Chapter 1.22 - Airi - Loyalty

As much as I enjoyed putting down all of these idiots with my magnetic magic, it wouldn't hurt anyone if I could at least try to go overboard on one of them. But, White said 'no casualties' so I had to obey him. I may sound as if I had some blood lust over these guys but the truth was I had no history with those Diablo idiots.

I'm doing this because I'm just following what my friends were doing. I was bored and had nothing better to do. So why not join this band of misfits I say. But I guess it was more than just that. There was a reason why I joined them.

As I continued to magnetite all available metallic material in the factory, I threw it all to all those minions. If there was a challenge to see who beats the minions the most, I would probably be the winner. I've made a huge chunk of metal and throw it at an unsuspecting victim who were focusing on the others.

The chunk then was rolled around and attracted more minions on it. The chunk of metal that was rolling around the factory was getting huge with the masses of humans being attracted to it. I finished it off by directing the huge ball to hit the wall which then resulted in an implosion of humans flying around the factory.

"You seem relentless today, Airi." White complimented me as he looked at the mess I made.

"I'm just psyched."

"Why?" White tilted his head.

"Why?" I raised my arm casting Magnet and made a chunk of metal in the air. "Because this will be good for training!"

I threw the chunk to a group of minions and send them down like bowling pins. Nothing can stop me.

"That's great, Airi. Just don't go overboard about it."

"Don't you worry now. I won't do something bad like those three idiots."

"You mean The Magnificent Three?"

"Exactly, White. Who else?"

White laughed a little. I also laughed along with him. Just as we were warming up with each other, a metallic pole approached us. Haz deflected it just in time with his Infinibot Hammer.

"Are you guys, alright?"

"We're fine, thanks to you." White thanked Haz.

"What the heck was that?" I curiously asked.

We looked around the factory to find anything distinctive but there was nothing that caught our eyes at all until another pole came in which was then deflected again by Haz. We looked at the direction where the pole came and we saw a slender tall man with a top hat holding a book in his hand.

"Looks like I have been discovered. Too bad for you because I'm always hard to be noticed." As he was saying that, he wrote something on his book and his body dissolved.

"Is it Teleport?" I tried to guess.

"No, that's not it. It's probably that book." Haz concludes based on his brief observation.

"Who are you?" White asked the top hat guy.

The top hat guy then dissolved and reappeared multiple times to different points and introduced himself at the same time, "They call me. Righter. Righter The Writer. 2nd in command Of Dark Diablo."

He moves very fast. He writes very fast. He probably wrote stuff in a rush without thinking the future much. Probably thinking only in the present moment. Righter The Writer, from what Haz concluded I think his magic was probably The Notebook of Reality. The Notebook of Reality is a defensive type magic where anything the user writes a single word in it. It will appear in reality.

However he can't simply write 'kill' if he wants to kill a person. Because The Notebook only applies to the user. But if he writes an object, it will appear. He can then make the object attack a target by writing out orders in the book. This Notebook is useful if the user has a fast hand in writing out a word. But still, The Notebook of Reality is like a double-edged sword considering some words apply to the user only.

Righter wrote in something and dissolved again. This time I heard a burning sound. I looked behind me and saw a flame ball heading right at me. White quickly responded and froze the time. With his 1.5 second limit, he pushed me away and sacrificed himself by holding it with both of his hand. White's painful screech was heard throughout the factory.

White's hand was scorching with fiery flame. White's hand could be in dust in a matter of seconds and thankfully the fire stopped before that happened. His hand was charred black. It was darker than darkness. I could see his veins showing up on his arm. So this was how hot a fire magic is. White kneeled down in pain and grunted.

"White! Why did you save me?" I panicked.

He breathes heavily and looked at me, "Of course I would save you."

"No! That was too reckless. Now look what happened."

Haz intervened, "Once White decides on something, he will always follow through even if he had to improvise. You are really stubborn, White."

"Haz..." White tried to open his mouth. "Help...those three...they won't...make it in time..."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll be fine. Airi and I will handle this."

Haz nodded and put an Infinibot at the floor in front of White.

"Here. Use this. I have extras in my pocket but this is the one when you first met it in the lab. I know you are used to this. Just transfer your Infinity using your leg or something."

"Stay safe...Haz..."

Haz nodded again and ran toward The Magnificent Three. He left me along with our leader who was now charred on both of his arm. It was really hard to look at it. But my vision moved toward Righter as he grinned of the outcome of his fire spell.

"I didn't expect that but it still work out in the end. I got lucky there, I guess."

I grit my teeth and gripped my hand, "You won't be lucky next time."

"There won't be a next time when I do this." Righter wrote on his notebook and then a wall of fire appeared and began moving toward me.

I would lie to myself if I said I am not afraid of the fire. Considering what happened to White's arm. This was going to hurt a lot. But then I realised.

I finally understand why I joined Stardust. So that I can have fun with them. No longer alone. They don't care how powerful or weak you are. What matters the most was how loyal you are with each other. I can understand why White protected me. Because he trusted me. And I will gladly show him back my trust to him.

I picked up as many stuffs that my Magnet could carry and formed a wall to protect White. I guess we made a bad decision to fight against something big as Dark Diablo. If only I realised he trusted me sooner. His hand wouldn't be charred like that.

Here it comes, the wall of flames headed toward me in full speed while burning those in their way including Dark Diablo minions. How cruel can he be. Suddenly the fire grew even bigger. I looked up and saw another person standing next to Righter. So he was the fire user. Only a fire user can make a fire that hot.

Curses. Righter was faking his writing just now. But this time both of Dark Diablos lieutenants were using their speciality to burn me alive. There was no escape for me. But I'm glad White was safe. I'm glad I protected him with my magic. I closed my eye and braced.

What happens next was a splashing water sprinkled to my skin. I opened my eyes and saw Hosuke used his water manipulation to make a wall of water to block the fire. Rulend and Zone also arrived and carried White to a save place.

"I leave those two to you guys." said Rulend as he carried White to safety.

"I'll help." Zone joined us.

Thank goodness they arrived just in time. I would be toasted.

"Thank me later, Airi. We have some Dark Diablo to go-go." Hosuke tried to crack a joke.

"That was bad." I replied.

"Well too bad you had to listen to that."

"Whatever." I scratched my head.

"Alright guys. Let's get serious." Zone patted us from the back.

"Let's do this, Stardust."

As soon as the water wall disappeared, I grabbed any possible material using my magnet and prepared to fight. Zone begins to release an aura as well as Hosuke. This was it guys. Let's have some fun.