of lighting directly influenced his brain, speeding up his thoughts as well as his reaction time. The core of the lotus had been dedicated to the metal element and its only purpose was to reinforce his armor; it was the only part that affected his equipment and not himself.

Regius had concluded that his greatest asset with creation mana was his nonsensical body that differed from every other human. His body kept growing stronger and so he had focused on that when he made his Empyrean Items and the Armor of the Demon King took his already horrifying body and supercharged it at the cost of mana.

Years of working for Macarthur had brought him into contact with so many different people and things that he and Link could eat from that his creations were capable of endless possibilities and the only limit would be a body that could handle the raw power of them and his specialized techniques that he could use through his equipment in place of spells.

Regius had loved the world of battle and bloodshed that had been brought to him; it almost felt as if he was born for it and it was during these moments that the young man felt most alive. "Mana Technique Falling Star of Surtur" The blazing mana that covered Regius' blade compressed itself to a point at the tip of Stella Sanguis and He dove while kicking the air as if he was jumping off of steps accelerating him downward towards the Goblin King.

The goblin king let out a mighty roar and with both hands on his ax, he started his swing with both hands behind his head with the head of the ax touching the ground and the earth rumbled in response. The ax left the ground as he began his swing and the earth itself moved in tandem with the ax and rose as thousands of earthen spikes. Regius laughed as he kicked again, increasing his speed as he looked more like a shooting star and less of a person.

He met the earth and burst through it as his speed increased further. The tip of Stella Sanguis met the middle of the ax and the compressed fire mana exploded outward like a laser beam that melted through the ax as if it was butter while Regius continued forward blowing through the Goblin King's body tearing his right arm from his body and setting him on fire with the pure friction that Regius's passing had caused. Regius spun across the ground to kill his momentum, his whole body appearing like a flaming spiral as his very passing ignited the air as he spun to a stop, melting the snow and turning this winter landscape into the heat of summer.

He finally came to a stop a hundred yards away from the Goblin King with Stella Sanguis still in both of his hands. He didn't stop for more than an instant when he dashed forward as the entirety of Stella Sanguis left a glowing trail through the air like a firefly in the night. He covered the distance in an instant and there he was in front of his target once again.

Ashlyne Vernize who had created distance from the fight stood in the sky in stunned silence as the burning Goblin King did its best to struggle after Regius closed the gap to no avail. Regius and his sword seemed to dance as he left a trail of light in the air as he dismembered the Goblin King piece by piece and Ashlyne was entranced by the beautiful sword dance. Regius would pivot and a piece of the Goblin king would fall away like this beautiful dance was being used to peel an onion.

Regius' hushed whisper reached her mana-enhanced ears when he made one final stroke and beheaded the Goblin King and caught it in his left hand while he held his sword in the right with both arms fully extended. "Lowe Family Mana Technique Waltz of the Endless Sun."