
The class eventually filed out and Regius and Ashlyne along with plenty of the other students stuck to the same routine as previously which led them to the dining area of the school. Regius ate his fill rather quickly without sharing many words with Ashlyne before he headed off back to his room.

He went to his training area immediately so that he could continue making batteries. The past couple of days had changed the path he was on drastically and now he needed to complete the batteries. Regius started creating on a scale more massive than he had ever before as within a matter of hours he expended most of his mana it took him almost no time to refill his mana reserves to the max but the one other student currently occupying this portion of the school did as she was currently working on the third stage of the mana body technique and suddenly the mana would all begin to flow away from her room despite the training rooms being set up to channel more mana into them.

She had no clue what Regius was doing but what confused her, even more, was the fact that she had a similar situation to him in spirit and everything else but despite that fact when he began to absorb the surrounding mana to transform it into his own it was like no one the mana belonged to him and only him like it was all being sucked into some sort of black hole. In his own training room, Regius had made great progress; he was almost half complete with the creation of batteries when the sun rose to mark the next day.

Today was the class that Regius knew that he needed the least at this point in time there was no point in him going to a class about combat he was not like the rest of the students here and had spent most of his life so far refining his fighting ability year after year, sometimes with his life on the line. Regius sighed before going to shower and getting dressed and this time with enough time on his hands to be at Ashlynes door even before she was ready to come to get him.

"Well look at this Mr.punctual on here to pick me up for once." Regius smiled in a lazy kind of way before replying "This class is pointless for the both of us. I know you can't be looking forward to it." "Yes, and at the same time no Regius, you are different in that you clearly have your own fighting style but I've always kinda used brute force. It may be good for me to actually focus my talent in a direction and learn another way of fighting." Regius pondered on that and saw the truth in her statement he had the foundation that his father and family as well as Macarthur had built for him not to mention the different teachers that Macarthur had brought to Regius in secret while he grew up to further refine his own style of fighting.

He looked at Ashlyne up and down before commenting on what she had said as they walked to their destination. "You're not wrong but I don't think so much that you lack a style but more so that you've conformed too much to what the Atlanteans taught you. If I were to say I thought you used a spear-like weapon before we pulled weapons out during our fight in the Goblin World I would be lying. You seem to be adept at using your hands so undoubtedly some type of fist weapon may suit you more than your current Astra and I know plenty of styles that can't be learned anywhere that I can teach you" She stopped for a moment and looked at him.

"My Astra is made purely from the only forbidden rank Astra that my mother had access to at the time; you can't just change your Astra when you want, I figured you would know that better than anyone." Regius smiled a somewhat mocking smile before his eyes grew serious

"I can. If you really want to, I think I can reforge your Astra for you." Ashlyne's eyes lit up like the fourth of July as they twinkled and she smiled at him sweetly "Oh but this coming from the same person who was supposed to help me with the next level of the mana body technique and ran off to his room alone, and hogged all of the Mana."

Regius had completely forgotten that he told her he would help her "Okay Okay I apologize it slipped my mind yesterday but yea how about tonight I help you with both not to mention there's something I want to try out and you are strong enough so that you can certainly be of help to me."

She waved him off as they reached their destination "Fine your place right after class. I stopped by the school store and got groceries so I'll cook for you as a thank you." Regius looked at her with a look of absolute horror due to the last time a friend had tried to cook for him, coincidentally it was Peter but on that day everyone came to the unanimous conclusion that it was better for everyone's safety if Peter wasn't allowed to cook anymore. She had been looking at Regius since she said it with her eyes blazing with mana and he knew if he wanted to avoid a full-on fistfight he had no choice but to agree to it.

"Yea that sounds like a great plan!" Regius said those words as he took his last couple of steps rather quickly to reach the field that was their Combat training class. The students were in an open field and across from all of them was the most muscular man Regius had ever seen. The man stood about seven feet tall and was sitting in silence as everyone got here. He had a thick tangled beard that hung down to his upper chest that was as broad as the back seat of an old-fashioned car.

"My name is Mr. Proelium and I'm here today and all year to turn you all into real combatants. The majority of you have no real combat experience and the recording of most of you in the goblin world shows that in such clarity that I was embarrassed watching some of you struggle against such low-tier monsters. That being said, you all are first years and this class is meant to help you all improve in that aspect which is why we are here today."

The man finally exhaled and considering the room was temperature-controlled Regius had to wonder how hot the man's breath was that he managed to exhale steam like a train that he had seen in some old books. "I'm also not a big fan of wasting my time though and two of you have shown that there is nothing that you can learn in my intro class so therefore I'm giving the both of you passing marks and you are no longer required to come to my class." He fixed his eyes on where Regius and Ashlyne stood.

"The two of you may go, I watched the display that was your final fight and Regius has even learned his family fighting style that has shocked the world over while Ashlyne you displayed a knowledge of combat that is frightening to most living beings but do know this I teach the combat class for all years and if I don't see improvements from your current level before then you will be stuck attending my class next year. The rest of you can pick a partner, it's time to spar."

Regius and Ashlyne looked at each other dumbfounded at what had just happened while Regius did flips inside his mind with the excitement of having a full day to himself now before he remembered he had given his word to Ashlyne earlier as he turned to look at her as the two began to walk away. " I guess we can get started early on helping you."