Chapter 2.4 - Lore - Their Combination

We entered the forest 10 minutes after the initial start has passed. The number of team has been decreased tremendously leaving only few remaining teams that deemed worthy to get the 22 coloured wands. Our team separated in pair while White will have to wait for another 10 minute because of the round interval that Zone told us.

I said to myself while walking beside Rider, "Each time the round reach a 10 minute mark, the rules will be changed. Like what happened every year, during the first 10 minute, all of the plants and trees became less dangerous. The following 10 minutes will be completely different because of how big the forest this time."

Based on what I remembered reading from those history books about the game, the 2nd interval was usually a landscape change. Like a huge crater or an abandoned building suddenly appear inside the forest. There was also the interference from fake monsters that was powered by our teacher's Infinitum. Rarely enough, there was also a legendary animal that made a special appearance inside the forest. But that was uncalled for since there's no way the school can summon such a legendary animal.

In any case, I was paired up with Rider to look for the wand. We climbed a tree and began to jump from branches to branches. I was in my Cover Mode at the time while Rider was wearing a green camouflage uniform. He managed to pull it off thanks to his Transform ability.

"It's nice being camouflage you know. But you do remember that I can't do that, Rider."

"Stay quiet. We don't want the enemy know I'm here with you."

"Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be bait. I forgot." My sarcasm went right through him.

"Keep in mind that I will only reveal myself if it's too hard for you to handle on your own."

"Got it."

As we continued to jump from branches, we stopped for a moment because we saw two other teams were fighting each other.

"Aren't those from our class, Rider?"

"Yeah. Yeah they are."

"Who are they fighting against?"

"Oh shoot, It's one of the Supernova."


"Yeah, there are all ganging up on her"

"Should we help that girl?"

"No. Observe."

The girl doesn't move at all. Our classmate decided to charge through using their magic. Suddenly, the girl jumped and threw out numerous amounts of tin can. We all know that she made that possible thanks to the Dimensional Inventory. Same as how Rider kept all of his costumes and armors and how I kept my shield. It's a separate dimension where wizards can keep their belongings. We just have to pay a monthly fee to use the Dimensional Inventory Service.

We all thought that tin can could mean to distract her enemy. But what we don't know was that it suddenly exploded and knocked out all of them.

"What was that, Rider?!" I was truly shocked.

Rider explained to me, "That's Asia Mercury, White's classmate. She can blow up any aluminum. It was called Gravitational Bomb if I'm not mistaken."

"What does it do?"

"Basically, have you heard of gravitons?"


"Its gravity particles. Just before an explosion, there will be a rapid amount of gravitons infused inside an aluminum. Using aluminum as an origin point, they force gravitons to accelerate explosively, scattering the aluminum into the surroundings. Basically, they turn aluminum into an explosive."

"Where do you know all these stuffs?"

"I was too caught up in finding a way to beat Airi's Magnet. His Magnet ability has a lot of relation with gravity. So I also ended up learning about gravitons as well."

"And how is it related? Isn't magnet just...magnet?"

Rider begins to explain more, "His Magnet is not the obvious magnet. There is a logical explanation to his ability. His Magnet actually changes the amount of gravitational force on anything that he activated on. It's only called Magnet because its more fancy and easier than giving it a scientific name like Gravitational Force Manipulation."

"I see." I was in awe at his vast amount of knowledge about gravity.

I guess this was the norm for people who wear glasses. Rider, Blax and Haz all wore glasses and they all love this kinds of things. Those three were science freak. While Rulend, Zone and me are all masters of logical theory. Then again, that's not so different at all. Then we have, Airi, Hosuke and Kaym who only explains it by saying its magic. White on the other hand, he was a bit different.

Back to the matter at hand. Asia threw another tin can at her opponent and blew them up once again. It was devastating to see all 7 members of a team consist of our classmates being beaten by a single girl.

"Why tin can?" I asked.

"I thought you knew why."

"Oh!" I finally remembered. "She loves recycling. Of course. That explains it all."

"We better get a move on now, we don't want them in our sights."

"Hold on Rider look. Another team is trying to ambush her!"

We saw some bushes were rustling from a distance. They were really bad at hiding in a bush. Suddenly the bushes grew bigger and bigger. There was only one explanation other than Mr. Z's ability. It was another member of Supernova, Sally Mahogany. She uses Tree of Life. A utility type magic where she can give more life to people or animals or plants.

In this case, she made the bush became larger and grew sharp thorns. In this kind of 'arena', it was her backyard because the forest was filled with millions of greenery. Mr. Z ability was a bit different in that he could make a forest out of a simple patch of grass. That forest remains as it is permanently until he cancels it out. Meanwhile, Sally couldn't make a forest. But she totally can make an army of trees and plants.

The team that was hiding in the bush went outside and immediately were blown up by Asia's tin can. That was what I call a combination. Like us, The Sword and Shield. They are like the Green Combination since Asia recycles and Sally can give a wilted flower, life. Protecting earth in some way.

"Alright, we've had enough of them." Rider concluded.

"Yeah, let's go now."

"Better avoid contacting with anyone with a tremendous amount of ability. We still have a long way to go."


"Lore." Rider stopped me.

"What is it?"

"Their combination...seemed more complete than us."

I never expected Rider would say that out of all the things he could have said. We were usually a team. A combination. Each other compliments their strengths and weakness. Like two peas in a pod, we did everything together. I'm not saying that I'm always have to stick around with him. I just felt more comfortable when I'm fighting alongside my trusted friend.

"No, Rider! Our combination is more complete!"

"How can you tell? Even White could beat us. And he barely knows about his ability."

"Stop it, Rider! We are not here to argue."

"What are we even arguing about? We're wasting time here."

Rider returned to his camouflage and put a distance between me and we continued to jump on branches. We've just witnessed, first hand, of what our opponents would do to us soon. Those Supernova members were insane. I wonder what was the other members ability were. It won't be long until we figured that out though. They even unknowingly made a rift between me and Rider.

"Rider...I'm sorry for raising my voice."

I waited for him to respond. He responded 2 seconds later, "Me too. We shouldn't fight. The qualification barely even started. We're not even inside the real Magic Duel yet. There's no way we can win if we keep arguing about this nonsense."

"Yes. You are right."

"Come on, Lore. Cheer up."

"I know. We still have a long ways to go."

Even though we already saw how fierce the duel will be, we are still confident that we will at least make it through the qualifications. Looking back at the battle that we have witnessed, it made us feel more determined than before.

While we were scouting around the area while avoiding contact, Airi and Hosuke got caught up in a three-way team fight. Thankfully, those two uses ranged magic. So they can use their ability at a safe distance.

"There is no end to this clones is it?" Hosuke complained as he continued to burst out water to the incoming enemy that was cloned.

"Why of all team, we have to face The Magnificent Three once again!" Airi also complained.

From the way they complained, they were probably annoyed at how they had to face the people that they saved 4 days ago. The Magnificent Three were lucky enough that they didn't get into a major injury. Only a few bruises here and there. But because of them, Kaym and Haz were hospitalised.

Around the same time as well, Blax and Rulend were also searching for the wand. With the help of Rulend's Investigation, he could detect any movement that was around his area for the past few minutes ago.

"Someone was eaten by Mr. Z's plant here." said Rulend as he finished inspecting the ground.

"Anything else?"

"Someone is approaching."


"West of us."

Two dark figure was approaching Blax and Rulend. Who will it be? Without thinking much, Blax went ahead and jumped into them and smashes them with his huge sword.

"Blax...You're too reckless."

As soon as the dust settles. Blax and Rulend saw Rider and me.

"Are you serious, Blax? Attacking your own ally?" said Rider.

"Hey we have to be cautious in this forest you know. I thought I say we have to split up. What happened?"

"We're almost got caught up in a 'Supernova'"


"So you've seen their abilities?" asked Rulend.

I replied, "Not all of them though. Just Asia and Sally."

"I see."

Just as Rulend was thinking. He noticed the true enemy was about to approach. It was a full single team approaching them. They have surrounded us. There's only one way we can get out of this mess and it is by fighting.