
They reached Regius' room rather quickly and before long Ashlyne stood in his training room in tight-fitting shorts and a black cami while Regius wore a loose tank top and joggers.

Regius held one hand out and a black and gold forging hammer appeared there. This was another of the twelve empyrean items and it was what Regius used to craft the rest of them. The hammer depicted scenes of pharaohs and the pyramids and sphinxes and the Egyptian pantheon. A dark grey table appeared shortly after that depicted the Greek pantheon and stood on a single leg at its center shaped like a massive anvil. The two items were the Hammer of Ptah and the anvil of Hephaestus respectively. Ashlyne walked over to Regius as he pulled both things out and stood next to him.

She looked at them both inquisitively for a moment before turning to Regius "I forgot to ask but why do you give your creations names as you do. Most people don't do that ya know." Regius pressed on the table and it began to heat itself as an ore rose out of the middle of the table with a blazing flame heating it as he looked at her to answer

"Elizabeth Vasille was a seer just like your mother but she was also my fathers battle partner and traveled the myriad Realms with him but she had this massive library back home that she left all of these books from before the gathering and she had notes in some of them about her travels and one of her journal entries spoke on the importance of names. There are beings in the myriad realms with powerful mana abilities that they can trigger with just a name alone it's part of the reason that the adventure union gives you an alias upon getting your license but they can also give people places and things a sort of silent power almost like there is a type of mana that exists in names and as the names spread and become more and more widely known it almost seems to add an invisible strength to these things and breathes such power into a creation that is imperceptible but they're all the same."

Ashlyne nodded in understanding "So your names for things, why did you choose them." Regius smiled "Our history is littered with the hints that we had access to mana in the stories people before the gathering dismissed as a mere myth but I believe that those myths were beings that reached heights that humans now would only dream of. Their names still carry the power that they carried previously and if somehow they still exist in the Myriad Realms then my creations will leach that imperceptible energy that they have left behind and grow stronger for it. My blade is different though"

Regius eyes seemed to glow as he mentioned his blade before he continued " My blade I named myself because I will carve my path forcefully with it and brand its name into the minds of people everywhere I wanted my blade to start from scratch so that I can turn my blade into a legend people tell their children about and each time a story of its might is passed on my blade will swallow the beliefs, the hopes and the wishes of everyone who utters it reaching a level of strength that is unmatched in the myriad realms with just its name alone and me along with it. My blade will be my signature and my guide as it leads me to my dreams."

Ashlyne's eyes glittered at his words as the ore on the table finally finished heating. "Then when this is done, name my new weapon so that It can stand alongside yours." Regius looked deep into her eyes before they flared with mana and his own did in response

"Fine, leave your Astra on the table and go start practicing the mana body technique ill help you after I finish the Astra." She dropped her harpoon on the table and walked to the corner and sat down in a lotus position but at an angle where she would be able to see what he was doing but as that was happening Link bound out of Regius mana space and wrapped himself around the sitting Ashlyne giving her just enough space to sit while the massive beast sat around her with his nose toward her and began to inhale deeply as she practiced.

Link was siphoning her concept and sending invisible strands towards Regius as he sat her Astra in the center of the table and let the table burn it. The weapon quickly became red hot and Regius could see streams of creation mana escaping from it that Regius was quickly trapping in the air and right when it got red hot he brought his hammer down breaking the weapon in two.

Regius began to hammer away as sparks and creation mana began to shoot from it but the table seemed to trap it in place and keep it in his surroundings. Regius kept hammering until there were seven molten piles on the table that he began rapping in the strands that link was sending him before he took the ore he heated and split it and added it into each of the piles. The ore was a creation of Regius after feeding Link a bunch of minerals which had led to him creating the super mineral that he had dubbed Dragon Damascus.

It was a material that could grow with the user as easily as an Astra and was a composite material of Mythril and Orichalcum bonded with heat immense pressure and creation mana. Regius started shaping six of the piles into blades while the seventh continued to be wrapped in the strands he was being sent by Link.

Once the blades were formed Regius gestured to Link who made an irritated sound before he looked down at his paw and removed ten of his scales before depositing them next to Regius not before whacking him with his tail and sitting back with Ashlyne who watched the entire thing amused before she kissed Link on his snout as a thank you. Link brustled at this but let it happen which amazed Regius since he had only ever two other people other than Regius touch him and that was Peter and Macarthur.

A spindle raised out of another section of the table as the blades cooled and Regius started weaving a glove that he finished rather quickly. This was a thread harvested from a spider mana beast that Regius kept in the table constantly feeding it mana like the rest of his equipment and it was this that made up all of the fabric of his creations. Regius then took out Stella Sanguis as it shrunk to be the size of a whittling knife and he began to work on the scales. He shaved and cut away at the massive things before fitting them in the place of each of the fingers of the glove, giving them a sort of nail made from them with the gem portion sharpened and being the tip.

He then took the six blades and mounted them into a recess in the glove before he took strands from his mana space and the blades shrunk down and slid into the glove hidden. Regius then took the final molten pile and pulled a hollow paintbrush from his mana space. The brush of Davinci was the final object used to create stronger creations. It was hollow and could be inserted with things that Regius would deem paint to then inscribe abilities into his creations. Regius then inserted the molten material into the brush and began with the blades first making them protrude from the glove one by one as he worked on them and finally the back of the glove Regius was happy with his work and figured he would be done before another idea struck him.

He had finally reproduced a space strand and he inserted it into the brush wiping it gently across the nails giving them a slight silver sheen despite their current black due to it being night while using the rest to outline the taiji symbol that her eyes became when she was serious instead of her double pupils.

Regius stepped back and exhaled, a creation this unique had used almost a quarter of his entire mana reserves which for Regius was quite a lot of mana. The gloves were dark black and shimmered throughout with silver spots that looked like stars while the backs held the symbol he had learned from her representing balance. The nails could be used to attack with her hands but she could also pick the more lethal option that was the retractable blades that would be much more lethal.

Finally finished, the new Astra gave off a chilling glow and Ashlyne chose that moment to walk up to him and the table as Regius smiled at his creation and handed them to her. "From henceforth they will be called Night Ripper." She put the gloves on her hands and flexed her fingers causing the blades to pop out and then retract repeatedly. "Why Night Ripper?" Regius held the gloved hand and traced a line among them and the symbol on the back switched to be half a sun and half a moon before swapping back as she was able to feel elements that she never had before and realized that Regius had given her the most coveted ability of his and that was to utilize several elements so the world of possibilities that her concept opened to him would now be available to her whenever she wore the gloves.

"I named them as such because with these gloves you will never have your light covered by darkness and while you shine resplendently they will tear apart any darkness that may try to mask that."