Chapter 1.21 - Blax - Sense of Justice

As I continued to swing my giant sword at the enemy, I reminded myself that my blade was not sharp at all. Therefore, there was no way I could kill them. The biggest thing I could done to them was breaking their bones with my Superstrength. My swing was slow but if any of them ever get close to me, I'll just have to use my knowledge on Close Quarter Combat (CQC) and fight them back.

While I was busy swinging my sword, Kaym was surrounded by Dark Diablo members. He could fight them back with his demonic power but most of his power uses a lot of Infinitum and Kaym's Infinitum capacity was not that big yet. He might exhaust himself if he did one big move.

Just in the nick of time, Lore used his Shield to bash his enemy. This cleared a small path for Lore to help Kaym. During the distraction, Kaym continued to use his demon tail and sweep down the enemies legs one by one. Lore joined Kaym to fight the surrounding Dark Diablo.

"Glad I could make it in time." said Lore as he stood behind Kaym.

Kaym with a small grin responded, "It's no problem. I'm fine on my own."

"We are a team. Remember that." Lore reminded him of their position.

Kaym replied back while he continued to sweep down his enemy, "Fine, fine. Where is Blax?"

Suddenly, a voice was heard from further back of the factory, "Right here!"

With my Superstrength, I was able to jump high enough and smash the enemies that surrounded Lore and Kaym. Every single one of Dark Diablo members fell down on their knees from the impact of my sword smashing the dusty concrete floor.

"Kept you waiting, huh?" I said that in a very proud tone.

Kaym replied sarcastically, "You're pretty good, Black Berserker."

Out of curiosity, Lore asked us, "Why are you called Black Berserker anyway?"

I gladly told him, "I would tell you. But it is a long story."

I swung my sword on an incoming enemy which makes the enemy flew away out of the factory as if I was playing golf. I'll say it now, my Superstrength was not to be mess with. As much as I can say that however I was still a D ranked wizard. Even though I did so much, I never got to rise above than my peers. Thankfully, I have a few friends who never considers the ranking system as an important aspect of life.

As we continued to fight back, a loud boo suddenly went inside our eardrum. The boos somehow made us weaker. If I'm not mistaken based on Rulend's information, this magic belonged to Wewwy who uses Crowd Control.

We fell down on our knees from the loud boos. Even with my Superstrength, I still couldn't able to stand up from the magic. Few moments later, Wewwy revealed himself from the holographic crowd.

"Like my holographic crowd? It's a New-Generation Utility Magic. I don't need a real crowd like the Old-Generation version. I can just use them to demoralise you kids."

Wewwy who dons a business outfit explained his magic to us.

"" I even struggled to finish a sentence.

Wewwy continued, "Don't bother talking back. My Crowd Control can cheer or boo a target which will make the target's morale change accordingly. Crowd! Let's cheer our Dark Diablo brothers."

Suddenly, all nearby fallen minions rose up from their defeat. It was as if they got a burning spirit to keep on fighting. It sounded like they are the hero in these story. Just like a hero, they punched and kicked us to the ground rapidly. Lore barely managed to defend himself with his Shield. But, Kaym receives the biggest punishment. He was stomped, kicked to the gut, punched to the face. They attacked Kaym anywhere they possibly could.

I was also barely able to hold out thanks to my Superstrength but Kaym however...It made me remember something. It was around few years back when I still haven't got my Superstrength. I haven't met White and Rulend yet back then. It was before I transferred into their middle school. I saw another kid was being bullied but I couldn't do anything but watched him suffer.

After the bully left, the kid spat on me for just watching him and not doing anything at all. The following day, he was bullied again. This time, I came in and fought those bullies. Unfortunately, I was just a sore loser. Both me and the kid end up being demolished by those bullies.

"Why...did me...after I...spat on you?" said the kid as he tried to lay his back on a wall.

All I can remember was that I told him, "Because I believe you're not in the wrong!"

After that, I started to train myself to be stronger than I was before. I entered tons of competitions and won many medals for it. I even gained Superstrength around that time. I promised myself to always protect those I cared. Even though that was probably the last time I saw that kid, I know that he was doing his best on his side.

Little did I know, I met him last year and saw him changed a lot. Here I thought he would understand what I meant about what I said. But all he cares for was Revenge. The kid bullied the weaklings and he also finally able to beat up the bully who bullied him before. But what was worse than that, he made them suffer by drowning them in a pool. I managed to save them just in the nick of time but that kid won't budge at all.

I couldn't believe myself. How can such a wimpy kid turn into a bigger bully that was driven by revenge. The following thing I did to him after that could only be described with one word. Justice. I brought Justice to him. I couldn't count how much Justice I gave to him. Can we even count Justice? All that I remembered was that he was sent to a prison school after I filed a report to the Bully Protection Organization.

Remembering all that while looking at Kaym's suffering the pain of being kicked and punched made me felt something. I felt a wild Black Fire that was lit deep inside of me. I knew this moment would come and I managed to control myself from going outrage. I really don't like being The Black Berserker because I'm afraid that I may end up hurting my friends. I couldn't control myself.

But thankfully, The 'armor' was nice enough to me that day.

"What's that?" Wewwy asked.

Suddenly a dark explosion blows away all the minions that attacked us. The explosion even dispelled the effects of Crowd Control on us. I looked at my right hand which was holding the sword and saw that my right arm now wears a black gauntlet. As I said, the 'armor' was nice enough to me that day. I let out a loud roar and swung my sword all over the incoming enemy as Kaym and Lore watched from the sideline.

"What...what is going on?!" Wewwy was so shocked and scared that he ran away.

No one escapes from The Black Berserker. I pounced on Wewwy. He was then on the ground and I grabbed his head and smashed his face to ground repeatedly. I could hear his screams. At first it was so loud. He stopped screaming after a few smashes on the cracked concrete floor. Bloods were spewing out of his face as I continued.

The next thing I remember was that I woke up from a deep sleep. Apparently, White was the one who stopped me from being berserk. White made it in time. Wewwy received a severe injury to his bleeding head. But we already stopped the bleeding thankfully.

"What happened? Did we win?" I asked White who looked very concern.

He replied, "You went berserk, Blax."

"Even though the 'armor' was only on my arm..." I said that as I looked at my right hand that was now normal.

"Even a single drop of ink can spoil a gallons of milk." White told me as he wraps his arm with cloth.

"What happened to you?" I asked him wondering what made him wrap his arm with a piece of cloth.

White replied to me, "While you were out, my team was fighting Righter. We managed to beat him but Airi exhausted himself. He's lying on the ground there."

I looked at Airi who was totally tired after putting all of his strengths fighting this lieutenant named Righter. He must have been a problematic foe if even Airi got exhausted from it.

White then continued, "And the battle is not over yet, Blax."


He stood up and said, "We still have to help those three who are being played around by Roman."

"You are right." I said to him as I tried to stand up.

"I think you shouldn't fight now. Take a rest. You've earn it. My battle has just begun." White stopped me from standing up.

He left me along with Airi and Kaym who was also lying down on the ground with minor injury thanks to his Devil Trigger. White walked away outside of the factory. I wonder what really happened to Airi. I wondered how strong can this Righter be. Where was Haz in all of these? I thought he was with White. Why did he wrapped both of his hand with cloth. I wondered what really happened...