Chapter 1.23 - Rulend - Finding Opportunity

I carried White to safety. Both of his arm were burnt to the flesh. Hosuke managed to heal it up a little but he was already busy handling the two lieutenants. Around the same time as well, I could tell that Blax and his team were fighting to the fullest. I know that very well, especially because I have my Investigation.

Calm and calculated. That's what they always told me about myself. But that was just mere words that doesn't really stand up a lot. That was based on my opinion at least. But to someone like White, he would agree and disagree about it. It was unimaginable. Beyond calculations. Impossible. For someone who doesn't have talent, he has quite a lot of talent without him noticing it at all.

It really was funny. How can he not see that he was special. Here I thought we wouldn't be able to talk to a nobody because most of the time they will always feel jealous about us. But what those guys didn't know was that talent was a blessing and also a curse. The only one to notice that was White. I don't know how he figured it out. Where he got this knowledge. He always surprises me. Even after 6 long years of knowing him, he still surprises me.

"When did you ever had the guts to protect Airi?" I put him down near the wall and tended his wound.

"He is my friend. No other answers." He told me that as he looked at Airi, Zone & Hosuke fighting off the two lieutenants.

I smiled a little, "You never stop to surprise us, White. You're like an assassin. A swift one at that. You don't think much about the process because what matters was the results."

"Results...I don't think I'm prepared for such a thing yet. We're just getting started."

"What are you talking about, White? You have been doing this for a while now. Even during middle school."

"Really?" He sighed, "I guess I didn't notice it."

"That's why it is called talent. Something you are good at."

White managed to smile even during that time. At least I know he was okay. I continued to tend his arm and wrapped both of his arm with a piece of cloth each.

"That should do it."

"Thanks, Rulend."

"It's no big deal. Anyway, what now?"

"We take down those two of course."

"I see. But maybe..."

White looked at me wondering why I said that.

"Maybe you should go to Blax. He needs you the most right now."

"What do you mean, Rulend?"

"He is berserking."

He nodded, "Got it. Once you guys done with those two, help out Haz."

"Alright, captain."

"Oh please, don't call me that. I never intended to become one."


"We'll talk about that later." White left me as he runs toward Blax who was berserking.

Now that an order has been given. I must deliver it. I don't care how it goes through, I don't care of the process. What matters that in the end we will make it through. That was the result that we all wanted.

I headed to where Hosuke, Airi & Zone was fighting and joined them. In that instance, I saw Hosuke just dodged a fire ball by jumping away from it. He countered it with his own water ball and threw it to the enemy. Righter The Writer and the other lieutenant, Mahan, The Firelord. Mahan defended it with his own fire wall and continued to throw more of his fire ball at Hosuke.

Meanwhile, Airi & Zone continues to defend themselves behind Airi's Magnetic Wall with an additional common spell that most educated wizard should know how to do, which is Wall. It's no surprise that everyone from our school can use Wall. It was basically a wall filled with our Infinitum. There's no need to be unique. But those Walls can be stronger if you were able to mix it with your own ability like Hosuke's Water Wall.

"What are you doing here, Rulend? Where's White?" asked Zone while he was using Wall.

"He's fine. I'm helping out."

"What can you do?"

"Finding opportunities..."

Zone smiled and gave out more Infinitum to his Wall. Righter's writing was very fast. Righter continued to attack with a barrage of elemental magic. The situation was getting dire. I have to find a way to stop Righter from writing nonstop on his Notebook. I scanned the factory from top to bottom with my Investigation. Once the results were out. I discovered a few possibilities that we could stop this situation. But I have to act fast. So, I ran away from the battlefield.

"Wait! Where are you going, Rulend?" Zone asked.

"I'm running away, I can't take this any longer!" I shouted as loud as I could and ran out.

Immediately, Zone knows I was lying and I was already on my way to my plan. Zone can be very cunning sometimes. He can tell a lie and also see through a lie. He was even more dangerous than I am because he could manipulate those around him to do his job. But instead, he doesn't. He decided to put his ability to good use by helping us. I'm glad he wasn't on the enemy side.

Zone assured Hosuke and Airi with a slight gesture of assurance. Hosuke and Airi understands it and act out as well.

"That coward! How dare he ran away!" Hosuke 'flawlessly' lied to them.

"Just leave him be. He's just a nobody with an ability that couldn't fight people." Airi also lied as well.

Their lies were terrible in a way that even someone as clueless as Kaym could notice that. Somehow, such lies were able to penetrate through those two idiotic brains.

"Too bad he ran away. I could FIRE him for sure you know." says Mahan as he keeps throwing fireballs.

"It's better to run away than facing us head on. Such foolish children." Righter confidently said that as he continues to write in elemental magic.

In a few moments later, I appeared behind Righter and snatched his Notebook away from his hands. I immediately jumped out of the way and throw it at a furnace that was happened to be there. Zone lit up a piece of matchstick and threw it into the furnace. The furnace was then glowing in fire, burning The Notebook into ashes.

"NOOOO! MY BOOK! MY NOTEBOOK!" Righter screamed out loud as he could.

"Hosuke, now! Hit the sprinklers!" I ordered Hosuke to activate the factory's sprinkler.

Hosuke with his Water Manipulation manipulates the water that was stored behind the sprinkler and caused a rain in the entire factory. Mahan's fire were getting weaker as the rain keeps on dropping on his body.

With the big opening that Righter gave me, I gave him a superkick right to his chin and sent him falling down from the 2nd floor. Zone ran in and uppercut him before he even reached the ground. During the confusion, I ran toward Mahan and gave him a right elbow to his stomach. Then, a knee to his chin and then an elbow to the face and finishing it off with a back spinning punch to the face. That combo also made Mahan fell down from the 2nd floor where Zone catches him in a muscle buster position and does the muscle buster to Mahan, knocking him up. Zone for the win takes a cover. 1,2,3! Ring the bells! We won the match!

Wait a minute. What am I doing? This isn't wrestling. Why was I commentating? Jeez, this was probably White's fault for influencing me with pro wrestling. And did Zone just did a muscle buster? Wow, what a surprise to see my friend actually does a wrestling manuever in front of us. If only White were here, he would love this.Anyway, we did it. I can't believe we finished them off with a wrestling move.

"Now that they are eliminated, we should focus on helping Haz." I said to the three of them.

"What about White?" Airi asks.

"Don't worry about him. He will get Blax and the others to join us later. This is his order."

"If the captain said so." Airi scratches his head.

"What are we waiting for? Haz is fighting Roman all on his own!" said Hosuke as we ran toward their location.

Today has been interesting so far. I had a delicious breakfast, I was lucky to get the last limited edition of Elematrix's Eraser, I found 10 dollars on the ground but returned it, I rejected another girl, I finally finish finalizing Stardust entry in The Magic Duel, and I also once again rejected another girl before the meeting. This has been fun so far.

But now I think it's time to get serious because what we are about to face was The Boss of the infamous wanted Dark Faction in our city, Dark Diablos. I'm very worried about Haz. I know he is an A Ranked Wizard but fighting against a Superhuman can be quite a mountain for him. We better hurry up.

I also hope White manages to calm Blax down from his undying rage. That Black Berserker rage. Stay safe, White.