
The Goblin world seemed to grow dimmer after Regius killed the Goblin King but it was the aftereffect of killing the champion of a lesser world its energy was drained and the world itself was in danger of collapse but as long as someone monstrously strong didn't come through the portal the world would be fine and eventually it would recover.

Regius' bracelet took the King's head and Ashlyne began to lower herself to the ground. She circled him as his armor disappeared and he just became a young man in a hoodie and some jeans. "So you were capable of beating that thing long before you did. Why did you spend all of that time which could allow something to happen? Don't you know that World bosses are the pinnacle of whatever Rank they are at due to the world's interference? What if you had to jump more Ranks to try to fight that? Did your mom teach you that stuff? My mom talks about her all the time but apparently, she was a pacifist so there's no way right? Do you think that this will be enough to pass the test? Thanks to the fight you've buried everything you could turn in."

Regius looked at her appalled at the rapid-fire questions the girl he had only just met spewed from her mouth the moment she got to. Regius thought about answering some of them until the latter half caught him off guard. "I can't remember my mother and I don't understand why, it's suddenly like the memories just vanished so if my mother was from Atlantis then that's news to me. She almost appears like a shadow in most memories that would concern her." Regius stopped after that, it was the first time he had told anyone that and he truly had no idea why he had told that to this woman.

Ashlyne looked at him thoughtfully and then raised one finger in the air like she was coming to a point. "OH I read about that once in the royal libraries it's an old technique that combines hypnosis and mana to alter someone's memories, that's interesting I'll have to tell Momma that the next time I see her. Momma is really strong. She could maybe help you get them back I'll ask her." Regius kinda stood there stunned until Ashlyne waved her hand in his face. "Ay ya still in there? That fight makes the lights go out?" Regius shook his head "Uh thanks but I'm not big on favors from people I've just met." Ashlyne looked like she was about to pout before her eyes lit up " No problem then goblins are dirty and I'd rather not collect body parts so how about this you fill up my bracelet with enough for me to pass and I'll ask my mom, she'll do it then because Atlanteans always pay back a favor, kinda like a family policy."

Regius looked at her and smiled "Sounds like a deal then, this world boss will probably be worth more than enough and I've shown that I've done my part so I was gonna head back to the portal after I finished up here. We can get what we need for you from there." said Regius.

Ashlyne looked at Regius confused. "I was at the portal entrance there's no goblins there, the association had already cleared them out and what did you still have to do here? You already won." Regius put his hand out and Stella Sanguis appeared in it and he stuck it in the ground as he began to explain. "My equipment is kinda different thanks to creation mana and my blade is the most special creation of all. I was able to devise a means for it to grow stronger other than just absorbing the mana I take in. The blade can absorb blood to grow stronger.

Anyone who practices mana eventually will have it saturate their blood and it contains a certain power in itself so this absorbs all of that into the blade making it stronger." Regius held the pommel of Stella Sanguis and gave it the command "Drink Stella Sanguis" The earth that was saturated with the bodies of all the goblins and their blood seemed eager to be rid of it with the speed that it sped towards the blade. It seeped into the blade and disappeared and after a couple of minutes and what sounded like the sword was slurping from a straw. The green blood dyed the center green before it became clear again while Regius put the blade away and began walking towards the portal like a normal guy.

The goblin's blood had not carried enough energy so while the blade had grown much stronger it wasn't anything to mention. Ashlyne began to follow him while she asked question after question and Regius answered them to the best of his ability. The girl asked a lot of questions but Regius was okay with it, he hasn't talked with anyone since Peter went to school and it's not like he was bothered by it so why not answer her questions while he made his way to the portal it would take quite a while to get back even without him stopping but he should reach the portal in time to enact his plan.


On the outside of the portal, Macarthur sat with a smile of absolute pride on his face that he couldn't hide in the least and nor would he want to. He knew Regius wasn't his son but he was surely proud of him like he was. Regius didn't ask him for help much, well to be honest he didn't ask him for help at all but one day a year or so ago Macarthur had shown up to the warehouse to see Regius with Stella Sanguis in hand dancing around his father's training room. How could Macarthur not know exactly what was going on?

Leon Lowe had spent countless years fighting but also learning from anyone that could teach him and in the process, he created a weapon fighting style that was as beautiful as it was deadly. Leon had passed it down to all of his Kids but Macarthur had thought that Regius was too young to remember much of it but he had or so Macarthur thought until he saw that playing in the background was a video of Leon going entirely through the entire fighting style with a spear in hand as a young Regius sat upon his shoulders.

The dances varied for each of Leon's kids; Leon wanted the style to always express individuality but the requirements to learn it meant mastering many different styles of Combat. Leon personally taught it to his kids when they became teens and then every time one of them would create a new dance he would hoot and holler about how talented all his kids were. Regius was following his father's motions but with his blade and repeated them and the video as he silently wept but he continued all the same with tears streaming down his face; it was a boy dancing with a reflection of his father.

Regius was so wrapped in it that he hadn't heard Macarthur sneak in or see him standing at the door watching him. He silently grabbed a practice spear and came next to Regius, startling him. Macarthur ignored the tears that the boy hurried to wipe off and began to execute his father's dance perfectly. "I know I'm not your father Regius, I never will be but I certainly do love you with all of my heart just like I did your father. My entire family passed during the gathering. Your father found me a shell of myself and took care of me. I would be nothing if Leon Lowe didn't pick my dirty self off the street and treat me like a brother. I have loved him like a brother ever since and he may not be here now but I will teach you his style in his stead." Regius nodded once and Macarthur smiled.

"There were plenty of different styles within your father's martial art. Is there one, in particular, you'd like to start with?" Regius perked up at this because he had an answer at the ready. His head snapped to Macarthur "THE WALTZ!'' Macarthur was taken aback with his enthusiasm but laughed it off "Okay we can start with the waltz your father loved this style but not because he had some attachment to It He said your eldest brother had applied fire mana to it in a way that made the inventor in him so proud he didn't shut up for weeks. Your eldest Brother shared your fathers flare for the dramatic he had named it something sun or other"